
mù lù jià ɡé
  • list price
  1. 他补充说,Oracle提供的折扣往往意味着客户付的钱要显著低于目录价格,但微软的新软件仍有可能会便宜得多。

    Oracle discounts often mean its customers pay significantly less than the list price , though Microsoft 's software was still likely to be much cheaper , he added .

  2. 根据高德纳分析师唐纳德•范伯格(DonaldFeinberg)的说法,微软对其运行在最基本服务器上的数据库软件的报价是1.3万美元,而与之类似的Oracle许可证的目录价格超过10万美元(含各种附加功能)。

    Microsoft quotes a price of $ 13000 for running its database software on the most basic servers , compared to a list price of more than $ 100000 for a similar Oracle licence once various add-on features are included , according to Donald Feinberg , a Gartner analyst .

  3. 价格策略包括:目录价格、折扣、付款期限以及价格变动等内容;

    Price strategy includes : catalogue prices , discount , payment period , price changing , etc.

  4. 但价格似乎与贵方的报价,甚至与目录价格不符。

    but the prices don 't seem to correspond with what you quoted or even with those in the catalogue .

  5. 按照目录价格,50架波音777远程客机价值180亿美元,为波音有史以来金额最大的订单。

    The order for 50 Boeing 777 long-haul aircraft is worth $ 18bn at list prices , a record contract by value for the company .

  6. 按照目录价格,这笔订单的价值为180亿美元,但由于大笔订单通常都能获得折扣,估计阿联酋航空公司最终支付的金额会远低于这个数字。

    Although the order is worth $ 18bn at list prices , Emirates is expected to pay significantly less because airlines typically secure discounts on large deals .

  7. EIS2是一个IMS系统,它包含产品说明目录、价格信息和库存控制。

    EIS2 is an IMS system containing the product description catalog , pricing information , and inventory control .

  8. 您可以给我目录和价格单吗?

    Would you please leave us your catalog and price list ?

  9. 我们已邮寄商品目录和价格表给你方。

    We have posted the catalogue and the price list to you .

  10. 为了进一步讨论,请把你们的产品目录或价格报价发送给我们。

    Please send us your catalog or price quote for further discussion .

  11. 随函寄上公司最新的产品目录和价格表。

    Enlosed please find our lastest catalogue and price list .

  12. 随函寄上的是你方所需的目录和价格表。

    Enclosed please find the catalogue and price list you asked for .

  13. 仅附上新的产品目录和价格表。

    We enclose our new catalogue and price list .

  14. 现依照贵方要求随函奉送本公司的附图目录及价格表。

    We enclose now our illustrated catalog and price-list according to your request .

  15. 请寄来贵公司电子打火机的目录和价格表。

    Please send us your catalogs and price-list of the electronic gas lighter .

  16. 我们想要一些你们的目录和价格单研究一下。

    We had like to have your catalogues and price list for study .

  17. 乐于寄上本公司新出品相机的目录及价格表。

    As requested by you , we are sending our price-list and catalog .

  18. 这是我们公司的产品目录和价格表,请您看看吧。

    This is our company 's product catalog and price list , please take a.

  19. 这是我们的产品目录和价格表。

    Here are our catalog and price list .

  20. 西安附寄最新目录和价格单,上面有你们要求了解的详细情况。

    We enclose our latest catalogue and a price list giving details you ask for .

  21. 请寄来贵方塑料厨房用具有图解商品目录及价格单。

    We should be pleased to receive your illustrated catalog and price list of Plastic Kitchenware .

  22. 尊敬的李先生:贵方3月9日的来信、所附产品目录及价格单已收到。

    Dear Mr. Li , Thank you for your letter dated 9 March and catalogue and price list enclosed .

  23. 另函附寄各型号样本、商品目录和价格表。

    Under separate cover , we have sent you samples of various sizes , our catalogue and price list .

  24. 如果贵方能寄来商品目录和价格表,我们不胜感激。

    We would appreciate it if you could send us a list of your merchandise and a price list .

  25. 尊敬的先生:感谢你方2011年3月15日的来信及所付产品目录及价格目录。

    Dear Sir , Thank you for your letter dated March 15 , 2011 and the enclosed catalogue and price list .

  26. 对三月十日来信所要目录和价格单,很抱歉不能马上寄去。

    We are sorry we cannot send you immediately the catalogue and price list for which you asked in your letter of March 10 .

  27. 在研究过贵方图示目录及价格表之后,我方已从中选出4种型号,并因此随函附寄我方订单一份。

    Having studied your illustrated catalogue and price list , we have chosen four models among them , for which we 'd like to enclose our order .

  28. 为了使您对我们可供出口的多种类型纺织品有总体印象,我们附上了一个产品目录主价格清单。

    We have enclosed a catalogue and a price list , which gives you a general idea of the various kinds of textiles now available for export .

  29. 在一般询价中,买方清晰地表达他想要的全部信息:商品的一般信息、目录、价格表、样品等。

    In a General Enquiry , a businessman states clearly all the information he needs-general information , a catalogue , or a price list , a sample or some samples , etc.

  30. 出口商获得潜在客户的名称和地址,就可能开始给相关部门发信,函件,产品目录和价格表。

    Having obtained the name and address of the prospect customers , the exporter may set out to send letters , circulars , catalogues , and price lists to the parties concerned .