
  • 网络Shared resources;common resource
  1. 摘要交通具有共有资源的特性,没有排他性而有竞争性。

    Traffic is characterized by sharing common resources , which is not mutually exclusive but competitive .

  2. 通过引入个体类型标志和识别的方法,可以用于分析共有资源治理问题,具体考察城镇住宅共有资源的实际治理过程。

    The method of type symbol and identity can be used to analyze the common resources governance problem , especially in the residence resource .

  3. 否则,个人利益会导致共有资源的滥用和损坏。1968年,生态学家GarrettHardin对这种理论进行了描述,称其为“公地的悲剧”。

    the thinking goes , then self-interest will and of shared resources . Ecologist Garrett Hardin described this idea in nineteen sixty-eight as " the tragedy of the commons . "

  4. 地球上大部分地表水和地下水为共有资源。

    Much of the planet 's water , above or below ground , is shared .

  5. 据初步调查统计,保护区共有资源植物847种,可分为原料性资源植物和非原料性资源植物。

    There are 847 species resource plant that can be divided into material resource plant and nonmaterial resource .

  6. 否则,她认为,利己主义将会导致共有资源的过度使用和破坏。

    If not , the thinking goes , then self-interest will lead to overuse and destruction of shared resources .

  7. 个体对类型标志和识别的判断直接影响个体的行为策略,从而影响整个共有资源事务治理的发展方向和存在状态。

    The individual estimation about the type symbol and identity influence the individual behavior tactics directly , and the development orientation of the whole common resources governance consequently .

  8. 除此之外,当冲突结束,地区和国际间的环境合作必须重新开始&特别是涉及像水这样的共有资源时。

    In addition , after conflict ends efforts must be made to reengage the country in regional and international environmental cooperation & especially when dealing with shared resources like water .

  9. 在军事和商业领域中,由多个自治域形成的协作群体对共有资源(如客体、应用程序以及服务等)的访问问题越来越受到重视。

    Joint access to shared resources ( e.g. , objects , applications , and services ) among autonomous domains that form a coalition has recently become important in both military and commercial areas .

  10. 本文将被开发商保留了部分共有资源产权的商品房买卖契约定义为不完全契约,通过梳理产权理论、契约理论、个体知识与共同知识形成理论、制度变迁理论;

    This paper defines that the real estate deal contract is an incomplete contract . After investigating property right theory and contract 's theory individual knowledge and common knowledge theory , institution evolvement theory ;

  11. 为了有效地保护共有资源,把信任的概念引入了协作访问控制中,并在基于量化权限的思想上,提出了细粒度的协作访问控制策略。

    In this paper , to enable effective protection of jointly-owned resources , the notion of trust into coalition access control is built , and a fine-grained access control policy based on quantifying permission idea is proposed .

  12. 学者们认为共有资源交给市场来治理能够取得较高的效率,避免资源被过度开发的最好方式就是产权的私有化制度。

    Scholars think the market can deal with common resource efficiently , in order to avoid over-exploitation of resources , the best way is to privatize the system of property rights , no need for government to intervene .

  13. 并以此为基础,进一步建立地方政府行为决策模型,验证了地方政府的经济性和最大利益偏好决定了其在小区共有资源及其收益的争夺过程中将会更多的支持开发商而不是小区业主。

    Up on this conclusion , this paper constitutes a decision model of local government 's behavior , validated that the local government will support load agent more than uptown real estate owner in contests of uptown public resource and its interests .

  14. 而共同资源由于属于企业共有资源,其运行影响企业的安全、风险和效益,当共同资源管理出现问题企业运行风险就会加大。

    But the commons because of belonging to the business enterprise to have the resources totally , it circulates to affect the safety , risks and performances the business enterprise , when the commons management matters , the processes of business enterprise will meet more risks .

  15. 那么,在共有资源治理中是否存在共有观念,共有观念是否真的发挥着作用,共有观念是如何发挥作用的就是本文必须解决的问题。

    Then , in the management of common resources in the existence of a total concept , the concept of whether there are true role to play , a total concept of how to play a role is the question that must be addressed in this article .

  16. 莆田市旅游资源十分丰富而独特,按照《中国旅游资源普查规范》标准,莆田市共有旅游资源5类12种。

    The tourism resources of Putian City are very rich and special .

  17. 共有财产资源产权结构的特点与利用行为

    Characters of the property right structure of common property resources and use behavior

  18. 全世界共有榆属资源30余种,我国有25种6个变种。

    There are thirty genus Ulmus species in the world and twenty-five species and six variants in China .

  19. 本文中选用的城市分别是沈阳、二连浩特和济南,这三个城市的共有特点是太阳能资源较为丰富,冬季气候较为寒冷。

    Three cities , i.e. Shenyang , Erenhot and Jinan , are selected as calculation examples . The three cities are commonly characterized by abundant solar energy resources and cold winter .

  20. 本文的主题是从共有观念的视角来研究共有资源的治理问题。

    The topic of this article studies the problem of governance of common resources from the perspective of shared ideas .