
  • 网络circulation price
  1. 依据这一思路,生产价格应改为生产&流通价格或商品平均价格。

    Therefore , production price should be changed into " production-circulation price " or " average commodity price " .

  2. 以预期每股收益为基础的全流通价格理论依据在于公司的资产价值而不是企业价值,企业价值不在于资产值多少钱,而在于这些资产每年能创造出多少利润。

    The full negotiable price theory with the basis of expected earnings per share originates from total assets of company .

  3. 公股流通的价格要公平和市场化。

    The price of the public shares ' currency must be fair and marketable .

  4. 他认为中国的确是当时世界上最富有的国家,中国对白银的需求极大地影响了世界白银的流通和价格。

    Because of her more demands of silver , its price and circulation were affected much in the world .

  5. 同时还就各地资源、商品量等提出了加工厂布局及规模、市场流通、价格调控等措施。

    In addition , it is suggested that the measures may be taken on the distribution and scale of animal processing factories , marketing and price control according to the regional resource and commodity .

  6. 中国饲料粮区域间流通及对价格的反应

    China 's Regional Feedgrain Trade Flows and Responses to Price Changes

  7. 上市公司非流通股转让价格分析

    The Analysis on Transfer Price of Chinese Listed Firms

  8. 药物流通渠道与其价格及质量有密切关系。

    There was a close relationship between flow channels and prize , and quality of drugs .

  9. 指出现行的针对生产和流通领域的价格管制不仅不能有效降低价格,更不能降低医疗费用。

    Present price regulations on production and circulation domain can neither lower the price effectively , nor reduce medical expenses .

  10. 本文提出以下思路:第一,修改强制性要约收购规则,最重要的是调整流通股要约价格;

    First , we should modify the rules on mandatory tender offer , especially to adjust the offer price for circulating shares .

  11. 本文运用混合运输模型研究中国饲料粮的区域间流通以及对价格的反应。

    This paper aims to examine the optimal regional trade flows of China 's feedgrain market and its response to feedgrain price fall using a hybrid transport model .

  12. 药品流通中的逆价格现象分析及其治理

    On the " Adverse Price " in Medicines Circulation and Measures

  13. 我国股票流通量与股票价格变动率关系的实证分析

    A Substantial Analysis of Relation between Stock Circulation Quantity and Price Change Rate in China

  14. 中国上市公司股权流通性对股票价格影响研究

    The Research on the Impact of Shares ' Negotiability on Stock Price about China 's Listed Companies

  15. 经营业绩、流通规模与股票价格关系&来自电力上市公司的实证分析

    An Empirical Analysis on the Correlations between the Electric Corporations ' Business Achievements , Distribution Scale and Share Price

  16. 其次,着力分析我国现行药品流通体制下药品价格政府规制所存在的主要问题。

    Secondly , the focus of our current drug distribution system , government regulation of drug prices under the main problems that exist .

  17. 松针粉加工设备简单,技术成熟,建议疏通流通渠道和调整价格,推广生产。

    The facilities for powder producing were simple and techniques ripe , but the commercial circulation channel remained to be drainaged and price adjusted .

  18. 由于我们是产地加工,减少了许多流通环节,所以价格全国最低、质量最好,欢迎国内外客户和我们联系。

    Since we are processing origin , to reduce the flow of many links , so the lowest price , best quality , welcome domestic and international customers and contact us .

  19. 粮食相关产业的积极发展,对加快粮食流通、平抑粮食价格、稳定粮食市场及推进国家和地区经济增长,都起着极为重要的作用。

    The positive development of grain related industry plays a very important role in speeding up the grain circulation , bringing down the grain price , stabling grain market and promoting national and regional economic growth .

  20. 16世纪,贵金属从美洲流入欧洲,造成了通货膨胀。博丹从这一经验中得出结论,认为充当货币的金银流通数量与总体价格水平之间存在直接关系。

    Drawing on his experience of the inflationary consequences of the influx of precious metals from the Americas into 16th-century Europe , Bodin postulated a direct relationship between the quantity of monetary gold and silver in circulation and the general price level .

  21. 本文通过对中药饮片在基层医疗机构使用过程中存在的质量、流通秩序混乱、价格高昂、采购、配送、销售、报销及储存管理不当等问题进行分析,并针对这些问题提出相应的解决方法。

    In this paper , the quality of Chinese Herbal Medicine in the use of primary health care sector , circulation disorder , high cost , procurement , distribution , sales , reimbursement and improper storage management to analyze and propose solutions to address these issues .

  22. 对渠道网络内流通的商品及流通商品的价格、促销管理也进行了有针对性的阐述。

    The author also discusses the management about circulation commodity , price and the propaganda of circulation commodity in the marketing channel network .

  23. 利用单位标准股份的均衡价格、非流通股份和流通股份的交易价格及成交量等指标,构造了紧度、结构弹性和结构深度等指标用于度量国内整体股票市场的流动性。

    The thesis constructs indexes of liquidity of national securities market , such as tightness , structure resiliency and depth , based on the equilibrium price of criterion share , the trade price and volume of liquid and illiquid share .

  24. 然而,流通环节多、流通成本高、价格波动大、食品安全风险高等因素正制约着我国超市蔬菜经营的发展。

    However , numbers of circulation links , high distribution costs , high price volatility and high food safety risk are restricting the development of the vegetables business of supermarkets .

  25. 但是,使用该模型来评估我国上市公司的信用风险,需要考虑股权割裂所导致的流通股和非流通股之间的价格差异以及我国市场环境下违约点设定情况对模型识别能力的影响。

    However , we should consider that the model 's ability maybe weakened when it is used to measure credit risk of listed company in Chinese market in which the stock price is different between the circulation and the non-circulation and default point is unspecified .

  26. 本文针对我国股票市场的制度缺陷、国有股流通解决制度缺陷、流通中的财富再分配和流通的价格确定原则等问题进行了讨论。

    The circulation of state-own shares ; wealth redistribution in circulation ; the determination principles of prices in circulation .

  27. 在流通比例发生巨大变动的前后仍符合流通比例与股票价格存在负影响、总体上换手率与股票价格存在正影响的规律,且股票价格对流通比例的敏感度增大;

    Before and after the reform , the ratio still effects on the price negatively , and as a whole the turnover rate effects on the price positively , and the sensitivity that the price to ratio is improved ;