
  • 网络To-Do List;task list;checklist;Todo list
  1. 一个真正有效的任务清单是会写出操作项目。

    A really effective to-do list uses action items .

  2. 收件箱不是你任务清单;

    Your inbox is not your to-do list ;

  3. 是否所有重要的安全信息都在任务清单之前出现?

    Does the all-important safety information appear before the task list ?

  4. 夏天通常会在我们的任务清单中多添上很多户外劳作。

    Summer often adds more outdoor chores to our to-do lists .

  5. 详细的任务清单对认清某项工作该投入多少精力同样很重要。

    Detail task lists are also important for level of effort determinations .

  6. 从你的任务清单中删掉不重要的工作。

    Delete the non-essential items from your to do list .

  7. 你的任务清单到底完成了多少

    How much of your list did you actually do ?

  8. 我问是否有一个待办清单或者任务清单。

    I asked her if she used a to-do or task list .

  9. 改变生活方式并不是说任务清单就不存在了

    It doesn 't mean that my to-do lists no longer exist ,

  10. 小提示2:制作出一个详细的任务清单

    Tip # 2 : Document a detail task list

  11. 这份任务清单上的一些条目近乎矛盾。

    Some items on the list are almost contradictory .

  12. 你的任务清单是这样写的?

    Does your to-do list look like this ?

  13. 是否从事某些职业的人士更容易完成其任务清单呢?

    Are people in some jobs more likely to finish their to-do lists than others ?

  14. 很多开发人员直接参考功能规范来列出任务清单。

    Many developers simply look at a functional specification to carve out a task list .

  15. 我正专注于任务清单。

    I was focused on my checklist .

  16. 制作出一个详细的任务清单。

    Document a detail task list .

  17. 看看自己的任务清单。

    Look at your to-do list .

  18. 当估计你付出多少努力时,先使用一个详细的任务清单模板。

    When estimating your level of effort , start off with a detail task list template .

  19. 单独的特定任务清单。

    Separate listings of specific tasks .

  20. 我们按照任务清单来生活

    We live by to-do lists .

  21. 这里有一张防台准备所必要做的任务清单。

    Here is the list of tasks that need to be done to prepare for the typhoon .

  22. 又一次,如果没有一个包含截止时期的详细的任务清单,先前的提示是没法起作用。

    Once again , the previous tip doesn 't work without a detail task list with deadlines .

  23. 那就是为什么我喜欢树状的任务清单,而不是日程式的任务清单;

    That 's why I use a starred task list system rather than a scheduled task list ;

  24. 而吃喝玩乐仅仅是春假的一个方面。学生的任务清单还包括校外实习、志愿工作、社会实践等等。

    Field trips , voluntary work , and social projects are all on students ' to-do lists .

  25. 制定一份最重要任务清单,以免将时间花在并不太紧急的事务上。

    Make a list of your most important tasks before you move on to less urgent business .

  26. 学生的任务清单还包括校外实习、志愿工作、社会实践等等。

    Field trips , voluntary work , and social projects are all on students " to-do lists .

  27. 你的任务清单排得很满,但是你每天只有那么多的时间。

    Your to-do list is crammed full and you only have so many hours in the day .

  28. 在大多数情况下,想记住每件事情根本就行不通。你可以用任务清单来代替。

    In most cases , trying to remember everything wont work . Instead , keep a to-do list .

  29. 截止时间和任务清单可以帮你分清任务先后。

    Tracking these deadlines and to-dos will help you understand which tasks take priority and which can wait .

  30. 他们为每个城市安排了一天的行程,拿着任务清单四处奔波。

    They had allocated a day for each city and were running about armed with a to-do list .