
  • 网络Joint mortgage;Common mortgage
  1. 共同抵押法律制度探究

    Making a Thorough Inquiry on Common - mortgage Law and System

  2. 论共同抵押刍议股票回购

    On Joint Mortgage A Discussion of the Stock Buy-back

  3. 共同抵押制度是一种特殊的抵押制度。

    Joint mortagage system is a special guaranty .

  4. 我国《担保法》未明确规定共同抵押制度。

    There is no definite provision for the system of joint mortgage in the Guarantee Law .

  5. 本文在最后对共同抵押制度在我国的完善提出了立法建议。

    At last , this article offers some recommendations to perfect the legislation of system of the general mortgage .

  6. 我国学术界对于共同抵押制度的研究也涉及不多。

    In the Chinese academic circles , there is not very much study about the system of the general mortgage .

  7. 大陆法系国家更明确定义了共同抵押制度,如:法国,德国,意大利等国家。

    Civil law countries are more clearly defined common security system , such as : France , Germany , Italy and other countries .

  8. 共同抵押作为一种主要的担保法律制度,与一般抵押相比有较复杂的法律关系,在实践中大量广泛发生。

    As a main measure in law system , shared montgage has complex Law relations Compared with general montgage , it happens Widely in practice .

  9. 共同抵押是一种特殊的抵押制度,它对于融通资金、促进物尽其用、保障债权的实现发挥着极其重要的作用。

    General mortgage is a special kind of mortgage which is important in the promotion of finance and full employment of property and the protection of credits .

  10. 在那些立法比较发达的国家,不仅明确赋予了抵押权人自由选择受偿的权利,以及对涉及共同抵押的债权双方利益保护方面也进行了明确的准则规定和司法解释完善。

    In the more developed countries , legislative , not only clearly gives the mortgagee the right to freedom of choice , as well as claims involving the common interests of both mortgage protection also provided clear guidelines and judicial interpretation of perfection .

  11. 动产抵押登记可由抵押合同双方当事人共同向动产抵押登记机关办理,也可以委托代理人向动产抵押登记机关办理。

    The chattel mortgage registration may be handled at the chattel mortgage registration authority by both parties to the mortgage or their agents .