
  • 网络payday loan
  1. 也许有时期,当您需要直接现金时,并且一笔先遣发薪日贷款那时是您的最佳的选择。

    There may be times when you need to direct cash , and an advance payday loan is when your best option .

  2. 所谓发薪日贷款,指的是在下一个发薪日前支付借款人开销的短期贷款,通常伴随着高利息率。

    A payday loan is a small , short-term loan that is intended to cover a borrower 's expenses until his or her next payday . It is usually accompanied with excessive rates of interest .

  3. 专家指出,“发薪日贷款并不是解决债务困境的最佳途径。据我们所知,很多人申请了发薪日贷款后发现这是一种令人不快的经历,它通常会加剧经济困难。”

    The experts commented : “ Payday loans are not the best way to resolve debt struggles . We know that many who take them out find them to be a negative experience , often escalating financial troubles . ”

  4. 专家指出,发薪日贷款并不是解决债务困境的最佳途径。

    The experts commented : Payday loans are not the best way to resolve debt struggles .

  5. 据估计,美国人每年要花费42亿美元用于支付发薪日贷款的利息和手续费。

    It is estimated that payday loans cost Americans $ 4.2 billion a year in interest and fees .

  6. 对中低收入阶层来说,发薪日贷款已经在很大程度上取代了当铺,成为重要的贷款来源。

    The rapid growth of pay - day lending was a source of alternative credit for many low-and-middle-income individuals .

  7. 尽管发薪日贷款看起来可以缓解现金压力,但人们通常会因此而陷入债务陷阱。

    But while payday loans might seem like easy money , folks often end up trapped in a cycle of debt .

  8. 现今的抵押贷款放贷人、学生贷款放贷人、发薪日贷款放贷人、信誉评级机构和讨债机构都会面临更加严格的审查。

    today , mortgage lenders , student lenders , payday lenders , and credit reporting and debt collection agencies all face greater scrutiny .

  9. 在美国,ZestFinance一直专注在分期贷款的风险分析上。对于发薪日贷款,分期贷款是一个成本较低的选择。

    In the United States , ZestFinance has focused its risk analysis on installment loans that are a lower-cost alternative to payday loans .

  10. 在我本周到访的阿拉巴马州,这种发薪日贷款店的数量是麦当劳的四倍。

    In Alabama , where I visited this week , there are four times as many payday lending stores as there are McDonald 's.

  11. (如果你想了解发薪日贷款为何如此流行,不妨从这份报告入手。)

    ( If you 're looking for an explanation of the popularity of payday loans , this finding isn 't a bad start . )

  12. 本周,他们又采取了一项新的举措,打击包括发薪日贷款注在内的对部分金融工具的滥用。

    And this week , they took an important first step towards cracking down on some of the most abusive practices involving payday loans .

  13. 类似的研究层出不穷,从发薪日贷款到信用卡再到退休金融产品,它们的结论都是:财务知识匮乏让美国人多花了数十亿美元。

    The list goes on , from payday loans to credit cards to retirement products : Americans spend billions more because of their lack of financial knowledge .

  14. 在未来的六个月内,英国350万人将会申请发薪日贷款,然而研究显示,三分之二申请贷款者会为这一决定后悔。

    In Britain , it is feared that 3.5m people will turn to payday lenders in the next six months but research shows that nearly two-thirds will regret the decision .

  15. 沃斯在2014年6月加入优步,此前在Wonga担任了6个月的首席执行官。Wonga是一家充满争议的“发薪日贷款机构”,当时正接受监管机构的严格审查。

    He joined Uber in June 2014 , following a six-month tenure as the chief executive of Wonga , the controversial payday lender that was under severe regulatory scrutiny at the time .