
  • 网络Teams;Work team;Team work
  1. 但在一个工作团队,我想也许态度比技能更重要。

    But in a work team , I think maybe attitude trumph skill .

  2. 工作团队与权力

    The Work Team and the Authority

  3. 管理FCM工作团队,制定FCM工作流程及指导方针以达到标准。

    Manage FCM team and make FCM process & guidelines to meet standards .

  4. 员工与其工作团队一起参加互动环节,比如破釜沉舟(TheRubicon)、加油停车(ThePitStop)、四个关键时刻(FourMomentsofTruth)和为何不(WhyNot)等。

    Together with their work teams , employees participate in interactive sessions such as The Rubicon ; The Pit Stop ; Four Moments of Truth and Why Not .

  5. 其次,这些工作团队将参照非洲开展AIDS治疗项目实施模式对在贫困国家实施低价普通乳腺癌化疗项目进行谈判。

    Second , the task force will start negotiating lower prices for generic chemotherapy for poor countries , following the same model that has helped transform AIDS care in parts of Africa .

  6. 能够通过稳定的工作团队,5s技术,精益制造和单元观念来保持员工积极向上的的精神以及参与性。

    Maintain positive employee moral and involvement through the implementation of sustainable work teams , 5s techniques , lean manufacturing methods and cell concepts .

  7. 另外,优秀的工作团队和优秀的女演员Noon,在演戏方面给予了我很多帮助和支持,使我很容易的来诠释和完成这个角色。

    In additions , good production team and good leading actress-Noon Woranuch-who supported me a lot in playing the lines together that helped facilitate me playing the role very easily .

  8. 匹兹堡HowlandPetersonConsulting公司的人力资源咨询师吉莲•佛罗伦汀(GillianFlorentine)说,工作团队有时候可以帮助员工提高这方面的意识。

    Work teams can sometimes help raise an employee 's awareness , says Gillian Florentine , a human-resource consultant with Howland Peterson Consulting in Pittsburgh .

  9. 每当你认为自己沟通过度时,你可能才刚刚开始,Rosenberg强调全体员工大会、日常邮件、办公时间和场外工作团队的重要性。

    When you think youve communicated something too much , youre probably just beginning to get through , says Rosenberg , stressing the importance of all-hands meetings , regular emails , office hours and team off-sites .

  10. 他的工作团队也在世界各地获得好评。

    His crew have also won acclaim all over the world .

  11. 当时,王朝基金工作团队发生分化。

    At that time , Wang Zhaowen fund team break up .

  12. 双方工作团队都很出色,并进行了有效的合作。

    We also have two great teams working together for it .

  13. 然而,这些工作团队的业绩有时却令人失望。

    However , the performance of these workgroups is sometimes disappointing .

  14. 萧克利以及他的工作团队已掌握其制作技术的窍门。

    Shockley and his team figured out how to accomplish this trick .

  15. 虚拟参考咨询工作团队成员互动过程探微

    On the Interacting Process of Virtual Reference Service Team Members

  16. 你了解我们公司、各部门和工作团队吗?

    Do you know much about our company , department , team ?

  17. 基于知识工作团队的领导信任与团队有效性研究

    An Empirical Study About Trust in Leader and Knowledge-based Work Team Effectiveness

  18. 一旦你加入一个工作团队后真正的工作就开始了。

    The real work begins once you get started in the job force .

  19. 模拟情境中工作团队成员互动过程的初步研究及其测量

    Process of interaction among members in simulated work teams

  20. 高技术工作团队的交互记忆系统及其效果

    Transactive Memory System in Work Teams from High Technology Firms and Its Consequences

  21. 外展训练:工作团队与其他组织的连结〉,第1-9页。

    " Outward Bound : Linking Teams to their Organizations . " pp.1-9 .

  22. 重视运用工作团队,建立工作分担机制;

    Pay attention to using the working team and set up work share mechanism ;

  23. 良好的人际关系和工作团队精神。

    Good interpersonal skill & team work spirit .

  24. 工作团队模式在系级管理中应用的思考

    Thought on Teamwork Model Applied to Department Administration

  25. 中美文化差异对跨文化企业工作团队中员工交际的影响

    The Impact of Sino-US Cultural Differences on Staff 's Communication in Cross-Cultural Business Workgroups

  26. 我们是一个团结和谐的工作团队。

    We are a very United team .

  27. 世卫组织的工作团队以及死者家人都非常感谢。

    These are very well appreciated both by the team in WHO and by the family .

  28. 工作团队的产生体现了企业组织与管理方式的革命性变革,企业团队文化来源于企业团队工作实践,同时,企业团队工作离不开团队文化,没有团队文化的支持,企业团队工作就不可能成功。

    Work teams represent a radical organization Change . The enterprise team culture originates from teamwork .

  29. 蓝格拥有一流的摄影棚、摄影器材与工作团队。

    Lange possesses fist-class studios , state of the art photography equipments and an excellent team .

  30. 它们阐释了云计算对企业IT工作团队造成的威胁。

    They illustrate the existential threat that cloud computing and its practices present to corporate IT groups .