
  • 网络Floating Rate Loan;Adjustable Rate Mortgage
  1. 对贵公司我们将采用浮动利率贷款。

    We 'd adopt a floating rate loan for your company .

  2. 本文以浮动利率贷款和固定利率贷款为例研究了国内第一个贷款转让权力的定价问题;

    This paper studies the pricing of the first loan transferring right in China with the example of the transferring between floating rate loan and fixed rate loan .

  3. 现在,许多有浮动利率贷款债务在身的人不能交纳他们的月供。

    Now , many people who took out adjustable-rate mortgages may not be able to make their payments .

  4. 你可是以9.5%的浮动利率贷款,而且还要与本国最危险的人,特别对狐狸而言,做邻居。

    You 're borrowing at9.5 % with no fixed rate , plus moving into the most dangerous neighborhood in the country for some of your type of species .

  5. 对于浮动利率贷款、应收款项或持有至到期投资,在计算未来现金流量现值时可采用合同规定的现行实际利率作为折现率。

    For floating rate loans , receivables or held to maturity investments in the calculation of the present value of future cash flows , the current real interest rate could contract as a cash rate .

  6. 原告持有的是所谓的LiborPlus浮动利率抵押贷款。

    The plaintiffs held so-called Libor Plus adjustable-rate mortgages .

  7. 我们采用浮动利率抵押贷款。

    We 'd adopt a floating rate foreign currency loan with security .

  8. 基于跳跃-扩散利率模型的浮动利率抵押贷款支持证券定价研究

    A Study on Pricing for Adjusted Rate Mortgage-Backed Securities Based on Jump-Diffusion Interest Rate Model

  9. 低首付和浮动利率抵押贷款使得房屋购买者有众多金融杠杆机制来支付巨额房款。

    Low down payments and ARMs gave homeowners enormous financial leverage to pay high home prices .

  10. 并且在方法研究的基础上选取案例来检验浮动利率在贷款定价实践中的应用情况,指出贷款利率采取浮动方式可为银行规避一定的市场风险。

    Moreover , it selected a case to verify the application of float price in the loan pricing which practice that float price can avoid the market-risk for banks .

  11. 当然,非常激进的降息举措可能有助于缓解这种影响,特别是在英国或西班牙等提供浮动利率抵押贷款的国家,或美国等容易进行抵押贷款再融资的国家。

    Of course , very aggressive interest rate cuts would help reduce the impact , especially in countries with variable-rate mortgages such as the UK or Spain , or where mortgages can be easily refinanced , such as in the US .

  12. 浮动利率的抵押贷款坏账率最高,这种贷款承诺在前几年实行固定低利率。

    Defaults are highest for adjustable-rate mortgages & loans that promised a low , fixed-interest rate for the first few years .

  13. 这项计划还寻求把尽可能多的浮动利率次级抵押贷款借款人转向更能承受的贷款。

    The plan would also seek to switch as many borrowers as possible with subprime adjustable rate mortgages into more sustainable loans .

  14. 同时,大量浮动利率的外汇贷款,在市场利率变幻莫测的情况下,也有遭受巨大损失的可能性。

    Meanwhile , a lot of loan in foreign currency in floating interest rate may suffer enormous lost in a situation that the market interest rate is changeable .