
  • 网络process development
  1. 然而,存在着这样的情况,在流程开发时,实现抽象Web服务的服务端点是未知的。

    However , there are scenarios where the service endpoint that implements an abstract web service is unknown at process development time .

  2. 从RationalSoftwareArchitect8.0.4开始,在流程开发的建模阶段连接各个组件要更为高效。

    Starting with Rational Software Architect 8.0.4 , it is more efficient to connect the components in the modeling stage of process development .

  3. 本工具利用Eclipse平台的插件开发基础,基于GEF(GraphicalEditingFramework)实现了用户界面友好的、快捷的流程开发工具。

    This tool uses the Eclipse platform plug-in development based on the GEF ( Graphical Editing Framework ) .

  4. WebSphereMessageBrokerV6.1提供了6个新的节点,使流程开发人员能够访问TCP/IP输入和输出流。

    WebSphere Message Broker V6.1 provided six new nodes that let flow developers access the TCP / IP input and output stream .

  5. 它通过分析任务管理、任务指派、表单管理、变迁管理等诸多引擎控制逻辑,并以表单作为人机交互的Application实体,成为快速、高效的企业级流程开发应用可引为参考的范例。

    It turns into a reference example for rapid and efficiency enterprise process by analyzing lots of engine control logic , such as task management , task assignment , form management and transition management , and takes form as application entity during human machine interaction .

  6. 而且,集成和流程开发需要分别使用不同工具:WID和WPS。

    And , integration and process development happen in different tools : WID and WPS .

  7. 硬件在环仿真测试是当前ECU的V流程开发过程中的重要一环,发动机虚拟模型是其中必不可少的组成部分。

    Hardware in the loop ( HIL ) test , which consists of both hardware devices and virtual engine models , is an essential part of the V development course of engine ECU .

  8. 介绍了IMS系统基于Spring框架的WEB层的开发和使用BPEL语言的业务流程开发,通过典型的代码实例说明了开发中的关键要点。

    Additionally , this paper describes the IMS system development based on the WEB layer of Spring Architecture as well as the service process development using BPEL language , and shows the keys to such development with typical code samples .

  9. 煤气化废水萃取脱酚工艺研究煤气化废水萃取脱酚流程开发

    The Development of the Extraction-Recovery Process of Phenols from Coal-Gasification Wastewater

  10. 本文面向熟悉业务流程开发的业务流程设计师和程序员。

    This article will help business process designers and programmers who are familiar with business process development .

  11. 计算机建模与仿真技术在化工流程开发与成本评估中一直起着举足轻重的作用。

    Computer-aided modeling and simulation technology always play significant role in chemical process development and cost evaluation .

  12. 致力于在工艺流程开发过程中识别风险,促进和跟踪纠正措施计划。

    Define the risk during the process of development , and push the implementation of relevant corrective action .

  13. 解决方案开发&这些环境用于迭代表单建模、流程开发和单元测试。

    Solution Development – These environments are used for iterative form modeling , process development and unit test .

  14. 本系列文章讨论业务流程开发人员在开发以人工任务为中心的工作流时可以使用的用户界面选项。

    This series of articles examines the user interface options available to business process developers when developing human task-centric workflows .

  15. 在框架设计的基础上,着重介绍了子流程开发所注意的事项。

    On the basis of the design of frames , it mainly introduced the notices during the design of the sub-Process .

  16. 我们希望帮助流程开发人员标识实现业务流程所需的服务和操作。

    We want to help process developers identify the services and operations that they need to use to implement the business processes .

  17. 在本文中,将重点讨论业务流程开发人员在管理此类人工任务时可使用的各种用户界面选项。

    Throughout these articles , you focus on the various user interface options that the business process developers have in managing such human tasks .

  18. 由于国内对自动测试软件功能需求的不断提高,因此有必要开发一种通用的可视化测试流程开发环境。

    With the increasing request of automatic testing software , it is necessary to develop a kind of graphical test process integrated development environment .

  19. 这些中间件功能的提供应以一个重要的原则为基础:服务和流程开发人员应远离中间件实现的复杂细节。

    One important principle should underlie the provision of these middleware capabilities : service and process developers should be insulated from the complexities of the middleware implementation .

  20. 为了当前阶段成功完成,将安装和配置支持流程开发的每个阶段的基础堆栈。

    The technology stack supporting each phase of process development is installed and configured for whenever the current phase requires the tools and products for its successful execution .

  21. 金川集团公司是我国主要镍生产商,拥有大量镍贫矿资源,用目前的选冶流程开发利用不经济。

    Jinchuan Group Company Ltd ( JNMC ) is the biggest nickel producer in China , and has abundance of nickel lean ore , which is unprofitable using conventional processing route .

  22. 本项目采用了软件开发过程的流程开发,从需求分析、概要设计、详细设计、编码以及单元测试、功能测试、集成测试运行。

    The project uses the standard software development process to develop , from requirement analysis , outline design , detailed design , coding and unit testing , functional testing , integration testing .

  23. 在这两年中,她担任过不同的职位,包括敏捷开发和测试、流程开发和监视、与不同客户合作,以及执行需求分析和项目规划。

    During these two years , she played different roles , including agile development and testing , process development and monitoring , working with different clients , and doing requirements analysis and project planning .

  24. 对变压吸附制医用氧过程中的吸附剂选择、流程开发、多层过滤系统等技术问题进行了研究,它将有助于变压吸附制氧技术在我国各级医院中的使用。

    In this paper , some technical subjects such as adsorbent selection , process development , multistage filters , were studied , and this will help to apply the technique in hospitals of our country .

  25. 因此,如果您在流程开发时不知道将调用什么服务,就需要创建虚拟服务来匹配以后将在某些区域内调用的服务。

    Therefore , if you do not know at process development time which service you will invoke , you need to create a dummy service that matches the service you will invoke later on in certain areas .

  26. 最后,基于模具企业设备管理的业务流程开发出设备更新风险决策支持原型系统,该系统可为面向资源的工程订货型企业提供设备更新决策服务。

    In the end , based on the business rules of equipment management of a mould & die enterprise , the decision-aiding prototype systems of the machines renewal is developed , which can be served as the decision-making of machines renewal in engineer-to-order with resource-oriented .

  27. 针对西林铅锌矿的工业生产流程开发了西林铅锌矿浮选过程智能咨询系统和西林锌辟矿浮选技术指标智能预测系统。

    Models of the " Intelligent Consultation System for Flotation Process of Xilin Lead Zinc Mine " and the " Intelligent Prediction System for Flotation Technical Indexes of Xilin Lead Zinc Mine " have been developed for the industrial production flow of Xilin lead Zinc Mine .

  28. 研究项目管理、开发流程和开发技术管理在GIS项目中的综合应用,是目前GIS应用的快速发展的需要。

    It is necessary for GIS application to develop fast to apply project management and the development flow and the development technical management synthetically .

  29. 研究了砂岩型铀矿的综合预测模式和基于GIS的砂岩型铀矿综合评价方法与流程,开发了成矿信息提取软件。

    The integrated prediction model of sandstone-type uranium deposits and its integrated evaluation methods as well as flow of the work based on GIS are studied .

  30. 此外,应用程序的开发和测试可分为两个阶段:业务流程的开发和测试与个别Web服务的开发和测试是分开的。

    In addition , the application can be developed and tested in two separate stages : the business process is developed and tested separately from the development and test of the individual web services .