
  • 网络Secondary Public Offering;A secondary listing
  1. 然而,中国西部水泥和中国房地产机会不打算采取二次上市的方式,而是打算从aim退市。

    However , instead of taking a secondary listing , both Creo and West China cement intend to quit aim .

  2. 日本消费电子企业索尼(Sony)从上世纪70年代就开始在纽约证券交易所(NYSE)二次上市,对索尼在美国的扩张起到了帮助。

    Sony , the Japanese consumer electronics group , has had a secondary listing on the New York Stock Exchange since 1970 – a move that helped boost its expansion in the US .

  3. 虽然缺乏明确的财务效益,但仍然有一些公司决定在香港交易所(hongkongstockexchange)进行二次上市。

    In spite of the lack of proven financial benefits , a number of companies have decided to undertake secondary listings on the Hong Kong stock exchange .

  4. 去年11月,中国鲜橙种植集团亚洲果业在香港二次上市,仅两周之后,日成交量就达到了1200万股,而在AIM的日成交易仅为50万股。

    When Asian Citrus , the Chinese orange plantation group , took a secondary quote in Hong Kong in November , it was only a couple of weeks before 12m shares a day were trading , compared with 500,000 a day on Aim .

  5. 库克表示,尤其是一些在伦敦证交所(LSE)另类投资市场Aim上市的中国企业,正考虑在香港进行二次上市,以期在自家门口提高自己的声望和吸引投资者。

    In particular , several Chinese companies listed on the London Stock Exchange 's junior Aim market were considering dual-listings in Hong Kong , he said , as they sought to raise their profiles and attract investors near their home turf .

  6. 此外,他已经听说中渔集团董事总经理黄裕翔(ngjoosiang)一直在与瑞银接触,商谈在奥斯陆二次上市事宜(挪威人了解渔业),这意味着该公司正在寻求更多的资金。

    Moreover , he had heard that ng Joo Siang , managing director of China fishery , had been talking to UBS about a secondary listing in Oslo ( Norwegians understand fish ) , suggesting the company was looking for additional funds .

  7. 台湾还解除了对有意在台北二次上市的外国公司的中资持股上限。

    Taiwan also lifted a cap on Chinese ownership in foreign companies that seek secondary listings in Taipei .

  8. 过去一个世纪,一系列金融中心先后崛起成为外国公司二次上市的时髦目的地。

    During the past century , a succession of financial centres have emerged as fashionable destinations for foreign companies to take secondary listings .

  9. 香港成为下一个二次上市热点目的地似乎已经成为必然,然而从历史经验来看二次上市的好处却令人怀疑。

    Hong Kong looks set to become the next hot destination for secondary listings but history appears to cast doubt on the benefits of such moves .

  10. 分析人士认为,新增3万个报酬丰厚的工作职位对台湾而言会是个好消息,而富士康的二次上市可能会带来更大的影响。

    Analysts said while creating 30000 well-paid jobs would be good news to Taiwan , a secondary listing of Foxconn would probably have an even bigger impact .

  11. 二次上市可以由股票发行者进行,也可经自公开市场购买而持有此股票的集团发行。

    A secondary public offering can be either an issuer offering or an offering by a group that has purchased the issuer 's securities in the public markets .

  12. 一年前,指纹及面部识别系统开发商宏霸数码在香港交易所二次上市后,股价飙升了一倍多。

    A year ago shares in RCG , a developer of fingerprint and facial recognition systems , more than doubled after it took an additional quote on the Hong Kong stock exchange .

  13. 薄满乐还希望本月启用的一个新系统能够吸引更多海外企业,该系统让那些在海外22家股市(包括伦敦)之一上市的股票更容易在新加坡二次上市。

    Mr B & # 246 ; cker also hopes to attract more international companies with a new system , introduced this month , that allows those listed on one of 22 bourses overseas – including London – to gain a secondary listing in Singapore more easily .