
  • 网络workflow management;workflow;work flow management
  1. 工作流程管理是贯穿在PDM全过程的一个最基本也是最重要的一个功能。

    Workflow Management is the most important function in PDM process .

  2. 面向CAPP的工作流程管理研究与应用

    The Research on Workflow Management Application for CAPP

  3. 基于PDM系统的工作流程管理模型

    Workflow of Process Management model based on Product Data Management system

  4. 一种应用于PDM的工作流程管理系统

    A system of workflow m a n a gement used in PDM

  5. 文章对工作流程管理技术进行了相关的探讨,并提出了一种应用于PDM的工作流程管理系统。

    This paper presents some introduction about the technology of Workflow Management , and a system of Workflow Management used in PDM is put out .

  6. PDM用于文档管理、产品结构管理、工作流程管理等方面,是企业进行信息化建设的重要平台。

    PDM is used for documents management , products structure management , workflows management and other areas , and it is an important platform of enterprise informationization .

  7. 通过将原型系统与PDM系统集成,本文对基于节点工作流程管理模型的实例应用进行了验证,并取得了良好的效果。

    By integrating the prototype system into PDM system , the paper examines the application of the workflow management model on the basis of nodes , and gets some favorable results .

  8. LoutsDomino/Notes是一个功能强大的综合性的工作流程管理系统。

    Louts Domino / notes is a complicated workflow management system which has powerful capability .

  9. 通过对并行工程的体系结构与PDM系统的管理功能的深入分析,阐述了多维视图响应技术和配置技术在文档管理、产品结构与配置管理以及工作流程管理等方面对PDM系统开发的支持。

    It point out that supporting technology is made use of document management , product structure , configuring management and workflows management through in-depth analysis on system structure of concurrent engineering and functions of PDM .

  10. 提出了城建档案管理系统的GIS、MIS、Internet和工作流程管理一体化的集成设计思路,分析了城建档案管理系统功能设计和数据的组织方法及系统集成平台框架的设计方案。

    This paper presents a design idea of integrating GIS , MIS , Internet and Workflows for urban construction archive management system . Both the functions and the data in the system are discussed . And the scheme for the system integrated is designed .

  11. 企业PDM作为产品数据管理系统既是计算机管理工程应用技术,同时由于涉及到企业数据管理和工作流程管理,因此也是一项企业管理技术。

    PDM , as the product data management system , is not only an application technology of computer management , but also an enterprise management technology since it is related to enterprise data management and workflow management .

  12. 现代企业经营环境的变化迫切需要把产品数据管理技术与工作流程管理技术结合起来,特别是把工作流程管理系统运用到PDM系统中来,取代并改进PDM系统中的工作流程管理功能。

    As business environment changes , enterprises urgently needs to combine PDM technology with workflow management technology , especially to integrate workflow management into a PDM system to improve the performance of the PDM workflow management function .

  13. 最后还有一个重要的事,Lyle,由于时间紧迫,我需要一个人协助我做工作流程管理,你认为谁合适?

    Last but not least , Lyle , since we 're under tighter time restraints , I 'll need someone to assist me with workflow management . What 's your recommendation ?

  14. 这些内建的工作流程管理特性能够帮助避免工作传递的问题。

    These built-in workflow management features help prevent work transfer problems .

  15. 模具协同设计制造的工作流程管理研究

    Workflow Management Research on Mould Collaborative Design and Manufacturing

  16. 在协同商务系统平台下,工作流程管理贯穿于整个系统中。

    Workflow management runs through the whole system .

  17. 基于产品结构的工作流程管理

    Workflow Management Based on Product Structure

  18. 现代办公自动化需要现代化的管理手段与工具,由此而提出了对工作流程管理系统的需求。

    The system of Workflow Management is in grate needed , because modern OA needs modern tools .

  19. 该模型可有效解决企业产品设计过程中的工作流程管理问题。

    The model can solve the problems , which exist in the workflow management of the design of product .

  20. 基于可信用电子商务系统体系架构的可信用电子商务理想模型,主要涉及交易中的信用审计及分布式工作流程管理。

    The ideal model , based on credibility e-commerce system architecture , is related to the credit audit and distributed workflow system .

  21. 现行的配电网络管理信息系统强调信息采集与管理,对工作流程管理未给予足够的重视。

    The present distribution grid management information systems emphasize information acquisition and management , but not pay sufficient attention to the workflow management .

  22. 以往,对注塑产品开发的研究主要集中于CAD/CAE/CAM方面,而对产品的开发工作流程管理等方面研究则较少。

    In the past , injection product development mainly focused on CAD / CAE / CAM , and management of development workflow is poorly concerned .

  23. 工作流程管理是和谐企业组织义务和入程以便获得最大出产效力的技术,一般的工作流程包括审批流程和更改流程管理。

    Work flow management is technology of arrange organize mission and process to get the most production efficiency , it contain approving and changing flow .

  24. 目前,作为支持业务过程建模、过程优化和过程实现的工作流管理技术,为分布式环境下协同工作流程管理提供了非常适合的解决方案。

    Currently , workflow management technology , which can model , optimize and accomplish business processes , offer a suitable solution for group collaborative process reengineering .

  25. 工作流程管理和缺陷-变更跟踪工具定义了变更的原因,发起人,解决程度等。

    Workflow management and defect-and-change tracking tools identify why a change was needed , who requested it , and how close it is to being resolved .

  26. 在网页环境下提出了面向设备的工作流程管理,以设备为入口实现缺陷、定检的网络化流程管理。

    The equipment - oriented working flow management in web - page environment is proposed , which realizes the flow management of defect detection and periodic inspection .

  27. 通过工作流程管理快速便捷地定义出适合集团各项办公和管理需求的工作流程,使办公事务处理规范化,实现协同工作。

    Through the workflow management quickly and easily define the appropriate group of office and workflow management needs , so that standardization of office transaction processing to achieve teamwork .

  28. 本文应用对基于节点工作流程管理模型及其关键技术的研究结果,设计了工作流程管理原型系统&YH-WFM系统;

    Using the results got from the research in the workflow management model on the basis of nodes , the paper designs the prototype system , which is named YH-WFM .

  29. 营销资源管理是一个热门的流行语,但它仍然是一个误用和误解的词语,因为许多人只把它看成是工作流程管理。

    Marketing Resource Management is a hot buzzword , but it continues to be a misused and misunderstood phrase , as many people just think of it as workflow management .

  30. 集成技术主要涉及各应用软件间的集成与数据集成,管理技术则包括用户及权限管理、项目计划管理、工作流程管理、数据管理等。

    The integration includes software integration and data integration . The main management contained users and limits management , project schedule and workflow management , data management and so on .