
  • 网络cost consulting;Engineering Cost Consultation
  1. 随后国内兴起了一股引进CRM的热潮,并渗透到越来越多的行业,但是工程造价咨询行业在我国做为一个新兴的分散型行业,却尚未有研究CRM推行的先例。

    The subsequent domestic rise of an introduction of the CRM boom , and contingent penetrate into more and more industries , but the engineering cost consultation industry in China as an emerging decentralized industry , has yet to implement CRM precedent .

  2. 工程造价咨询职业责任保险的应用价值

    Applicable Value of Duty Liability Insurance in Engineering Cost Consultation

  3. 加入WTO工程造价咨询机构如何抢占市场

    How to Seize Market by Engineering Cost Advisory Body after Joining WTO

  4. SWOT理论在工程造价咨询行业的应用

    SWOT analysis in Construction cost consulting

  5. 中国工程造价咨询业的发展趋势&建筑测量(BS)

    Development Trend of Project Cost Consultation Industry in China & Building Surveying ;

  6. 根据WTO《服务贸易总协定》的规定,入世后,外资工程造价咨询业将在五年内获得在中国境内成立独资公司从事工程造价咨询业务的权利。

    According to the rules of WTO Service and Trade General Agreement , foreign capital project cost consultation industry will achieve the rights of establishing sole investment company to carry out project cost consultation activities within five years after joining WTO .

  7. 同时,依据我国对入世的承诺,加入WTO后五年内外资工程造价咨询业将获得在中国境内成立独资公司从事工程造价咨询业务的权利。

    Meanwhile , according to our promise to the WTO , foreign capital project cost consultation service industry will achieve the right of establishing sole capital company to carry on engineering cost consultation practice within five years after China 's joining into WTO .

  8. 加入WTO以来,我国的工程造价咨询市场面对着国外工程造价咨询企业进入,竞争空前的激烈,需要认真的分析我国工程造价咨询企业存在的问题,提高自身的竞争力。

    Since the accession to the WTO , the competition of project cost consulting market has been more intense due to the entry of foreign engineering cost consulting enterprises . We should carefully analyze the problems of the engineering cost consulting enterprises , to improve their competitiveness .

  9. 接着,从政府政策支持、企业人员和组织的改革等多个角度提出了我国建立ADR机制的条件建议。最后,结合案例探讨了我国工程造价咨询企业开展ADR业务的流程。

    Then , advices are put forward to establish ADR mechanisms from the angle of policy support of the government , personnel and organizations reform and so on . Finally , the ADR process for cost engineering consultations company to develop is discussed with a case .

  10. 工程造价咨询单位如何参与全过程造价管理

    The Participation of Project Cost Enquiry Agency in All-around Cost Management

  11. 建设工程造价咨询信息服务体系的构建

    The Establishment of the Construction Project Cost Consultation Information Service System

  12. 工程造价咨询行业发展现状分析及对策

    Analysis on the development of project cost consultant industry and countermeasures

  13. 全过程工程造价咨询业务基本内容分析

    The Analysis of Basic Work Scope of Construction Cost Management Consultant

  14. 浅议工程造价咨询业的发展方向

    A Brief Discussion on the Orientation of Engineering Cost Advisory Industry

  15. 浅论工程造价咨询机构的激励约束机制

    On incentive and constrain mechanism of the project cost advisory institution

  16. 国外先进工程造价咨询业管理的借鉴意义

    Advanced management of consulting on project cost industry in foreign land

  17. 工程造价咨询企业信用的模糊评判研究

    Study on the credit fuzzy evaluation of engineering cost consulting enterprise

  18. 关于建立工程造价咨询质量控制体系的探索

    On Building Controlling System of Quality Consulting of Engineering Cost

  19. 工程造价咨询及招标代理业务承揽的政府集中委托

    Government concentrative consignation to cost consultant industry and bidding agent

  20. 对宁夏工程造价咨询企业服务创新的几点思考

    On Thinking on Service Innovation of Construction Cost Consultation Companies of Ningxia

  21. 建设单位如何加强对工程造价咨询单位的管理

    On ways to strengthen advisory unit of project costs in architectural enterprise

  22. 入世与我国工程造价咨询业的发展

    WTO and the development of Chinese engineering cost consultancy industry

  23. 浅议工程造价咨询业存在的问题与对策

    Discussion on the existing problems and countermeasures of engineering cost consultancy industry

  24. 关于工程造价咨询中介机构档案室现代化管理的思考与实践

    On the project cost consulting agency archives modern management thinking

  25. 入世后工程造价咨询服务走向

    How to Develop the Engineering Cost Service after China 's Entry into WTO

  26. 充分发挥工程造价咨询单位的作用;

    The cost consults unit exert their function well ;

  27. 浅谈工程造价咨询质量控制的有效措施

    Brief Introduction to Constructing Modern Controlling System of Consulting Quality of Engineering Cost

  28. 营造良好发展环境促进工程造价咨询行业快速健康发展

    Building Good Development Environment And Promoting The Development Of Engineering Cost Consultation Industry

  29. 关于工程造价咨询职业责任的思考

    Thinking of the Professional Responsibilities of Project Cost Consultation

  30. 工程造价咨询企业发展浅析

    Simple analyses on development of projects cost consulting enterprises