
  • 网络agile supply chain;asc;ascm
  1. 敏捷供应链是支持动态联盟优化运行的重要使能技术。

    Agile Supply Chain Management is an important enabling technology for supporting business operation of a virtual enterprise .

  2. 敏捷供应链形成是敏捷制造的首要问题,主要研究如何在众多候选企业中选择合作伙伴,形成最优供应链。

    Agile supply chain formation is a key issue in the process of agile manufacture , concerning how to choose collaborative partners from numerous corporations to form the optimal agile supply chain .

  3. 基于Web的虚拟企业敏捷供应链研究

    Study on Virtual Enterprise Agile SC Based on Web

  4. 基于Agent面向软件重用的敏捷供应链模型

    A software-reuse-oriented agile supply chain model based on software agent

  5. 针对敏捷供应链的特点,提出了一种基于多Agent技术的计划与协调机制。

    A flexible agent-based system architecture for agile supply chain is presented .

  6. 敏捷供应链环境下多Agent协同机制研究

    Research on Multi-Agent Cooperation Mechanism in Agile Supply Chain

  7. 基于XML的敏捷供应链产品信息共享技术研究

    Research on XML-based Product Information Sharing in Agile Supply Chain

  8. 基于多智能agent的敏捷供应链

    The Agile Supply Chain Based on Multi-Intelligent-Agent

  9. 首先,本文阐述了Agent的相关理论和技术研究,说明多Agent理论与技术引入敏捷供应链管理的可行性与有效性。

    The feasibility and validity of introducing the theory and technology of multi-agent into ASCM is described .

  10. 面向集成化敏捷供应链的ERP采购管理系统的研究

    Purchasing Management System Based on Integrated Agile Supply Chain

  11. 支持敏捷供应链重构的模块化Petri网建模与分析

    Agile Supply Chain Reengineering Based on Modular Petri Nets

  12. 基于Multi-Agent的敏捷供应链模型研究

    Research Based on Multi-Agent the Agile Supply Chain Model

  13. 敏捷供应链中基于多代理的Legacy系统封装技术

    Multi-Agent Based Legacy System Encapsulation in Agile Supply Chain

  14. 第五章重点阐述了MC敏捷供应链系统的实现。

    The fifth chapter discusses how to realize ASC system under MC .

  15. 本文首先阐述了MC生产方式出现的必然性和敏捷供应链的重要性。

    Firstly the paper expatiates the inevitability of MC production appearance , and main concepts of ASC .

  16. 研究了一种采用ASP技术,支持动态联盟敏捷供应链的物流管理信息平台的设计实现;

    The design and realization of logistics management information platform using ASP technology to support dynamic alliance agile supply chain are studied .

  17. 基于这样的背景,BL制衣导入了敏捷供应链管理模式。

    Based on such a background , Byler conducted agile supply chain management model .

  18. 其次,根据敏捷供应链中节点企业动态分布和异构等特点,提出了基于XML技术实现数据集成与信息共享;

    Secondly , in terms of the characteristic of node enterprise which is dynamic and has many different information systems , this paper introduces an efficient information exchange way based on XML .

  19. 本文分析了军工产品生产外协管理现状,针对军品外协制造过程的特点,总结了敏捷供应链基础理论和AHP决策方法,为军品生产外协研究提供了理论基础。

    According to the character of military productions ' manufacturing , the theory of agile supply chain and AHP is investigated , which provides the research fundamental .

  20. 并将其应用于某企业ERP工程,给出了面向集成化敏捷供应链的采购管理系统的具体解决方案及其实现的关键技术。

    Through using these methods in an enterprise ERP project , we give concrete solutions and pivotal technologies that implement purchase management system based on integrated agile supply chain .

  21. 敏捷供应链作为一个典型的分布式系统,该文采用多智能agent系统建立敏捷供应链系统的框架,并对通用智能agent的结构、功能以及智能agent之间协作与通讯进行了研究。

    As a typical distributed system , a multi-intelligent-agent framework of agile supply chain system is presented . The structure and function of a general intelligent agent and the collaboration and communication between intelligent agents are studied .

  22. 在ERP管理系统基础上,构建精益敏捷供应链,建立与供应商的战略合作伙伴关系也是实施精益敏捷管理的必备条件。

    Based on the ERP management system , building lean supply chain , and establish strategic partnership with suppliers become the necessary conditions for the implementation of lean agile management .

  23. 基于目前最热门的XML技术,研究并提出敏捷供应链产品信息集成与共享机制,这种机制能够使盟员企业成员透明地访问敏捷虚拟企业中的异构产品信息。

    Applying the hot XML technologies , this paper studies the product information integration and sharing mechanism in agile supply chain , which enables users to transparently access the shared information in the agile virtual enterprise .

  24. 基于SCOR的制造企业敏捷供应链过程模型

    A Process Model for the Agile Manufacturing Enterprise Supply Chain under the SCOR

  25. 论文的第六章给出了MC敏捷供应链的项目实例,第七章对本文的研究成果进行了总结,并提出了展望。

    The sixth chapter gives out the project example of ASC under MC , and the seventh chapter summarizes the study achievement and puts forward the prospect .

  26. 同时,采用Visualc++语言编制了敏捷供应链决策支持系统ASCDSS。

    Finally , using the Visual C + + language developed an agile supply chain decision-making supporting system " ASCDSS " .

  27. 首先从敏捷供应链管理的高度,以加速供应链上各种流以致提高企业工作效率为目标,导出了基于J2EE的新型ERP系统结构。

    On the level of Agile Supply Chain Management , as the objectives that accelerating velocities of diversified flows for improving enterprise work efficiency , the new JAVA based architecture of ERP is firstly proposed .

  28. 敏捷供应链框架系统是基于CORBA技术,由于CORBA技术提供了优秀的跨平台性,跨语言性和位置透明性等特性。

    Agile supply chain management architecture systems is based on CORBA , the reason is that CORBA has a lot of fine characteristics such as crossing platform , crossing language , and position transparency .

  29. 接着,根据系统需求,给出了构建一个采用MVC模式的、以轻量级J2EE框架技术和MySQL数据库为基础的,具备相关功能的连锁商业机构敏捷供应链系统的一般过程。

    Next , according to the system requirements , built a chain business agile supply system with business-related functions and using an MVC pattern , basing on lightweight J2EE framework technology and MySQL database .

  30. 分析了敏捷供应链管理中的决策问题及决策活动特点,给出了敏捷供应链管理中决策信息的概念模型,进而采用多Agent系统(MAS)和数据仓库技术建立了敏捷供应链协同决策体系框架。

    It analyzes the different decision-making problems and the characteristics of decision activities in agile supply chain management , gives the conceptual model of decision-making information , illuminates the synergic decision system framework based on multi-agent system and data warehouse .