
  • Determination of industrial injury;identification of injure accident
  1. 在工伤认定的实体问题中,本文认为确定劳动法律关系的是否存在十分重要,要正确区分合法劳动关系和非法劳动关系、劳动关系和劳务关系的区别;

    In the substantial problem about identification of injure accident , it 's quite important to ascertain whether there exits labor relation , we must properly distinguish legal labor relation from illegal labor relation and the labor relation from personal relation ;

  2. 工伤职工或用人单位对工伤认定不服,可以提起行政复议或行政诉讼。

    Injured worker or employee may put forward a administrative review or law suit when disagree with the identification of injure accident .

  3. 关于审理工伤认定行政案件若干问题的思考

    On Issues of Handling Administrative Cases of Appraising Injuries at Work

  4. 工伤认定中若干法律问题探讨

    On Legal Issues in the Determination of Injuries at Work

  5. 期望完善我国的工伤认定与赔偿制度。

    Expect to improve our related injuries and compensation system .

  6. 什么是工伤认定申请时限?

    What is time limit of inductrial injury cognizance application ?

  7. 工伤认定复议案件审理若干问题研究

    A Research on Some Problems in Judging Reconsideration Cases about Industrial Injury Identification

  8. 本部分内容主要以工伤认定和保险对象为内容进行分析。

    This section deals with industrial injury insurance and analysis for the content object .

  9. 第二部分主要介绍工伤认定的程序问题。

    The second part mainly introduces the process of affirmation of the industrial injury .

  10. 该部分最后分析工伤认定基本理论。

    The last of this part studies the basic theory of determination of the industrial injury .

  11. 有关工伤认定争议案件中的受伤害情形多种多样。

    Summary : There are a variety of injury cases in the controversial case of work-related injuries .

  12. 我国工伤认定程序改革的思考&基于社会法的视角

    On the Reform of the Procedure of Confirmation of Work-related Injuries : The Perspective from the Social Law

  13. 工伤认定是确定某一伤害事故是否属于工伤的重要前提。

    Recognition of the industrial injury is the important basis of determining whether the accident is an industrial injury or not .

  14. 该部分最后引用法院两个判决就上下班迟到早退是否影响工伤认定简要分析。

    The last of this part simply analyzed the influence of late reaching and early leaving on recognition of the industry injury .

  15. 超过一年提出工伤认定申请的,劳动保障行政部门不予受理。

    Put forward more than one year to be versed in the injury maintains application , labor ensures service not to grant to accept .

  16. 本文以为只要该事故属于工伤认定的范围,劳动者有权享受工伤保险待遇。

    From this paper , the worker has the right of being insured if the accident belongs to the scope of the industrial injury .

  17. 从狭义的角度来讲,其流程包括工伤认定、劳动能力鉴定、确定工伤保险待遇三步。

    In narrow sense , the procedure include three steps as work-related injury identification , labor ability assessment and benefits of work-related injury determined .

  18. 第二部分在对我省法院审理工伤认定行政案件情况进行调研的基础上,列举了审判实践中存在的主要法律适用难题。

    The part two will list the existing legal application difficulty in work-related injury certification administrative case based on the research of our court judgement in Shandong province .

  19. 但在具体工伤认定案件中,因为《条例》对工作场所的含义没有做出具体的解释,所以执法人员、劳动者和企业负责人容易产生争议。

    But in the concrete work injury cases , tipstaff , laborers and leaders in enterprises are easy to brought disputes because there are no clear explanation about the meaning of " workplace " .

  20. 工伤认定是对劳动者的伤残事实是否符合工伤而作出确认的行为,主要是工伤申请人向社会保险行政部门提出申请,社会保险行政部门依据法律法规作出确认的一种行为。

    Related injuries that confirm whether the facts meet the work-related injuries of workers disabled behavior , mainly the applicants of work-related injuries apply to the social security administration departments , social security administration departments in accordance with the laws and regulations to make the confirmation of an act .

  21. 从工伤事故认定范围之广泛,说明由人身侵权损害引起工伤事故发生的概率较高;

    The extensive scope of the affirmation to industrial accidents accounts for the highness of the occurrence probability to the industrial accidents caused by the Tort Injury .

  22. 然而,劳动者与用人单位是否存在劳动关系是工伤保险事故认定的前提。

    However , if workers and employers labor relations is a prerequisite for occupational injury insurance accident identified .

  23. 本论文的主体分为以下四个部分:第一部分是关于工伤、工伤认定及赔偿模式的基本情况概述。

    The main body of this paper is divided into the following four parts : The first part is about the work injury , related injuries and compensation model are summarized .

  24. 本部分从我国现行工伤赔偿案件中适用工伤认定程序存在的缺陷、问题产生的原因、解决问题的方法及可行性、司法实践中的探索等几个方面对该问题予以阐述,并得出结论。

    This section from several aspects of the work injury compensative cases to explore , such as , lacking determinative procedure of work-related injuries , the causes of problem , problem solving methods and feasibility , judicial practice and so on , and draw a conclusion .

  25. 但现行工伤赔偿诉讼中的工伤行政认定程序在实践中存在很多弊端,给劳动者维权造成诸多障碍。

    However there are many drawbacks in practice that exist the litigation in administrative process of compensation for industrial injury , and this procedure create a lot of barriers to workers rights protection .

  26. 其下又分为三个小部分,第一小部分是工伤的由来及界定;第二小部分是工伤认定的定义及概述;第三小部分是工伤赔偿模式。

    Is divided into three small sections under it , the first small part of the origin and definition of work-related injuries ; second small part of the definition and overview of related injuries ; third small portion of workers ' compensation model .

  27. 工伤是工业社会不可回避的一个重要议题,工伤认定关系着用人单位与劳动者的根本利益,同时也关乎一个家庭的幸与不幸,甚至是整个社会的安定与否。

    In the industrial society , work-related injury is an inavoidable and important issue as it concerns the fundamental interests of the employer and employee , the well-being of a family , and even the stability of the whole society .

  28. 针对深入贯彻实施《工伤保险条例》的情况,提出了当前存在的难点有:工伤认定政策放宽带来的难点以及工伤保险与预防、康复存在事实上的脱节现象。

    There exist some hard points for the implementation of Industrial Insurance Rules , including hard points resulting from loose identifying policy for industrial injuries and the existing discrepancy between industrial insurance , industrial prevention and industrial recovery .

  29. 矿山工伤管理法律制度的内容主要包括矿山工伤预防法律制度、矿山工伤保险法律制度、矿山工伤认定法律制度、矿山工伤损害赔偿法律制度。

    The mine industrial injury management system covers mine industrial injury prevention legal system , mine industrial injury insurance legal system , mine industrial injury certificate legal system , mine industrial injury compensation legal system .

  30. 此外,笔者将工伤保险基金先行支付制度分为四个构成要件,分别是申请主体、不支付、工伤认定程序以及未缴纳保险费。

    Moreover , the advance payment of the workers ' insurance fund may be divided into four constitutive requirements , namely claimers ," non-payment " and the identification program of workers ' injury as well as absence of the premium .