
  1. 按浮动费率制根据收入高低计算收费。

    Fees are calculated on a sliding scale according to income .

  2. 浮动费率每年核定一次。

    The floating rate shall be checked and determined once a year .

  3. 加强驾驶人安全行车管理实行车险浮动费率

    Enhance the Management of Driver 's Safe Driving Implement Vehicle Insurance Floating Premium

  4. 设计了补偿费浮动费率制度方案。

    Contrive a floating compensation rate regime .

  5. 对发生工伤事故的用人单位在基础费率的基础上,按照规定实行浮动费率。

    The employer-unit with the occurrence of industrial injury shall , according to provisions , adopt floating rate on the basis of the basic rate .

  6. 工伤保险缴费实行行业差别费率和企业浮动费率。

    The rate of industrial injury insurance premium varies according to different trades , and it may fluctuate with the situation of the individual enterprise .

  7. 浮动费率根据用人单位工伤保险费使用、工伤事故发生率等情况确定。

    The floating rate shall be determined according to the employer-unit 's use of the industrial injury insurance premium and the rate of the occurrence of industrial injury .

  8. 通过建立数理模型,对调整补偿费费率,建立与资源利用水平挂钩的浮动费率制度进行量化分析,实现了定性与定量分析的结合,使补偿费费率调整方案更加科学、合理。

    The thesis analyses quantificationally how to adjust compensation rates and to construct a floating rate accorded with the extent of resource utilization by means of mathematical models . It combines quantitative analysis with qualitative one , which makes compensation fee rate adjustment more scientific and reasonable . 4 .