
  • 网络circulation revolution;distribution revolution
  1. 推进流通革命营建和谐社会

    Carry Forward Economic Circulation Revolution and Build a Harmonious Society

  2. 日本流通革命对我国加快流通产业发展的启示

    The Revelations of Japanese Circulation Revolution to Speeding Up the Development of China 's Circulation Industry

  3. 流通革命:沃尔玛分店扩张及其经济影响

    Distributional Industry Revolution : Wal-Mart 's Subsection-Store-Expansion and Its Economic Effects

  4. 流通革命:新世纪商业发展的主旋律

    Circulate Revolution : the Theme of the Commerce Development in the New Era

  5. 过去的流通革命主要是指零售业态的变革以及整个流通渠道效率化的过程,其基本特征表现为流通业经营方式和组织形式的变革。

    The circulation revolution in the past means the change of retailing business forms and the process in which circulation channels become more effective .

  6. 日本零售业的几大巨头,都是依靠综合超市在流通革命中发展壮大的,综合超市至今仍是日本零售业的主力业态。

    The growth and expansion of the Japanese retail giants all rely on their general supermarkets , which is the principal format up to now .

  7. 电子商务的飞速发展不仅改变了人们的购物方式,还引发了一场崭新的工业革命和流通革命。

    The rapid development of e-commerce not only changed the way people are shopping , but also triggered a new industrial revolution and the circulation of the revolution .

  8. 90年代以后日本流通业进入激烈变革时期,这种变革是二战以来的第二次流通革命。

    The commodity circulation industry of Japan has entered a period of intense transformation since 1990s , which is deemed as the second circulation revolution since the Second World War .

  9. 科技进步引发了零售革命的发生,并推动着零售革命演变为流通革命,带来流通领域全范围的重大变革。

    The progress of science and technology has brought about a revolution in retail business , which is progressing into a revolution of circulation , giving rise to rapid changes in this field .

  10. 连锁经营和超级市场,被称为是现代流通革命的两大标志。20世纪中期以后,现代连锁经营在发达国家取得普遍成功。

    Chain manage and supermarket , known as " modern circulate revolution " two major signs , since middle period of the 20th century , have been obtained successfully in the developed country .

  11. 分工(专业化利益)与交换(交易成本)之间的两难冲突主导了经济发展进程,形成流通革命的历史必然性。

    The trade-off between labor division ( specialization benefit ) and commodity exchange ( transaction costs ) dominates the development of the whole social & economy , and its evolvement inevitably leads to distributional industry revolution .

  12. 随着电子商务在世界范围的普及,一场商品流通理论革命将不可避免。

    With the rapid growth of e commerce in the world , a new business theory revolution will come soon .

  13. 特别是我国经济结构调整和流通体制革命的推进,产业转型加快,新型产业的迅速发展。

    Our country economic restructuring prepares circulation system revolution propulsion , industry especially transforming being accelerated , new model estate promptness develops .