
  • 网络Agility;AGILE;Agile Development;SCRUM;Agile Software Development
  1. IBM在敏捷开发方面已经积累了多年的经验。

    Agile development has been in use at IBM for several years now .

  2. Mark基于自己公司敏捷开发的经验,给出一些建议。

    Based on his experiences with Agile development at his companies Mark made some recommendations .

  3. 基于ASP的查新数据库管理系统的敏捷开发

    Agile development of the Novelty Retrieval Database Management System Based on ASP

  4. 本文来自于RationalEdge:由于其规模及复杂性,大企业更需要拥抱敏捷开发策略。

    From The Rational Edge : Because of their size and organizational complexity , large companies need to embrace Agile development principles .

  5. 最近几年,IBM也加入了向更敏捷开发转变的征程。

    In recent years , IBM has also undertaken a journey towards become a more agile development organization .

  6. 为了促使Web应用程序开发简单化开发过程、降低开发成本和提高开发效率,Web框架技术和敏捷开发方法应运而生。

    To promote the Web application development with a simple developed process , low costs and high efficiency , Web frameworks and agile development method come out .

  7. 换句话说,RUPforSystemz包含了与敏捷开发社区相关的大多数价值和实践。

    In other words , RUP for System z embraces most of the values and practices associated with the Agile development community .

  8. 很多其他原则与其他敏捷开发方法学是相通的,例如频繁迭代(frequentiteration)。

    Many of the other principles are shared with other agile development methodologies , such as frequent iteration .

  9. 所以,我觉得恰当的API设计和敏捷开发方法是相互促进的。

    As such , I think that proper API design and agile methodologies can only strengthen each other .

  10. 思考一下Moore的观察报告是如何与建立敏捷开发主流联系起来的

    Consider how Moore 's observations relate to making agile development mainstream

  11. AlanAtlas对敏捷开发提供了更多的机会指导新员工进行了评论

    Alan Atlas commented on the expanded opportunities for mentoring that agile development provides

  12. 这种混合与文章的第1部分“敏捷开发”一章一起,构成了敏捷SOA开发的基础。

    This mixture , together with the chapter Agile architecture in this first part , results in a foundation for agile SOA development .

  13. 其中以Rational公司的RUP过程和近几年KentBeck等人提出的XP敏捷开发过程具有代表性。

    Among them RUP by Rational corporation and XP by Kent Beck are famous and representative .

  14. 微软证实说使用TeamFoundationServer(TFS)的项目团队将来肯定可以应用敏捷开发流程。

    Microsoft affirms that teams using Team Foundation Server ( TFS ) will be able to " adopt any flavor of Agile development process " .

  15. 要对SOA环境应用这种敏捷开发实践,您需要能够作为定期计划的集成构建的一部分执行单元测试。

    Applying this Agile development practice to SOA environments requires the ability to execute unit tests as part of your regularly scheduled integration build .

  16. 常见的一种敏捷开发实践就是TDD。

    One of the common agile development practices is TDD .

  17. Mark最近发表了一篇文章,向广大使用或者对敏捷开发有兴趣的人全面地介绍了当前活跃着的敏捷邮件组。

    Mark has recently posted a very comprehensive summary of the mailing lists currently active and available for people involved and interested in agile software development .

  18. 极限编程(XP)是最为流行的敏捷开发方法之一,能够很好的适应变化,保证质量。

    Extreme Programming ( XP ) is one of the most popular agile software development methods .

  19. 为了使敏捷开发变成主流,我们需要更好地阐述必需的HR变更以及如何实现它们。

    For agile development to become mainstream , we need to better articulate required HR changes and how to accomplish them .

  20. InfoQ询问了关于Flamingo如何支持敏捷开发的更多细节

    InfoQ inquired for more details on how Flamingo supports agile development

  21. 此外,WebSphereCloudBurst在消除采用敏捷开发的障碍方面发挥了重要作用。

    Add to that the role WebSphere CloudBurst played in removing barriers for the broader adoption of agile development .

  22. 由于SA和敏捷开发方法的性质,很长的测试周期会破坏SA的模型。

    Due to the nature of SAs and the agile development methodology , long test cycles break the model of SAs .

  23. Rails奉行“约定高于配置(conventionoverconfiguration)”思想以及敏捷开发原则,它可以极大地减少开发时间和花在创建Web应用程序上的精力。

    By espousing a philosophy of " convention over configuration " and agile development principles , Rails can radically reduce development time and effort involved in creating Web applications .

  24. SOA则是这个手套,范围便是整个企业,敏捷开发关心的是那些由软件支持的部分的开发方法。

    SOA is the glove , the scope is enterprise wide , agile development is about the way you can develop the part that is supported by software .

  25. 本系统基于J2EE框架技术实现,融合敏捷开发方法,完成了系统单元测试、功能测试和性能测试。

    The system framework based on J2EE technology , integration of agile development methods to complete the system unit testing , functional testing and performance testing .

  26. Scrum和极限编程是敏捷开发方法中两个使用最为广泛的方法。

    Scrum and eXtreme Programming ( XP ) are the two most widely used methods in agile development method .

  27. 在驱动敏捷开发的SOA中存在一个中心因素:服务模型,即服务、服务的依赖性、组织和流程的模型。

    There is one central aspect in a SOA that drives agile development : The service model & the model of services , their dependencies , choreography , and flows .

  28. 敏捷开发是指开发人员以良好的方式实际应用最佳实践,它帮助众多行业的企业(包括IBM)获得了成功。

    Agile processes represent a great and practical application of best practices in software development , and have led to successes in many industries and companies ( including IBM ) .

  29. 文中采用了敏捷开发的设计思想,结合J2EE相关组件技术,为一个大型钢铁物流中心设计了网上交易的平台。

    Used an agile development design ways , along with the module technology related to J2EE , developed an exchange platform on Internet for a large-scaled steel center .

  30. 在软件开发中,scrum是敏捷开发过程中管理项目的方法。

    In the context of software development , scrum is a method of project management in an agile development process .