
ɡōnɡ shānɡ dài kuǎn
  • commercial and industrial loans
  1. 国内贷款合同及有关文件的准备,包括工商贷款、外资企业贷款、外汇贷款;

    Drafting domestic commercial loan agreements , including industrial and commercial loans , foreign invested enterprises loans , and foreign currency loans ;

  2. 运用一些模型如工商贷款信用风险评估模型对资产证券化过程中遇到的风险进行定量的分析和评估。

    Use some model , such as industry and commerce grant the loan credit risks assess model , to carry on quantitative analysis and assessment to the risk in the course of asset-backed securitization .

  3. 文章第四部分是全文的重点,首先介绍了建设银行关于工商贷款的传统定价模式,并指出了它存在的问题。

    The fourth part of article is the key point of the whole thesis . At first we introduce Construction Bank 's traditional pricing mode about the industrial and commercial loan , and point out its problem .

  4. 为本市中小企业、个体工商户贷款提供担保。

    Local smes , and individual industrial and commercial households guarantee loans .

  5. 符合国家产业政策、信贷政策和中国工商银行贷款投向。

    In accordance with national industrial policy , loan policy and ICBC 's loan orientation .

  6. 它的主要业务是对工商行业投放贷款,并从那里吸收存款以及从城市和郊区居民中吸收储蓄。

    Its main business is lending to and taking in deposits from the industrial and commercial sectors as well as savings from the urbanites and suburbanites .

  7. 传统的银行信贷业务主要是指工商企业的贷款,但随着商业银行进军个人消费市场,个人消费信贷也已经成为银行主要的信贷业务。

    The traditional banking credit is business credit , but with the commercial banks entering into the individual market , the individual consumption credit has become the main profit-driven business for commercial banks .

  8. 中国有关部门于2017年决定,对金融机构向小型企业、微型企业和个体工商户发放小额贷款取得的利息收入,免征增值税。

    Chinese authorities decided in 2017 that financial institutions will value-added taxes on income from interest from loans to small and micro-sized businesses and individually-owned businesses .