
gōng shāng
  • industrial injury;injury suffered on the job;injury incurred while working
工伤 [gōng shāng]
  • [injury suffered on the job;industrial injury] 工作过程中遭受的伤害

  • 要尽量减少或避免工伤事故

工伤[gōng shāng]
  1. 工人们强烈要求投工伤保险。

    The workers strongly recommend insuring against injury suffered on the job .

  2. 急诊动脉栓塞术在煤矿工伤急救中的应用一堆暗白色的煤灰,还是好多天以前没有消除的,冷冷地塞满了炉子。

    Emergency call arterial embolism skill application in giving first aid treatment to in coal mine injury incurred while working Some dull , grey ashes , left , long days ago , coldly chocked up the bars .

  3. 工伤赔偿方案要考虑实际残疾情况以及残疾是否会影响其工作能力。

    The industrial injuries scheme takes into account the actual disability and whether it handicaps a person in working .

  4. 一定要有保护工人避免工伤事故的安全装置。

    There must be safety devices to ensure workers against accidents .

  5. 税收和GDP工伤保险条例

    Tax Revenue and GDP Insurance Regulations regarding Industrial Injuries

  6. 采用捕获-标记-再捕获法(capturemarkrecapture,CMR),对某钢铁企业1997~2002年登记和工人回忆两种不同来源的非致死性工伤资料进行分析。

    Two resources from reported and investigation of non-fatal occupational injury in one steel company from 1997 to 2002 were analyzed by Capture-mark-recapture method .

  7. 石化施工企业一直是工伤事故高发行业,因此实施HSE管理是非常必要的。

    Petrochemical construction enterprise always is a trade which industrial accident often happens in , therefore , it is necessary that HSE management be implemented .

  8. 简述了灰理论中GM(1,1)动态预测模型的特点及其建模过程,并将其应用于企业职工工伤事故频率预测中。

    In this paper , the characteristics and setting up procedures of GM ( 1,1 ) dynamic prediction model in gray theory is briefly described , as well as its application in prediction of accident frequency .

  9. 卡夫卡曾经工作过的波西米亚王国工伤保险机构现在是美憬阁世纪古城布拉格酒店(NaPorici7;420-221-800-800;centuryoldtown.com),就在老城外面。

    In the erstwhile Workers Accident Insurance Institute of the Kingdom of Bohemia , where Kafka worked , the Hotel Century Old Town ( Na Porici 7 ; 420-221-800-800 ; centuryoldtown . com ) is just outside of Old Town .

  10. 在此例中,我们使用一个命名为“关于工伤/病的雇主报告纽约州劳工赔偿局”的多页表格-以下文简称C2表格。

    In this sample we use a multi-page form named " EMPLOYER 'S REPORT OF WORK-RELATED INJURY / ILLNESS-State of New York-Workers'Compensation Board " - we refer to it below as the C2 form .

  11. cfsw为员工提供有竞争力的薪水,同时按照国家规定缴纳养老保险,失业保险,基本医疗保险,工伤保险,生育保险和住房公积金。

    CFSW provide employees with competitive salary and pay endowment insurance , unemployment insurance , medical insurance , injury insurance , birth insurance and housing fund .

  12. 工伤保险在企业事故风险管理中促进作用的探讨

    Discussion on Development Impact of Occupational Injury Insurance in Risk Management

  13. 关于审理工伤认定行政案件若干问题的思考

    On Issues of Handling Administrative Cases of Appraising Injuries at Work

  14. 所有的建筑工人都应该保工伤险。

    All construction workers should be insured against injury at work .

  15. 工伤保险基金的特点是什么?

    What is the characteristic of fund of inductrial injury insurance ?

  16. 安委会将整理后的工伤事故报告及时报予有关部门;

    Safety committee will submit the injury accident report to relative dept.

  17. 基于灰色关联分析的煤矿工伤风险综合评价

    Coal mine industrial injury risk evaluation based on gray connection analysis

  18. 她要我在一些工伤补偿表上签字。

    She wanted me to sign some worker 's compensation forms .

  19. 每年都有成千上万的人严重工伤。

    Thousands of people are seriously injured at work every year .

  20. 工伤保险是社会保险的一个重要分支,工伤保险关系是社会关系的重要组成部分。

    Industrial Injury Insurance is an important branch of social insurance .

  21. 北京市工伤保险基金现状及对策研究

    Current Situation of Work Injury Insurance Fund in Beijing and the Countermeasures

  22. 某矿山工伤事故现状分析与预防对策研究

    The present analysis and preventive counter-study of productive accident in a mine

  23. 国外工伤保险法律制度的发展概况。

    The Development of Industrial Injury Insurance Act System in foreign countries .

  24. 特别为伤残或工伤康复人士而设的再培训课程

    Retraining course for people with a disability and industrial accident

  25. 我国工伤保险管理制度初探

    Probe on Management System of Employment Injury Insurance in China

  26. 我国工伤保险差别费率的研究

    The Study of the Differential Rate for Occupational Injure Insurance in China

  27. 德国工伤保险事故预防机制评介

    Study on Accident Prevention Mechanism in Occupational Injury Insurance System of Germany

  28. 高技能人才工伤保护改进路径

    Measures to Improve Industrial Injury Protection for High Skill Talents

  29. 工伤保险立法完善刍议

    A Brief Talk on the Perfection of Work-Related Injury Insurance

  30. 对北京某医院住院部工伤截瘫患者的个案分析

    The Case Analysis of Industrial Injured Paraplegia in A Beijing 's Hospital