
  • 网络industrial injury prevention
  1. 矿山工伤管理法律制度的内容主要包括矿山工伤预防法律制度、矿山工伤保险法律制度、矿山工伤认定法律制度、矿山工伤损害赔偿法律制度。

    The mine industrial injury management system covers mine industrial injury prevention legal system , mine industrial injury insurance legal system , mine industrial injury certificate legal system , mine industrial injury compensation legal system .

  2. 煤矿工伤保险有助于保障矿工的合法权益,有效地分散煤矿企业的工伤风险,减轻企业负担;科学的保险费率机制可以促进工伤预防,改善煤矿安全状况。

    The coal mine industrial injury insurances can guarantee miners ' legal rights , disperse coal mines ' industrial injury risks and lighten enterprises ' burden ; the scientific premium mechanism can promote industrial injury prevention and improve coal mine safety conditions .

  3. 工伤预防是工伤保险管理部门的三大职能之一,是工伤保险制度本身的任务和要求。

    Work injury precaution is one of the three functions of the work injury insurance management , and the task and requirement of the work injury insurance system .

  4. 为了保障因工作遭受事故伤害或者患职业病的职工获得医疗救治和经济补偿,促进工伤预防和职业康复,分散用人单位的工伤风险,应当建立和完善工伤保险制度。

    In order to protect those who suffer work-relate injuries or occupational disease receive medical treatment and compensation , promote of work-relate injuries prevention and vocational rehabilitation and spread the risk of the work-relate injuries of employers , we should establish and improve the workers ' compensation system .

  5. 结果表明本文提出的费率浮动方法在工伤事故预防功能、维持基金稳定以及兼顾公平等三个方面显示了一定的可行性。

    As the result shows , the EMR rule in this paper are reasonable both in the injury accident prevention function , keeping the fund stabilization and also keeping the fund equitable .

  6. 德国工伤保险事故预防机制评介

    Study on Accident Prevention Mechanism in Occupational Injury Insurance System of Germany

  7. 中国工伤保险制度预防机制的不足及完善

    The Problems and Consummation of Prevention Mechanism of China 's Work Injury Insurance System

  8. 浅谈企业工伤事故的预防

    On Precaution against Industrial Accidents in Enterprises

  9. 建立工伤保险与事故预防相结合的机制

    Discussions on the Establishment of Industrial Insurance and Accident Prevention

  10. 但在制度运行中也存在工伤医疗费用居高不下和工伤预防基金准备不足等问题,应当采取相应措施加以解决。

    However , problems that exist during its functioning like the steadily increasing medical expenses and insufficient reserve of prevention fund should be resolved .

  11. 目的了解不同群体工伤职工流行病学及再就业情况,为工伤预防和职业康复提供依据。

    Objective : To understand the situations of various groups of injured workers reemployment and epidemiology to further provide evidences for prevention and vocational rehabilitation .

  12. 从广义的角度来讲,工伤事故处理程序是指在上述所讲程序之外,还应该包括工伤预防和工伤康复的过程。

    In generally sense , beside what described above , Work-related Injury Procedure also include work-related injury prevention and rehabilitation .

  13. 工伤保险费率机制是工伤保险制度的核心问题,对工伤保险基金的稳定性、工伤预防效能的发挥和企业参与的积极性等多方面产生直接影响。

    Decision mechanism of the premium rate is the core of the insurance system for occupational injury , which has direct impact not only on the balance of insurance fund and promotion of the injury prevention , but also the enthusiasm of enterprise insurers .

  14. 工伤保险差别费率是工伤保险费率机制的核心内容,它关系到企业参保的积极性及工伤保险预防效能的发挥。

    Differential rate is the core of occupational injury insurance mechanism , which has direct impact on the enthusiasm of enterprise to buy insurance and the preventing of occupational injure .

  15. 除此之外,我国的工伤保险覆盖率还不足50%,与发达国家90%的覆盖率相比差距还很大,同时对工伤的预防工作和工伤事故发生后的康复工作还不够重视。

    In addition , industrial injury insurance rate of coverage less than 50 % in China compared to 90 % in developed countries stil has a very great distance , and then the attention to injury prevention and post-rehabilitation is not enough .

  16. 针对深入贯彻实施《工伤保险条例》的情况,提出了当前存在的难点有:工伤认定政策放宽带来的难点以及工伤保险与预防、康复存在事实上的脱节现象。

    There exist some hard points for the implementation of Industrial Insurance Rules , including hard points resulting from loose identifying policy for industrial injuries and the existing discrepancy between industrial insurance , industrial prevention and industrial recovery .

  17. 本文以传统的激励理论为依据,分析指出要达到扩大工伤保险覆盖面的目的,应该是设计科学、合理的工伤保险费率机制去激励企业主动参加工伤保险和加强工伤预防。

    Based on the theory of motivation , this paper suggests to design reasonable occupational injury insurance rate mechanism to arousing enthusiasm of the corporation to join occupational injury insurance .