
  • Rolex;Rolexes;Rolex oyster
  1. 然后你会被豪雅(TAGHeuer)、欧米茄(Omega)或劳力士诱惑,选哪一款就看你的预算。

    Then you will be seduced by TAG Heuer , Omega or Rolex , depending on your budget .

  2. 同梅赛德斯-奔驰(Mercedes-Benz)和劳力士(Rolex)一样,哈雷公司算得上善于经营品牌历史的大师。

    Along with companies like Mercedes-Benz and Rolex , Harley is a master at marketing the past .

  3. 只需花9美元就能买到一块仿制的劳力士(Rolex)手表,而36美元即能购入一款假冒的古驰(Gucci)手袋。

    An imitation Rolex can be had for $ 9 . A fake Gucci bag goes for $ 36 .

  4. 梅赛德斯-奔驰(Mercedes-Benz)、劳力士(Rolex)和无数其他产品都是利用这种现象发的家。

    Mercedes-Benz , Rolex , and countless other products have counted on this phenomenon for their very existence .

  5. 最近一个由美国乔治华盛顿大学和L2智囊团的分析发现,在中国,周大福的品牌知名度超过劳力士、宝格丽或蒂芙尼。

    A recent analysis by George Washington University and L2 , a think-tank , found the brand is better known in China than Rolex , Bulgari or Tiffany .

  6. 他们并不认同这样一个观点:即你永远不知道自己什么时候可能需要假冒伟哥(Viagra)或是仿制的劳力士(Rolex)。

    They are not convinced by the argument that you never know when you might need counterfeit Viagra or a replica Rolex .

  7. 据布洛克介绍,最畅销的品牌是欧米茄(Omega)和劳力士(Rolex),而镶嵌珠宝的手表往往比美国市场更好卖。

    Mr Block reports that the best selling brands are Omega and Rolex with jewelled watches tending to perform better than in the US .

  8. 中国对知识产权的价值一直有着很高的评价,就像窃贼明白你的劳力士(Rolex)很值钱一样。

    China has always had a high regard for the value of intellectual property – like a burglar knows the value of your Rolex .

  9. 艺术在这里并不重要,重要的是它所代表的东西,库图兹斯表示。艺术是一种身份地位的象征,就像劳力士(Rolex)手表那样。

    It is not the art that is important here but what it represents , says Koutouzis : Art is a status symbol like a Rolex watch .

  10. 尽管LPGA上周没有赛事,当周一劳力士积分榜公布时,克里斯蒂-科尔又重新回到世界第一的位置。

    Although the LPGA did not have an event last week , Cristie Kerr reclaimed the No.1 position in the world Monday when the Rolex Rankings were released .

  11. 看看如今的流行服饰:“软着装”、“懒人装”和“运动休闲”。华美的劳力士手表(Rolex)似乎难以在如今时尚领域的时髦术语中找到自己的一席之地。

    Pick your trend : " soft dressing , " " slobcore , " " athleisure " - today 's buzzwords speak to a fashion landscape that doesn 't have room for flashy Rolexes .

  12. 记者昨天在淘宝上查找5分钟,就发现了78美元的香奈儿(Chanel)手表、29美元的路易威登(LouisVuitton)手袋和6美元的迪奥(Dior)香水,但怎么也找不到25元人民币的劳力士(Rolex)手表。

    A five-minute trawl through Taobao yesterday netted a haul of a $ 78 Chanel watch , a $ 29 Louis Vuitton handbag and $ 6 Dior perfume , but Rmb25 Rolex watches were nowhere to be found .

  13. 我们没有劳力士和保时捷可以卖了。

    We 'd no more rolexes and Porsches left to sell .

  14. 一只手腕上戴的劳力士手表对的是汤加时间;

    A Rolex on one wrist is set on Tonga time ;

  15. 2000年,瑞士劳力士手表公司授予他“劳力士事业奖”。

    In two thousand , the Rolex Watch Company of Switzerland

  16. 我收集劳力士与钻石。

    I have a Rolex collection and a diamond collection .

  17. 你会喜欢我送你的劳力士表。

    You 're gonna love the roiex I got you .

  18. 今天,劳力士的广告则凸显了其与李娜之间的联系。

    Ads run by Rolex today have highlighted its ties to Li .

  19. 和我不一样的是,我的劳力士从不需要休息。

    Unlike me , my Rolex never needs a rest .

  20. 你该给我偷些珠宝或劳力士手表。

    You 're supposed to steal me jewelry and rolexes .

  21. 来,4只漂亮的假劳力士才化了新台币5000块。

    Here you are . Four beautiful fake Rolexes for Nt $ 5,000 .

  22. 你们想买劳力士表吗

    Oh , hey , guys , you want to buy a Rolex ?

  23. 葛兰达从我老板家偷了条劳力士手表。

    Glenda stole a Rolex watch from my employer .

  24. 但她依旧戴着先生送她的劳力士手表。

    However , the Rolex watch from her husband remains firm on her wrist .

  25. 去年,劳力士推出了针对年轻一代的青年雄才计划。

    Last year , Rolex launched the Young Laureates Program for the younger generation .

  26. 再后来,劳力士出现在马尔恰纳图书馆外墙上。

    Then Rolex appeared on the marciana library .

  27. 目前她代言的产品超过10个,如耐克、奔驰和劳力士等。

    She now has more than 10 sponsors including Nike , Mercedes and Rolex .

  28. 按标准时间保持工业劳力士是一个相对的新人。

    By the standards of the time-keeping industry , Rolex is a relative newcomer .

  29. 劳力士?!别开玩笑了!那可远超过我的预算了。

    Rolexes ! Are you joking ? That 's far outside my price range !

  30. 这可是块劳力士呢

    It 's a damn Rolex . Oh .