
  1. 建筑工程承包人优先受偿权的性质不明,且与在建房屋抵押权的效力冲突未规定;

    The character of the underlying indemnity right of a building-project constructor remains uncertain , and also there is no regulation on a possible effect collision between real estate mortgage guarantee and in-building housemortgage ;

  2. 但其所作所为实际上违背了美国财政部的广义目标:减少丧失房屋抵押赎回权的概率,清除沉积在金融体系中的坏账和负资产,并且恢复借贷的活力。

    But in doing so they are working against the Treasury 's broader goals : reducing the chances of foreclosure , cleansing the financial system of bad debts and negative equity , and rejuvenating lending .

  3. 按揭购房是以房屋本身设立抵押权为保证的。

    The meaning and legal characteristics of mortgage ; purchasing house by means of mortgage is guaranteed by hypothec of the target house .

  4. 最初的房屋丧失抵押赎回权风潮,急剧恶化成蔓延到全世界的全面信贷和金融危机,使许多经济学家推测,世界各国将进入漫长的经济衰退期。

    What began with a rash of home foreclosures accelerated into a full-blown credit and financial crisis that has spread around the world , prompting what many economists anticipate will be a deep global recession .

  5. 由于抵押权的设立并不需要移转财产的占有,所以不会对财产的占有和使用产生影响,因而房屋所有人可以在已经出租的房屋上设定抵押权。

    Due to the establishment of transfer does not need to mortgage the possession of so will not to the property ownership and use effect , thus building droit where people can have rental houses set hypothec , tenant of preemptive right there is no conflict with mortgage .

  6. 其次,建立农村居民房屋产权登记法律制度;再次,设定农村居民房屋抵押权、建立宅基地法定租赁权制度实现农村居民房屋的抵押。

    Secondly , set up registration legal system of property rights of rural residents . Thirdly , set up rural residents housing mortgage right . Fourth , set up the system of statutory tenancy rights in rural land .

  7. 从权利主体来说,涉及到房屋所有人(包括共有人)、房屋承租人、房屋抵押权人等;

    On the subject of right , it revolves the house owner ( including the shared houseowner ), the house renter and the house mortgagee , etc.

  8. 美国房地产市场还在继续拖累经济,房屋销售和房屋价格在3月份继续下滑,房主在偿还抵押贷款方面违约,越来越多的房屋抵押赎回权被银行收走。

    The U.S. housing market also continues to drag down the economy . Home sales and prices fell again last month with banks repossessing more and more homes as owners default on their mortgages .