
  • 网络agile manifesto;Manifesto for Agile Software Development
  1. 《敏捷宣言》(AgileManifesto)对项目的大小并没有做特定的限制。

    The Agile Manifesto makes no specific references to project size .

  2. “以可持续的速度工作”,这是《敏捷宣言》的原则之一,也常常是难以实现的一条。AgileLeader新闻组最近开始讨论可持续速度的相关话题。

    Working at a Sustainable Pace is one of the principles of the Agile Manifesto that is often hard to achieve .

  3. David考虑衡量组织的价值观与敏捷宣言定义的价值观的结合程度,但发现这个用处不大。

    David considers measuring the degree to which an organization 's values align with those in the Agile Manifesto , but finds this not very useful .

  4. 与会者制定并发布了敏捷宣言(Becketal.,2001),这成为为敏捷运动开始的里程碑。

    This group created the Agile Manifesto ( Beck , et al . , 2001 ), which has the signpost of the start of agile as a movement .

  5. 简介:敏捷宣言(AgileManifesto)和其它敏捷指导方针建议要有频繁的产品演示,比如在每次迭代结束的时候。

    Summary : from The Rational Edge : The Agile Manifesto and other Agile guidance suggests frequent product demonstrations , such as at the end of each iteration .

  6. 在博客中一个相关的帖子里面,TheodoreNguyen-Cao提到了敏捷宣言四个价值观中的第一个,“个体和协作胜过过程和工具”,他说

    In a related post on his blog , Theodore Nguyen-Cao pointed to the first of the four values in the Agile Manifesto " Individuals and interactions over processes and tools ", and said

  7. 附录&对敏捷宣言发起者的采访提纲

    Appendix – The Interview with the Originators of the Agile Manifesto

  8. 在创建敏捷宣言之前:技术驱动的力量

    Prior to the Creation of the Agile Manifesto : Technology-Driven Forces

  9. 在创建了敏捷宣言之后:文化驱动的力量

    After the Creation of the Agile Manifesto : Cultural-Driven Forces

  10. 今年人们庆祝了敏捷宣言发布10周年。

    This year the Agile Manifesto celebrates its10 year anniversary .

  11. 敏捷宣言的原则是永恒的。

    The Agile Manifesto principles are considered timeless .

  12. 听起来是不是很像敏捷宣言?这并不是巧合!

    If this sounds a lot like the agile manifesto it is not coincidental !

  13. 《敏捷宣言》已经问世十年了,相关的争论和讨论还在继续。

    Ten years after the Agile Manifesto was written , the debate and discussion continues .

  14. 敏捷宣言的措辞是经过精心策划的。

    The wording of the Agile Manifesto was carefully crafted to communicate the intended message .

  15. 我非常幸运地参加了敏捷宣言制定的会议。

    I was fortunate enough to participate in the meeting where the Agile Manifesto was written .

  16. 数据搜集自对敏捷宣言发起者(以下简称为“发起者”)的采访。

    Data was gathered from interviews with the Agile Manifesto originators ( hereinafter , the Originators ) .

  17. 尽管敏捷宣言反映了某种实在的感觉,但从业者想要加入一个真实的社区。

    While the Agile Manifesto reflected a feeling of some entity , practitioners desired to join a real community .

  18. 本文讲述这个故事的主要参与者&敏捷宣言发起者的叙述。

    This paper tells this story as told by its key players – the originators of the Agile Manifesto .

  19. 敏捷宣言发起者的故事:从技术领导者转变为文化变革的社区领袖

    The Story of the Originators of the Agile Manifesto : From Technological Leaders to Community Leaders of a Cultural Change

  20. 最流行的宣言之一是敏捷宣言,但自此宣言迅速泛滥。

    One of the more popular manifestos is the Agile Manifesto but , there has been quite and epidemic since then .

  21. 敏捷宣言中有些原则是跟它有关的,但在我看来精益原则更好。

    The Agile Manifesto of course has some principles associated with it , but in my opinion the Lean principles do better .

  22. 因此,敏捷宣言发起者可以看作是引发文化变革过程的推动者。

    Thus , the originators of the Agile Manifesto can be viewed as change agents who triggered a process of cultural change .

  23. 那也正是敏捷宣言第一个原则:人和交流重于过程和工具。

    That is what the first principal of the Agile Manifesto : individuals and interactions over processes and tools is all about .

  24. 实际上,敏捷宣言是一种价值的定义,这种价值是宣告选择用以应用到软件开发中去的。

    In fact , the manifesto is a declaration of values & values that the manifesto signatories choose to apply to software development .

  25. 我们假设,导致这种差距的原因是敏捷宣言发起者和软件社区所持的角度不同。

    We hypothesize that this gap results from the different perspectives regarding the Agile Manifesto taken by the Originators and the software community .

  26. 这部分介绍敏捷宣言发起者如何从技术领导者转变为文化变革领袖的故事。

    This section presents the story of how the originators of the Agile Manifesto turned from technological leaders to leaders of a cultural change .

  27. 正如敏捷宣言的定义&“客户合作胜过合同谈判”几乎总会比最大化个人奖励产生更佳的结果。

    As is stated in the Agile Manifesto –" Customer Collaboration over Contract Negotiation " would almost always give better results than aiming to maximize individual rewards .

  28. 发起者对于敏捷宣言会产生的影响预期不大,但它实际的吸引力如此巨大,这之间的差距怎么解释呢?

    How can this gap between the modest expectations of the Originators with respect to the impact of the Agile Manifesto and its actual attractiveness be explained ?

  29. 他没有检验使用敏捷宣言背后的12原则作为衡量标准,那些可能会易于也更适于衡量。

    David didn 't examine using the12 principles behind the Agile Manifesto as a basis for measurement , which might be easier and more useful to measure .

  30. 这种影响会在这小节里进一步阐述,我们会具体说明他们在敏捷宣言概念化之前工作过的技术课题。

    This impression is further illustrated in this sub-section , in which we specify the technological topics they worked on prior to the conceptualization of the Agile Manifesto .