
  1. 过去,他一直佩戴着一块价值4.8万美元的江诗丹顿(VacheronConstantin)手表,但与我见面时他并未将表戴在手腕上。

    In the past , he has worn a $ 48000 Vacheron Constantin watch , but when we meet he is not wearing it .

  2. 这家店位于中心商业区一条狭窄的小街上,距离卡地亚(Cartier)、江诗丹顿(VacheronConstantin)和百达翡丽(PatekPhilippe)奢华的旗舰店仅几步之遥。

    The boutique , nestled on a narrow street in the central business district , is a few steps from the luxurious flagship stores of Cartier , Vacheron Constantin and Patek Philippe .

  3. 这是因为,不同于江诗丹顿(VacheronConstantins)之类的奢侈品牌,斯沃琪非常实用。

    That 's because Swatches - unlike , say , VacheronConstantins - are extremely practical .

  4. 核心频率是上个世纪由江诗丹顿手表口袋开始大量核心的库存和再抛光的变革。

    Core clock is the beginning of the last century by a Vacheron Constantin pocket watch huge core inventory and re-polished by the transformation .