
fánɡ chǎn dǐ yā
  • Property mortgage;house mortgage
  1. 房产抵押权的实现对促进这一目标的实现大有裨益。

    The implementation of house property hypothecation is beneficial to the realization of promoting these goals .

  2. 据英国一项全国性调查显示,55岁以上的人中有82%表示愿意在身故前给子孙提供经济支持。44%的人愿意将房产抵押获取资金来帮助子孙购买首套房或承担他们结婚及上学的费用。

    According to a national survey in the UK , 82 % of people over 55 said they would prefer to give financial support to their children or grandchildren before they die . 44 % said they would consider releasing equity of inheritance tax , tax paid on inherited money or property .

  3. 保罗韦尔奇(PaulWelch)先生是ofCleggGiffordPrivateClients的董事总经理,同时也是一位房产抵押经纪人。他表示公司每天至少会收到100万英镑的房屋抵押贷款申请。

    Paul Welch , managing director of Clegg Gifford Private Clients , a mortgage broker , says the company is now taking an application for a mortgage of at least 1m every day .

  4. 澳门房产抵押权实现的法律问题研究

    Research for the implementation of house property hypothecary Regulation of Macau

  5. 商业银行的企业房产抵押贷款研究

    The Study on the Enterprises ' Property Mortgaged Loan of Commercial Bank

  6. (一)抵押人和承押人签订房产抵押合同;

    The mortgagor and the mortgagee shall sign a building property mortgage contract ;

  7. 该债券是可以随时偿还的,这反映了相应的房产抵押贷款的提前还款风险。

    The bonds are callable , to reflect the prepayment risk of the underlying mortgages .

  8. 第十九条房产抵押,必须订立房产抵押合同。

    Article 19 In mortgaging building property , a building property mortgage contract must be concluded .

  9. 至于房产抵押危机解决方案的最终成本赔偿金和法律费用的具体数字,目前大家只能猜测。

    The ultimate cost of the mortgage crisis in terms of settlements , awardsand legal fees can only be guessed at .

  10. 如果你有房的话,你可以将房屋抵押或得到房产抵押贷款。

    If you are a homeowner , you can use your home as collateral and perhaps take out a home equity loan .

  11. 消费信贷是个人和家庭用于满足个人需求(房产抵押贷款例外)的信贷,与企业信贷相反。

    Consumer credit is a personal and family used to meet personal needs ( except real estate mortgage ) credit , and credit the opposite .

  12. 首先介绍了商业房产抵押贷款证券化的相关理论体系,阐述了资产证券化的基本原理。

    Commercial Mortgage Backed Securitization in China Firstly , the thesis introduces the related theory of CMBS , explaining the basic law of asset securitization .

  13. 别再想谁来支付房产抵押,把这些都交给卡洛琳吧!

    Don 't give a second thought as to who 's going to pay the mortgage , we 'll just leave it all up to Carolyn !

  14. 中国和日本购买的美国国债,帮助美国抑制了国债以及美国房产抵押利率的增长。

    China 's purchases of American Treasury bonds , along with purchases by Japan , have helped to hold down yields and hence American mortgage rates .

  15. 丹麦的房贷公司竞相提高他们细分房产抵押贷款和服务的能力,这种专业化的竞争也帮助降低了成本。

    Denmark 's mortgage lenders compete on their ability to distribute and service the loans , and this specialised competition has helped to drive down costs .

  16. 房产抵押中耗尽了大部分利润,一旦抵押款偿清,我们就渡过了难关。

    Most of the profits are swallowed up by the mortgage . Once we 've got that paid off I 'll feel we 've turned the corner .

  17. 除实际拥有权以外,不动产可包括租凭,房产抵押,抵押品留置权以及其他财产负担等。

    Apart from actual ownership , an interest in real estate may consist of a lease , a mortgage , a lien or other encumbrance on the property .

  18. 丹麦的房产抵押贷款模式和美国的相似,而不同于其它富裕国家。该模式使借款人在他们愿意的情况下很容易提前还款。

    Danish mortgages like those in America , but unlike mortgages in other rich countries make it easy for borrowers to repay their loans early if they wish .

  19. 第三,确认产权的完整性,查验房屋有无债务负担,有无房产抵押,包括私下抵押、共有人等等。

    Third , the recognition of property rights to the integrity check whether the debt burden of housing , availability of real estate collateral , including private security , a total person .

  20. 安置职工和维护职工的权益,是在处理试点城市国有企业的土地和房产抵押权时的首要原则;

    It is the most important principle in handling the mortgage right of land and house property of state enterprise in experimental cities to arrange workers and safeguard the workers ' interests .

  21. 以市场现行利率期限结构为基准,用蒙特卡罗方法生成利率路径,为房产抵押贷款证券定价。

    Taking the prevailing interest rate term structure as benchmark , an approach was discussed for MBS pricing , based on the interest rate paths generated in the method of Monte Carlo .

  22. (二)抵押人持房产抵押合同至深圳市人民政府房产管理机关领

    The mortgagor shall present the building property mortgage contract to the agency for building property administration of the Shenzhen Municipal People 's Government to obtain a Building Property Title Certificate ; and

  23. 第二十一条抵押人不依照房产抵押合同规定偿还贷款,承押人有权拍卖抵押的房产。

    Article 21 If the mortgagor does not repay the loan as provided in the building property mortgage contract , the mortgagee has the right to sell the mortgaged building property through auction .

  24. 承押人可委托深圳市法律顾问处代理签订房产抵押合同,但须出具委托代理书。

    A mortgagee may entrust a legal advisors office in the Shenzhen Municipality to sign a building property mortgage contract on his behalf , provided that a power of attorney must be issued .

  25. 当房价上涨时,房地产投资者会获得房地产增值收益,他们可以变现这部分收益或者通过房产抵押市场获得更多贷款来增加当期消费。

    The investor in housing will attain profit when the price of the house is rising . They can get more loans to increase the current consumption by realizing the profit or mortgaging in the market .

  26. 银行通常认为,按揭贷款以房产作抵押,因此风险较低。

    Traditionally , the mortgage loans are considered to be safe and low risky as the estates secure them .

  27. 管理上负责任但杠杆很高的银行,会在放贷时寻求高价值抵押品,比如要求以房产做抵押;或者持有高评级资产。

    A responsibly managed yet highly leveraged institution would seek to make heavily collateralised loans , against property , for example ; or to hold highly rated assets .

  28. 尽管斯特里克兰家财力有限,且随着领养程序的进行愈加捉襟见肘,但为完成这次领养他们拼尽了全力,他们将房产再抵押、卖鸡肉芝士意大利面、卖T恤……

    In spite of limited financial means , stretched further by repeated adoptions , they remortgage homes , sell chicken cheesy spaghetti , T-shirts - anything to make the adoption happen .

  29. 物权登记对债权的妨碍及其补救&以房产买卖和抵押为例

    Hindrance of Register of the Property Right to Creditor ` s Right and its Remediation

  30. 商业放贷者必你的家庭成员和其他个人放贷者更容易要求个人房产和财产抵押。

    Commercial lenders are far more likely to require this than are family members and other personal lenders .