
  1. 与腐败调查无关的3只房地产股票,跻身于恒生指数(hangsengindex)周五跌幅最大的4只股票之列。

    Three other property stocks , unconnected with the enquiries , rounded out the top four losers in the Hang Seng Index on Friday .

  2. 中国房地产股票的持有者比大多数人更了解这一点。

    Holders of Chinese property stocks know this better than most .

  3. 美国航空,汽车制造,房地产股票都受到冲击。

    S.airline , automaker and housing stocks also got hit .

  4. 而低迷的房地产股票价格也使人们担心房地产泡沫即将破裂。

    Depressed share prices are fueling fears that the property bubble is about to burst .

  5. 大陆银行和房地产股票领先下跌影响到中国管理机构将开始着手另一轮严厉措施去驾驭通货膨胀。

    Mainland banking and property stocks led the decline on concerns that the Chinese authorities will embark on another round of austerity measures to tame inflation .

  6. 在全国房产价格上涨、积极的并购活动以及国有银行整合的大背景下,房地产股票6月份继续反弹。

    On the backdrop of rising property price nationwide , active m & as and land bank acquisition , property stocks continued to perform well in june .

  7. 随着全球股市全线下跌,我认为,对于持有中国房地产股票的风险,发达国家投资者将开始转变态度。

    As shares have plummeted in value across the globe , developed world investors will , I suggest , begin to change their attitude towards the risk of holding Chinese real-estate shares .

  8. 你不需要去读MBA,但是要参加一些金融、经济、财务规划、投资(房地产、股票市场)、会计方面的课程或者读一些这些方面的书。

    27.You dont need an MBA , but take some courses or read some books on finance , economics , financial planning , investments ( real estate , stock market ), and accounting .

  9. 他们还在房地产和股票投资上失误。

    There were also some bad real estate and stock investments .

  10. 上市房地产公司股票价值分析方法

    Method for Analyzing the Value of Stocks of Listed Real Estate Companies

  11. 但是也有一些亮点,如房地产板块股票。

    Yet there are some bright spots , such as property shares .

  12. 许多房地产和股票的价格变得更加合理。

    Many properties and equities are more sensibly priced .

  13. 如果负债是短期的,那么投资在房地产和股票市场不大适合。

    If liabilities are short-term , therefore , such investments may be inappropriate .

  14. 在整个亚洲地区,我们在房地产和股票市场都发现了资产泡沫。

    Across the region , we are seeing asset bubbles both in housing and equity markets .

  15. 通货膨胀率依然很低,然而过多的流动资金提高了房地产和股票的价格而非商品和劳务价格。

    Inflation has remained low , but excess liquidity than the prices of goods and services .

  16. 另一个泡沫是我们国内的泡沫,是前几年房地产、股票市场各个方面的普遍泡沫。

    From the long term aspect the burst up of China economy bubble need to be adjusted .

  17. 基于复杂网络的中国股市房地产板块股票强相关性研究

    Research of Strong Correlation of Stocks Based Complex Networks in Real Estate Sector in China Stock Markets

  18. 自楼价从去年夏天的创纪录高水平回落以来,当地房地产类股票本已面临压力。

    Local property shares have been under pressure since home prices slipped from record high levels last summer .

  19. 房地产和股票市场的价格正持续上升,移居国外的人士现已倒流回港。

    Property and share-market prices are continuing to increase , and the exodus of migrants has now reversed .

  20. 她称放贷增长过快,并表示,这将导致房地产和股票市场形成泡沫。

    She called the growth excessive and said it would lead to bubbles in the property and stock markets .

  21. 当房地产和股票价格跌幅足够大时,外国需求,尤其是来自华人的需求,将大量涌现。

    When property and stock prices decline sufficiently , foreign demand , especially from ethnic Chinese , will come in volume .

  22. 比任何人想象的都活跃得多地房地产和股票市场带来的意外之财使收入远远超过了预计。

    Unexpected windfalls from property and stock markets which have been far more active than anyone expected raised revenues way beyond predictions .

  23. 该委员会正在审查未报告的一部分,其中包括房地产,股票,证券和遗产。

    The commission was examining the unreleased part of the report , which included real estate , stocks , securities and heritage .

  24. 其中特别是房地产和股票市场出现了价格泡沫,为金融危机的爆发埋下隐患。

    Moreover , the price bubble in the real estate industry and stock market may result in the possible emergence of financial crisis .

  25. 美国是一个赌徒之国无论是在房地产、股票,还是纸牌上。

    The US is a nation of gamblers , be it in property and stocks if not on the turn of a card .

  26. 流入股市的资金激增,已重燃人们对于房地产和股票市场正在形成新泡沫的担忧。

    The surge of funds into the market has reignited fears of a new bubble forming in both the property and share markets .

  27. 并运用改进后的剩余收益模型对我国股票市场的房地产行业股票投资价值进行实证研究。

    The article takes an empirical study on stock market value of equity investments in real estate industry by using the improved Residual income model .

  28. 相对于金融危机爆发前的价位,持有房地产类股票的投资者依然损失惨重,但与其他企业的股东相比,他们的损失幅度则相对较小。

    Property stock investors are still nursing heavy losses compared with pre-crisis levels , but they are smaller than the losses of shareholders in other companies .

  29. 中国此前的保增长举措曾让资金出人意料地流进房地产和股票市场,致使二者毫无道理地上涨,随后又遭遇大跌。

    China 's previous efforts to bolster growth unexpectedly sent money into real estate and the stock market - markets that had unexplained rises followed by striking drops .

  30. 但是,一些经济学家警告说,这些措施可能会造成房地产、股票和其他资产价格上涨过快,引发泡沫。

    But some economists warn those efforts may be causing prices for real estate , stocks and other assets to rise too fast-like a bubble that could burst .