
  1. 在交易不受限制的情况下,大城市供水区完全有能力以任意价格购买农业用水。

    The big city water districts have more than enough money to buy farm water in a freewheeling exchange .

  2. 装运前检验实体不得依靠供出口到不同进口国的货物的价格而对装运货物任意强加最低价格;

    The preshipment inspection entity shall not rely upon the price of goods offered for export to different countries of importation to arbitrarily impose the lowest price upon the shipment ;

  3. 犯罪分子可以任意操作相关的价格变量以增加资本转移总额,同时增加税收偷逃的数额。

    Criminals can control the relevant price variable to transfer a lot of capital , and meanwhile they also transfer the sum of tax evasion .