
  • 网络Personal Loan;loan
  1. ABCBank决定由负责处理个人贷款的组织单位处理抵押贷款申请。

    ABC Bank has determined that the same organization unit that is responsible for processing personal loans will also process mortgage applications .

  2. 从个人贷款到抵押贷款,libor影响着整个信贷市场。

    From personal loans to mortgages , LIBOR affects the entire credit market .

  3. 主要的银行间贷款利率&伦敦银行同业拆息(Libor)是很多企业和个人贷款的基准。

    Libor , the main interbank borrowing rate , forms the benchmark for many loans to companies and individuals .

  4. 但持续的通胀压力已迫使印度央行(reservebankofindia)保持高利率水平,因而对零售信贷业包括房屋按揭、车贷及无抵押个人贷款构成了打击。

    But persistent inflationary pressure has forced the Reserve Bank of India , the central bank , to keep interest rates high , which in turn has hit retail credit , from home loans to car and unsecured personal loans .

  5. 此外,为了帮助用户筛选可能的居住地,DreamMover还扮演了预算规划顾问的角色,为用户提供个人贷款和抵押信息以及其他具有针对性的建议。

    In addition to helping users screen potential places to live , the app acted as a budget-planning advisor , providing information on personal loans and mortgages as well as providing targeted advice .

  6. 有许多不同类型的个人贷款。

    There are many different types of personal loans .

  7. 不用雇律师,你自己就可以写一份简单的个人贷款协议。

    You can draft a simple personal loan agreement without hiring an attorney .

  8. 对于团体贷款的效率是否比个人贷款的效率更高?和团体贷款对信贷市场中的低效率问题有无改进以及是如何改进的?

    Answering many questions such as whether group lending is more efficient than individual credit ?

  9. 个人贷款将访问必要的,但在稍后的阶段。

    The personal visit to the lender will be necessary , but at a later stage .

  10. 城市商业银行应当开创个人贷款这一新的业务领域。

    The commercial banks in cities ought to open a new operation of personal loan service .

  11. 建行河南省分行郑州个人贷款中心业务流程优化研究

    Study on Business Process Improvement of Zhengzhou Personal Loan Center , Henan Branch of China Construction Bank

  12. 网上支付、信用卡、个人贷款让客户体会现代生活的方便快捷。

    Online pay , credit card and personal loan make customers enjoy the fast and convenient modern life .

  13. 临朐中行个人贷款和银行卡业务管理系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Personal Loans and Bank Card Business Management System for Linqu Bank of China

  14. 美国的金融机构也正面临信用卡和个人贷款违约的问题。

    In the US , too , financial institutions are bracing for defaults on credit cards and personal loans .

  15. 其中个人贷款业务也随之如火如荼的得以快速发展,促进了延边州经济的不断发展。

    The personal loan is like a raging fire to development rapidly and thus promotes the economy in Yanbian area .

  16. 加快制定有关信用卡和特定个人贷款(如教育、汽车)方面的法律以及详细的实施指导方针。

    Expedite the issuance of regulations and detailed implementation guidelines for credit cards and personal loans ( e.g.for education , cars ) .

  17. 信用卡和个人贷款的发放就如同发糖果一样。贷款方个个在争抢快速增长的消费贷款市场。

    Credit cards and personal loans were handed out like confetti as lenders rushed to grab share of the fast-growing consumer credit market .

  18. 消费银行业务提供信用卡、个人贷款、抵押贷款、存款,并为个人和中型公司提供理财服务。

    The Consumer Bank provides credit cards , personal loans , mortgages , deposit taking activity and wealth management services t oindividuals and medium-sized businesses .

  19. 本文针对山东省某地级市商业银行的个人贷款数据进行了实证研究。

    In this paper , we use the personal loan data from a commercial bank of prefecture-level city in Shandong Province to make an empirical study .

  20. 她指出,新企业往往增长得更快,但在初始阶段,往往要依靠创始人的个人贷款提供资金。

    Young businesses tend to grow faster , she notes but in their early stages , they are often funded through the founder taking on personal debt .

  21. 他表示,注册成立本地法人银行,将使渣打银行能够推出抵押贷款、财富管理、信用卡和个人贷款等为中国居民量身订制的人民币业务。

    He said local registration will facilitate introduction of Renminbi services tailored for local Chinese , including mortgages , wealth management , credit cards and personal loans .

  22. 目前国际上主要有四类比较有影响的小额信贷模式,即小组贷款模式、村银行模式、个人贷款模式和混合型模式。

    There are mainly four influential Credit Models of Microcredit in the world , named Group Model , Village Banking Model , Individual Model and Mixed Model .

  23. 企业贷款(商业贷款)要比个人贷款复杂得多,因为它有很多能影响企业发展方向的变数。

    Lending to businesses is a lot more complicated than lending to an individual , because there are many variables that can affect the way a business develops .

  24. 由于巴西消费者每年要为信用卡债务支付238.3%的利息,很难相信个人贷款税率提升1.5%会带来什么改观。

    With consumers paying 238.3 per cent a year for credit card debt , it is hard to see how an extra 1.5 points will make much difference .

  25. 而个人贷款业务随着中国消费者消费习惯的改变也已成为商业银行未来最有潜力的业务,亟待通过识别不同细分市场,挖掘潜在客户来进行系统的客户价值管理。

    On the other side , the personal loan business has also become the greatest potential business in commercial banks with the change of Chinese consumers shopping habits .

  26. 但是,现有研究更多的是从不同角度来解释并不需要抵押或担保的团体贷款的还款率为何如此高,而忽视了团体贷款与个人贷款的效率的比较。

    The present studies have paid attention to explain why its repayment rate is so high , yet have not compared the efficiency of group lending with other forms of credit .

  27. 印度储备银行,印度中央银行削减基准利率,但是个人贷款并没有提高。

    The Reserve Bank of India , India 's central bank , has slashed its benchmark interest rates , but the cost of private loans has not fallen by as much .

  28. 本文通过对浙江省嘉兴市的个人贷款业务进行案例研究,证明了在金融产品创新进程中必须结合以一定的配套制度建设。

    This paper studies the development of individual lending in Jiaxing city , Zhejiang province , proving the proposition that such financial product innovation should parallel to the credit assessment arrangement for individuals .

  29. 指出个人贷款流程再造是实现以客户为中心,提升个人贷款业务整体效率,降低个人贷款业务风险的个人贷款流程。

    Pointed out the personal loan flow restoration is the realization take the customer as a center , promotes the personal loan service overall efficiency , decreases the personal loan service risk the personal loan flow .

  30. 随着国内商业银行的发展,个人贷款业务作为资产业务的一种因其客户范围广、违约率低、收益期限长、利息收入稳定而受到诸家商业银行的青睐。

    With the development of domestic commercial bank , personal loans as assets business a wide range of customers , its low default rate , interest income and long term stability by various commercial banks favor .