
fánɡ wū zū lìn
  • lease of houses;rental of houses
  1. 房屋租赁者将获得购买所住房产终身保有权的新权利。

    People owning leasehold homes will be given a new right to buy the freehold of their property .

  2. 在魁北克省,许多房屋租赁从7月1日开始,持续整整一年,所以许多魁北克人在加拿大日这一天从一所房子搬到另一所房子。

    In the province of Quebec , many home rentals start on July 1st and last for exactly one year , and many people in Quebec spend Canada Day moving from one house to another .

  3. Word和Excel在房屋租赁合同管理中的应用

    The Application of Word and Excel in the Management of the House Rent Contracts

  4. 不管按照哪种衡量标准,房屋租赁网站Airbnb的发展速度都显得太快了些。

    By any metric airbnb the social vacation rental website has expanded extremely quickly .

  5. 房屋租赁服务商Airbnb公司联合创始人兼首席产品官

    Chief product officer and co-founder , Airbnb

  6. 比如说,房屋租赁服务商Airbnb利用FacebookConnect,设法让人们在开放自己的家庭或留宿在陌生人家中时感到安全可靠。

    For example , through Facebook Connect , Airbnb has managed to make people feel safe and secure when opening up their home or staying in a stranger 's place .

  7. 该文结合GIS领域的发展趋势,提出了基于GIS的房屋租赁系统以取代当前房屋租赁行业传统的手工作业或MIS系统,使房屋租赁的管理更方便、更有效。

    A flat-renting management system based on GIS is proposed in the paper according to the development in GIS field . The system can replace the traditional handwork or MIS system in current flat-renting field . It is much more efficient and convenient to manage the flat-renting system .

  8. 他主要负责监督公司在定位共享网站Shopkick与房屋租赁网站Airbnb的投资等。

    He oversees the firm 's investments in location sharing site Shopkick and home sharing site Airbnb , among others .

  9. 途家是中国最大的度假房屋租赁平台,但与Airbnb等其他服务相比,它会更多地参与线下房产的维护与核实。

    Tujia is China 's largest website for vacation property rentals , but it is more involved in the maintenance and verification of properties than services like Airbnb .

  10. 假日房屋租赁服务公司HomeAway在埃菲尔铁塔一层建立了一个临时贵宾公寓,但仅在今年6月10日——7月10日欧足联欧洲杯期间对外开放。

    Holiday rental company HomeAway has constructed a temporary VIP apartment on the first level of the tower , open only for the duration of the UEFA Euro football tournament from 10 June to 10 July .

  11. 据悉,为了迎接即将于6月10日在巴黎拉开帷幕的2016年欧洲杯,房屋租赁公司HomeAway将在埃菲尔铁塔首层的部分区域隔出300平米,改造为奥斯曼风格的客房。

    Rental company HomeAway said it was taking over part of the first floor of the 300-meter latticework for the duration of the UEFA Euro 2016 football tournament slated for June 10 in Paris , and transforming it into Hausmannian-style living quarters .

  12. 试论长春市房屋租赁管理与行政执法建设

    On House - leasing Administration and Related Administrative Law - enforcement

  13. 房屋租赁应当依法纳税。

    House leasing shall be subject to tax according to law .

  14. 确实,房屋租赁市场可以很快推高通胀。

    Indeed , the rental market could soon push inflation higher .

  15. 房屋租赁市场活跃私房出租是否还要纳税?

    Lease rental housing market is also active in private saving taxpayers ?

  16. 论积极完善和发展房屋租赁市场

    On the Perfection and Development of the House Rent Market

  17. 房屋租赁市场中租金的确定方法研究

    Research on Evaluation Methods for the Price of Houses Rented

  18. 实行房屋租赁许可制度。

    The execution of permitting rules of the houses renting .

  19. 房屋租赁权物权化若干问题

    Several Questions about Housing Leasehold concerning the Effect of Jus In Rem

  20. 建立新的房屋租赁关系;

    To establish new lease relationship for the original buildings ; and .

  21. 代办房屋租赁登记备案手续。

    Deal the house leasing registers to keep on record .

  22. 房屋租赁合同:这套出租房面积究竟是多少?

    Housing rental contracts : the rental housing area is ?

  23. 参与业务发展部与业主关于租赁条款的谈判,促使双方就房屋租赁协议达成一致;

    Negotiate with the developers on the leasing items to reach agreement ;

  24. 房屋租赁法律制度研究

    Primary Research into the Legal System of House-lease

  25. 他占公司51%的股份,于是我成为曼哈顿的一家房屋租赁中介。

    He got 51 % , and I became a rental agent in Manhattan .

  26. 天津市房屋租赁管理研究

    A Study on Management in Tianjin House Tenancy

  27. 房屋租赁市场定价系统分析

    An Analysis on Price-making System in House-leasing Market

  28. 对房屋租赁权进行经济法保护的思考

    The Economic Law Ponders of Renting ' Right

  29. 公司房屋租赁合同及房产证复印件;

    The prove file of leasing office and the title deed ( copy ) .

  30. 本房屋租赁期满后,本合同自然终止。

    When the lease term comes to an end , the contract naturally lapses .