
The textual research has below theories with realistic meaning : While ising a foundation that " CPE " face now , the local engineering consults the market supplies serious shortage , the competition arouses the dint , but business enterprise human resource development is its exist with the development ;
Workshop on International Engineering Consulting Market
In the international market of project consulting , EPC mode has become a popular way of engineering project management .
With the mixing of internal and international markets , many excellent foreign project management companies will invest in China .
With the further integration of the domestic and foreign engineering consulting markets , Chinese engineering consulting enterprise will be confronted with more challenges from the powerful competitors , and the enhancing of its competitiveness is imperative .
For this reason , the managerial system in China is behind the times . With China 's entry into WTO , more foreign companies will enter the Chinese consulting market and the competition is fiercer .
Since the accession to the WTO , the competition of project cost consulting market has been more intense due to the entry of foreign engineering cost consulting enterprises . We should carefully analyze the problems of the engineering cost consulting enterprises , to improve their competitiveness .
Outsourcing Market of Project Consultant in the UK
With the impact of increasingly globalization , the project consultant outsourcing market is swiftly expanding in recent years .
Improving Bill of Quantities'quality and regulating operation , we should resolve the following problems ; 1.using law to regulate cost consultation marketing ;
Accordingly , the research about marketing strategy and customer management of engineering design consultation is still at a starting point and many problems in this field need to be resolved .
This article performs an analysis of the changes in the function of the engineering budgetary estimate making , charges composition , process of making , methodology adopted and preparatory work of basic data .
It indicates that the market structure , service system and legal environment will change a great deal in a short time in the consulting industry of engineering construction .
With the flood of foreign building offices into China after China 's WTO entry , China 's engineering design industry will face challenges from those foreign offices with the advantages of advanced technologies and management , and ability in financing .
In view of the problems that the research and application of the market subdivision of the engineering consulting company is still not perfect , the article analyses the significance of the market subdivision in engineering consulting company , and proposes preliminary subdivision and after-action subdivision methods .
Discussing the engineering design ( consultant ) market
National engineering cost consulting industry market size , market share gradually expanding , industry , revenue has been close to 10 billion .
The actions of engineering advisory should be played in building market , the action of consultancy engineer and the quality of them are discussed in detail .
Many enterprise of engineering design consultation have knew little about the market and market strategy of engineering design consultation , less than customer management as well as the content and technology of customer management concerning engineer design consultation .
When China join in the WTO , domestic engineering consulting enterprise is facing unprecedented opportunities and challenges . Engineering consulting market will break the existing distribution market and integrate into the global market to adjust the transformation .
Chinese consulting enterprise must take part in the international competition at engineering consulting market if they want to survive , develop and grow .
The former is still in its supervision position , while the latter enters the emerging consulting market for construction quality and safety .
As most of the engineering survey and design unit changed from design institute to engineering consulting corporation , the market-oriented pattern of engineering consulting industry has gradually formed .