
gòng yǒu
  • share;common;community;common ownership;owned by all
共有 [gòng yǒu]
  • [common ownership] 公共的或联合的所有权、占有权

  • 共有权

  • [common] 共同具有

  • 共有企业

共有[gòng yǒu]
  1. 遗产在家庭共有财产之中的,遗产分割时,应当先分出他人的财产。

    If the decedent 's estate is a component part of the common property of his family , that portion of the property belonging to the other members of the family shall first be separated at the time of the partitioning of the decedent 's estate .

  2. 方法比较在3种加热方式下丹参提取物共有色谱峰面积及标记性成分丹酚酸B含量的差异。

    Methods Common chromatographic peak area and the contents of Salvianolic acid B in three kinds of extracts obtained by 3 kinds of heating methods were compared .

  3. 英格兰和威尔士共有5万多名律师执业。

    There are over 50 000 solicitors practising in England and Wales .

  4. 共有73家工会隶属于英国职工大会。

    There are 73 unions affiliated to the Trades Union Congress .

  5. 内阁现在共有6张新面孔。

    All together there are six new faces in the cabinet .

  6. 共有100万人丧生,占总人口的七分之一。

    A million people died , a seventh of the population .

  7. 极端的例子是波兰,共有29个政党拥有议席。

    The extreme case was Poland , where 29 parties won seats

  8. 共有40多位房客,他们全部住在这家医院的一个病区。

    There were over 40 tenants , all occupying one wing of the hospital

  9. 地图上显示共有六处。

    The map says there 's six of them .

  10. 去年共有12名犯人从福雷斯特监狱逃脱。

    A dozen inmates have absconded from Forest Jail in the past year .

  11. 自1976年恢复死刑以来共有139人被处决。

    There have now been 139 executions since the death penalty was reinstated in 1976 .

  12. 一个布罗克汉普顿农场共有1,700英亩土地退耕闲置,得到了每英亩87英镑的补贴。

    A Brockhampton farm is paid £ 87 per acre for the 1,700 acres it has in set-aside .

  13. 其中一扇窗户上方有一张地铁线路图,我数了数到西汉普斯特德站共有几站。

    There was an Underground map above one of the windows and I counted the stops to West Hampstead

  14. 英国在该地区驻有12艘战舰,共有5,000名军人。

    Britain has a dozen warships in the area , with a total of five thousand military personnel altogether

  15. 全美共有23家俱乐部,您的会员资格可让您享受所有俱乐部的服务。

    There are 23 Clubs throughout the U.S. , and your membership entitles you to enjoy all of them .

  16. 该校共有师生5千人。

    The college has five thousand teachers and students in all .

  17. 这本教科书共有25课。

    This textbook contains 25 lessons .

  18. 中国的《永乐大典》是世界上最早最大的百科全书。它成书于1408年,共有22,937卷,11,095册37,000万字,由2,000名学者编写。

    “ The Yongle Canon ”, compiled by 2,000 scholars and completed in 1408 , A.D. , was the world 's earliest and biggest encyclopaedia , which contains 22937 volumes bound into 11095 books with a total of 370 million Chinese characters .

  19. 因为共有四次反射,出射的像将是右手座标系。

    Since there are four reflections , the exiting image will be right-handed .

  20. 我估计这大厅共有80米长;我来步测一下。

    I think the hall is80 metres long ; I 'll pace it out .

  21. 这个方子共有七味药。

    The prescription specifies seven medicinal herbs .

  22. 该级别的邮轮共有三艘,分别是奥林匹克号、不列颠号和泰坦尼克号。

    The Olympic class included the Olympic , the Britannic and the Titanic .

  23. 根据美国劳动局的数据,2015年5月共有505,560个注册的校车司机。

    According to the U.S. Department of Labor , in May 2015 there were 505,560 registered school bus drivers .

  24. 这些邮轮共有九层甲板,白星航运公司决定把重点放在将它们打造成水上最豪华的船只。

    The ships had nine decks , and White Star Line decided to focus on making them the most luxurious ships on the water .

  25. 共有32辆车,每辆车最多可载25人。

    There are 32 cars and each can carry 25 people at most .

  26. 纽约市的公立学校共有一百多万名学生,使用着176种不同的语言。

    In New York City public schools , 176 different languages are spoken among more than one million students .

  27. 亚太经合组织目前共有21个经济体成员,它们的人口占全球40%,GDP占全球57%,贸易额占全球46%。FTAAP|亚太自由贸易区

    The 21 APEC economies make up 40 percent of global population , 57 percent of the world 's GDP , and 46 percent of the global trade .

  28. 数据显示,2020年,全国共有民办学校18.67万所,占全国各级各类学校总数的比例超过1/3;在校生5564余万人,占比接近1/5。

    China has 186700 private schools as of 2020 , accounting .

  29. 交通运输部运输服务司负责人李华强表示,目前全国共有236家网约车平台企业,取得许可的网约车驾驶员超过351万人。

    There are over 3.51 million licensed ride-hailing drivers serving 236 platforms nationwide .

  30. 雅各共有十三个子女,其中十个创立了以色列支派。

    Jacob had 13 children , 10 of whom founded tribes of Israel .