
  1. 工商银行A分行法人贷款信用风险防控的案例研究

    A Branch of ICBC Case Research about Corporate Lending Credit Risk

  2. 金融企业性质、法人治理与贷款定价&对农村信用社贷款利率浮动政策执行效果的实证分析

    On the Nature of RCCs , Corpo rate Governance and Loan Rate

  3. 公司资料:营业执照、法人代码证书、贷款证及法人身份证。

    Company 's material : Business license 、 legal person code certificate 、 grant the card and legal person 's ID card loan .

  4. 大力培育由自然人、企业法人或社会团体法人发起的小额贷款组织,有关部门要抓紧制定管理办法。

    Cultivate the microfinance organizations generated by natural man , businesses or public accountants , the departments concerned should quickly formulate the management method .