
ɡònɡ tónɡ ɡònɡ yǒu
  • co-ownership;joint ownership;tenancy in common
  1. 农村集体土地所有权关系在本质上是一种特殊的共同共有关系,是体现农民集体共同利益的民事权利。

    As a kind of co-ownership , the Rural Collective Land Ownership embodies the benefit of farmer collectivity .

  2. 农村集体土地所有权是一种特殊的共同共有,农村集体土地使用权具有自物权性质,而土地承包经营合同是一种农村集体共同共有关系中对农村土地的利用与管理的分管契约。

    The rural land ownership is a special form of co-ownership , and the rural usufruct has the nature of self-use property right . The rural land management contract is a respective management contract that makes the rights clear between the co-owners when they use and manage the rural land .

  3. 共同共有从性质上而言是结合的共有权。

    The nature of joint ownership in common is a combination of the right .

  4. 共有分为按份共有和共同共有。

    There shall be two kinds of joint ownership , namely co-ownership by shares and common ownership .

  5. 共同共有是存在份额的,只不过在共同共有消灭以前是潜在的、不表现的。

    There is the existence of share in joint ownership in common , but the share is potential .

  6. 文章第一部分,主要探讨共同共有制度的基本理论问题。

    In the fist part of the article , it just pay attention to the basic theory of joint tenancy .

  7. 依据物权法的规定共有分为共同共有与按份共有两种基本类型,我国大多数学者均认同上述划分。

    According to the provisions of the law , joint ownership and several co-ownership are two basic types of co-ownership .

  8. 一种农村集体共同共有关系中对农村土地的利用与管理的分管契约。

    First of all , the Rural Collective Land Ownership is a civil right , which is adjusted by civil law .

  9. 探讨了《物权法建议稿》取消共同共有而代之为份额相等的按份共有,这一规定对于船舶抵押权以及他物权的设定的影响。

    The third one is that Suggestion of Real Law cancels the " joint coownership ", and the effect resulting from this change .

  10. 共同共有与按份共有存在共同点,认识这些共同点有助于更好地理解共同共有与按份共有的本质区别,把握共同共有的独立性。

    Knowing these similar aspects helps to better understand the material difference between joint ownership and several co-ownership and better understand the independence of joint ownership further .

  11. 分别对共同共有与按份共有的起源进行了探讨,认为共同共有在起源上与身份关系是相联系的。

    According to the discussion of the origin of joint ownership in common and joint ownership by shares , joint ownership in common is closely relative to personal relationship .

  12. 在对共有权的性质分析中,通过比较其与一般共同共有与按份共有的区别,对建筑物区分所有权之共有权的特殊性进行了论述。

    In the analysis of nature of condominium ownership , by comparing it with the general joint ownership and quota ownership , the specialty of condominium ownership is discussed .

  13. 通说主张,共有分为按份共有和共同共有两种类型,它们分别根源于罗马法上的共有和日耳曼法上的共有。

    Generally speaking , the co-ownership is always classified into tenancy in common and joint tenancy , they all can data back to the tenancy in roman law and germany law .

  14. 经分析认为,应增加公益财产类别,公益财产与共同共有财产是社团财产的本质属性。

    Analysts believe that the category of " public service property " should be increased , public service property and jointly owned property is the essential attribute of the sports association property .

  15. 共有在物权法中是一个并不引人注意的课题,而且在众多的法学教科书中,学者都是对按份共有论述得多一些,而对共同共有论述得都较少。

    In the property law joint ownership is a less interesting subject . In many legal textbooks , scholars give more attention to joint ownership by shares , and less to joint ownership in common .

  16. 但是,在现代市场经济社会,为维护交易安全和第三人的利益,在共有人处理共同共有财产常常适用善意取得制度。

    In the modern society of market economy , however , we often hold the good faith regulations under the disposition of common estates in order to secure the exchanges and protect the interests of the third person .

  17. 产权式商铺不划分实际区域这一独特的特点,使得其在权利类型上一直都存在争议,有学者将其归为建筑物区分所有权,也有学者将其归为共同共有。

    The unique feature of property-type shops that they do not divide the actual area makes the controversial about the right type . Somebody falls it under the distinction ownership of the buildings , joint tenancy and by sub-total and so on .

  18. 对抢劫特殊对象行为,主要分析抢劫共同共有财产、赃物、犯罪证据、通过抢劫实现债权等行为罪与非罪、此罪与彼罪的区分。

    To acts that rob the special objects , should analysis mainly the boundary of offense with not offense and this offense with that offense of acts as to rob the common community property , booty , crime proof , to realize legal right passing robbery etc.

  19. 第二章、第三章介绍了共有权的两种最重要的分类一按份共有及共同共有,分析了按份共有及共同共有的概念特征,对典型的案例进行探讨。

    Chapter II , Chapter III , introduced the right to a total of the two most important categories & tenancy in common and tenancy in entirety . Analyse the concept and the characteristics of tenancy in common and tenancy in entirety . Explore the tipical cases .

  20. 本文的第三部分分析了共有权的概念涵义、法律属性、客体范围及其行使的限制,并指出应该根据不同的建筑物区别是共同共有还是按份共有。

    The third part of this article analyzes the meaning of the concept of co-ownership , legal attributes , scope and object of the exercise of the restrictions , and that the building should be based on the difference between the different joint tenancy or by shares .

  21. 然而,高层建筑往往由不同人共同拥有,共有部分增多导致了权利人之间的关系复杂化。

    However , high-rise buildings are often different from the common people , a total of the right to increase the relationship between the complexes .

  22. 指两个或两个以上的权利主体对同一财产共同享有所有权。共有又分共同共有和按份共有。

    The common owners preemptive right is not stipulated in the Law of Property , but when the relationship of common ownership vanishes , it is safer to vest the ot .

  23. 多个局部最优聚类结果之间共有信息反映了数据集的共同特征,因此共有信息对捕获数据集的真实聚类结果有着重要的意义。

    The common intersection information of several local suboptimal clustering results does reflect the mutual optimal information of a given data set , and it has significant meaning for capturing the real clustering result in data set .

  24. 分割共有物之诉,分割共同财产之诉共同共有人对共有财产享有权利,承担义务。

    Each of the common owners shall enjoy the rights and assume the obligations respecting the joint property .

  25. 因共同关系是身份关系,且共同共有易生纠纷,所以共同关系应以不能自由设立为妥。

    Because closed relationship is personal relationship and disputes may be occurred easily with respect to joint ownership in common , joint ownership in common shall not be established freely .

  26. 再从各国对共同共有的规定以及理论来看,共同共有始终是与身份关系紧密地联系在一起的,身份关系是共同共有成立的基础。

    In light of the legislation and theoretical studies of many states , joint ownership in common is always closely relative to personal relationship .

  27. 决不能把共同占有、共同支配、共同管理视为共同共有或共同所有&公有制,否则,不仅无法正确认识当代资本主义所有制,而且会严重误导中国公有制经济的改革。

    We can 't attribute the share possession , share control and share management as public hold or public ownership or else we will misunderstand the contemporary capitalist ownership and seriously mislead the reform of Chinese state ownership economy .

  28. 共同拥有指的是你和另外一方共同拥有该共有财产的全部。

    If you own property as a joint tenant with another person you jointly own the whole of the jointly owned property .