
  • 网络second lien
  1. 在2006年和2007年中,经纪商为JP摩根发行二次抵押贷款的贷款/价值比率超过了90%。

    In 2006 and 2007 , nearly 30 per cent of the second mortgages that brokers originated for JPMorgan had loan-to-value ratios of more than 90 per cent .

  2. 发行人优选二次抵押贷款,而非夹层融资(mezzanine),是因为后者更贵(12%的现金利率加3%的应付非货币利率),而且通常提前偿还的罚金更高。

    Issuers prefer second-lien to mezzanine , which is more expensive ( 12 % cash plus 3 % Pik ) , and typically carries higher prepayment penalties .

  3. 利率下降,房价上涨,抵押贷款经纪人表现激进这些因素让再融资(和二次抵押贷款)看上去就像伊甸园里的苹果。

    Falling interest rates , rising home prices and aggressive mortgage brokers made refinancing ( and second mortgages ) seem like the apple in the garden of Eden .