
  • 网络Labor Property Rights;property right of labor
  1. 劳动产权与联合产权制度

    The Property Rights of Labor and the United Property Rights Institution

  2. 抵押权的登记。论劳动产权

    Part III Registration of mortgage . On the Property Rights of Labour

  3. 联合产权是指要素产权和劳动产权的联合。

    Firm is a united property rights institution .

  4. 对劳动产权问题的一些思考

    Thoughts on Some Problems of Labor Property Right

  5. 以组织知识和能力的劳动产权的形成加强了这一趋势。

    It was strengthened by the organizational knowledge & capability based on the property of labor .

  6. 论劳动产权

    On the Property Rights of Labour

  7. 要使三方主体分获资本产权股、知本产权股和劳动产权股。

    The tripartite mainstay should be given property share , knowledge property share and production right share .

  8. 劳动产权主要指劳动者按照劳动贡献享有收益的权利。

    Labor property rights mainly refers to the rights that laborer gets income according to his working contribution .

  9. 联合生产中形成的属于全体劳动者的企业组织知识和能力称为劳动产权。

    The organizational knowledge & capability forming during the production period are named with the property of labor .

  10. 劳动产权和资本产权是企业产权的两大要素,缺一不可,二者既对立统一,又此消彼长。

    Labour property and capital property are , among kinds of enterprise properties , the two indispensable essentials . which are in a unity of opposites .

  11. 企业产权结构的形成是劳动产权与要素产权分配的综合结果。

    The formation of the structure of enterprise property rights is the consolidated result of distribution of the element property rights and the labor property rights .

  12. 其次,从企业能力理论分析了劳动产权形成的内在机理和现实原因;

    Secondly , the paper analyzes the inherent mechanism on how the property rights of labor form and whose realistic reasons from the angle of the ability theory of firm .

  13. 劳动产权严格地说只能是劳动力产权,它是社会主义公有制主导的股份制经济条件下出现的新问题。

    Strictly speaking , the labor property right can only be the labor force property right , which is the new problem appeared under the condition of joint-stock system economy leading by socialist public ownership .

  14. 通过对劳动产权理论和现实形态的深入研究,寻找出国有企业建立劳动产权制度的新路径&国有企业分股制。

    Through the thorough research for the labor theoretical and realistic form of property right seek to go abroad have enterprise establishment the new route of labor property relations & state-owned enterprise take apart share system .

  15. 在中国现代企业制度创建中,高度集权的单一劳动产权制度和照搬西方股份制的单一资本联合体,均不可能成为社会主义与市场经济结合的基石;

    Neither the high-centralized system of labor-combined property rights nor the system of capital-combined property rights imitated from the west can be the cornerstone of SME in the course of the creation of the china-style modern enterprise system .

  16. 单一劳动联合体产权下的企业内分配表现为平均主义分配,也是不公平合理的,同样阻碍着技术创新效率的提升。

    The income distribution system under single joint property rights of labors represents egalitarian distribution unfairly too , which prevents the enhancement of technological innovation efficiency in enterprises .

  17. 但是,劳动价值学说和产权经济学是两种不同的分析理论。

    But labor axiology and property rights theory are very different from each other .

  18. 知识产权是因个人创造性智力劳动而由知识产权人享有的一种专有权。

    Intellectual property is a kind of exclusive rights enjoyed by the intellectual property owner based on personally creative intellectual work .

  19. 为此,就必须要兼顾要素所有者和劳动体参与者的产权要求。

    To this end , it must take account of the property requirements of both the factor owners and participants in the labor unity .

  20. 国家和全社会尊重知识、重人才,尊重科学技术工作者的创造性劳动,保护知识产权。

    The State and the whole society shall respect knowledge , esteem talent , value the creative work of scientific and technological personnel , and protect intellectual property rights .

  21. 知识商品的生产是一个开放的系统,劳动是影响知识产权商品价值的内在因素,交换是影响知识商品价值的外在因素。

    The production of intellectual commodity is an open system , labor is the internal factor which affects the value of intellectual property commodity ; exchange is the external factor which affects the intellectual commodity value .