
  • 网络Bank of Jiangsu;jsbchina.cn
  1. 所有银行都疯了,中等规模的江苏银行(BankofJiangsu)的一名经理表示。

    Every bank has turned crazy , said a manager at Bank of Jiangsu , a midsized lender .

  2. 抗战前江苏省农民银行述论

    On the Agricultural Bank of Jiangsu Province before the Anti-Japanese War Peasants Migrated to Cities

  3. 南京国民政府时期,江苏省农民银行是江苏省唯一的官办农业银行。

    During the Nanjing national government period , the Farmers Bank of Jiangsu is the only official agricultural bank in the Jiangsu province .

  4. 相比较而言,江苏省农民银行是抗战前经营最好、成绩最为显著、对农村贡献最大的农业银行。

    Compared with other agricultural banks , the agricultural bank of Jiangsu province managed the most successfully , achieved the most notably , and did the greatest contribution to Jiangsu countryside before the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression .

  5. 江苏宜兴农村合作银行

    Jiangsu Yixing rural cooperative bank