
  • 网络Dual Margin
  1. 同时,FDI能够在一定程度上替代银行信贷,促进融资依赖性行业出口的二元边际。

    Meanwhile , FDI can substitute bank credit to some extent , promote exports of dual marginal of high-finance-dependent sectors .

  2. 主要借鉴Kancs(2007)的理论框架并结合中国实际情况,采用面板数据进行实证研究,考察出口市场规模、贸易成本、生产率、多边阻力、外商直接投资和金融危机因素对二元边际的影响机制。

    We draw on Kancs ( 2007 ) theoretical framework and current status of China and use panel data to carry on the empirical research to investigate the impact mechanisms of export market scale , trade cost , productivity , multilateral resistance , FDI and economic shock on dual margins .

  3. 通过对异质性企业与出口增长理论体系及相关研究脉络梳理和理论分析,揭示贸易的二元边际对出口增长的作用机理。

    Heterogeneity enterprises with export growth theoretical system and related the research context combing and theoretical analysis reveals the the trade binary marginal export growth mechanism .

  4. 从而,研究农产品贸易增长的二元边际对于实现中国农产品可持续增长具有重要的理论意义与现实性。

    Thus , the research of dual-margin on agricultural trade growth is of great theoretical significance and reality for the realization of sustainable growth in China ' agricultural products .

  5. 第五章用计量方法分析了进口二元边际的驱动因素,主要有目的国市场规模、出口企业生产率水平、多边贸易阻力、双边贸易成本等因素。

    The fifth chapter analyzes the driving factors of imported dual-margin using the metering methods , the main fators are the size of the target market , export enterprise productivity levels , multilateral trade resistance , and bilateral trade costs and so on .

  6. 第一章性格表征:二元矛盾的边际人。

    The first chapter : character representation is the binary paradoxical marginal person .

  7. 期待精神利益合同的违约精神损害赔偿责任,触及了违约责任与侵权责任二元责任体系的边际,若漠视对期待精神利益方进行保护,有违公平与正义。

    Expect spirit benefit contract default liability of compensation for mental injury , touched the dual liability for breach of contract and tort liability system of marginal , neglect to expect spirit interests protection , will violate the fair and justice .