
fú dònɡ dǐ yā
  • floating charge
  1. 国际项目融资中的浮动抵押法律问题研究

    The Research on Legal Problem of Floating Charge in International Project Financing

  2. 第二部分浮动抵押的运行。

    The second part is the operation of floating charge .

  3. 风机盘管的选择论浮动抵押

    Discussion on the Selection of Air Coil A Study of Floating Charge

  4. 不可轻率规定动产浮动抵押;

    Floating mortgage of movables should not be stipulated recklessly ;

  5. 电价管理信息系统论浮动抵押

    Power Pricing Management Information System A Study of Floating Charge

  6. 英美浮动抵押制度研究

    Research on the System of Floating Charge of Common-Law System

  7. 国际项目融资中浮动抵押的运行模式研究

    Research on the Operation Model Floating and Guarantee of Financing International Projects

  8. 在浮动抵押的始发地并未形成严谨的概念模式;

    At floating charge 's beginning place careful concept mode did not produce .

  9. 浮动抵押的司法适用也存在困境。

    Besides , the judicatory application of floating charge is also in predicament .

  10. 浮动抵押结晶后,发生固定担保的效力。

    When crystallizes , floating charge becomes fixed charge .

  11. 第三部分,浮动抵押运行过程的不足及完善建议。

    The third part , floating charge operation process deficiencies and improvement suggestions .

  12. 这一概念包括了浮动抵押固定化即结晶的过程。

    This concept includes the process of crystallization .

  13. 第五部分为我国浮动抵押权制度的完善。

    Part V will suggest the perfection of Chinese current movable floating charge system .

  14. 浮动抵押制度是市场经济高速发展的产物。

    Floating mortgage system is the product of the high-speed development of market economy .

  15. 对浮动抵押的债务人和抵押物的范围,提出合理建议。

    Put forward reasonable proposals of the scope of the debtor and the collateral .

  16. 本文试图对完善我国浮动抵押制度进行一些思考。

    This paper attempts to improve the system of floating charge thought some advices .

  17. 电压基准论浮动抵押

    The Discussion of Voltage Reference and it 's Application A Study of Floating Charge

  18. 浅谈薪酬激励论浮动抵押

    Discussion on the Encouragement Action of Salary and Payment A Study of Floating Charge

  19. 论消极担保条款在浮动抵押制度中的运用

    The Application of Negative Pledge in Floating Charges

  20. 第二是对浮动抵押制度中秩序与效率的法律价值冲突的分析。

    Secondly , the author analyzes the legal value conflicts between order and efficiency .

  21. 财团抵押与浮动抵押之比较

    The Comparison of consortium charge with Floating charge

  22. 像任何其它制度一样,浮动抵押制度既有其优势也有不足。

    Like any other systems , the floating charge system have its advantages and disadvantages .

  23. 第四章对我国法律制度中确立的浮动抵押制度进行具体考证。

    The fourth chapter makes textual research of the Floating Charge in our legal system .

  24. 我国浮动抵押制度,在法律条文的设定和实践适用中都存有一定问题。

    Floating mortgage in our country has certain problems in legal provisions and practice applicable .

  25. 这就是产生于19世纪英国判例法中的浮动抵押制度。

    This is a 19th century British case law system of the adjustable rate mortgages .

  26. 而发源于英国的浮动抵押作为一种新的融资手段迅速受到了世界各国的青睐。

    A new financing method which originated from England rapidly get the other countries ' favor .

  27. 经过一百多年的发展,浮动抵押被世界上许多国家成功引进或借鉴。

    It was introduced by many countries in the world , after one hundred years development .

  28. 本文以动产浮动抵押为研究对象。

    In this essay , Movable Property Floating Charge is considered as the main research subject .

  29. 在浮动抵押的执行部分,从实现的途径,实现的方式等方面予以说明。

    In the floating mortgage execution part , from implementation way , realize the way to explain .

  30. 我国通过《物权法》也对浮动抵押制度进行了法律移植。

    In our country , the Floating Charge was transplanted selectively in the new Real Right Law .