
  1. 以往那些拥有大量用户的技术平台,从来没有这般泄露敏感个人信息的习惯。

    Previous technology platforms that won a mass audience have not been in the habit of handing out sensitive personal information like this .

  2. 但多家对冲基金表示,一些卖家出售的信息仍包含可被用于识别个人的敏感个人信息。

    But several hedge funds say some vendors are selling information that still contains sensitive personal information that could be used to identify individuals .

  3. 当年4月20日至5月15日,索尼关闭了上述在线服务,试图修复漏洞,以切实保护超过1亿用户的敏感个人信息。

    The online services were shut down between April 20 and May 15 as Sony attempted to secure the breach , which put the sensitive personal data for over 100 million customers at risk .

  4. 本文基本的分类有直接个人信息与间接个人信息、敏感个人信息和琐碎个人信息、各种具体内容的个人信息等。

    In this paper , the basic classification of personal information has a direct and indirect personal information , sensitive personal information and details of personal information , the specific content of all kinds of personal information .

  5. o不要给你的iOS设备越狱。如果你已经越狱,请只使用来自Cydia社区的可靠资源,避免在设备上储存敏感的个人信息

    O Do not jailbreak your iOS device ; If you do jailbreak it , only use credible Cydia community sources and avoid the use or storage of sensitive personal information on that device

  6. 如果你已经越狱,请只使用来自Cydia社区的可靠资源,避免在设备上储存敏感的个人信息

    If you do jailbreak it , only use credible Cydia community sources and avoid the use or storage of sensitive personal information on that device

  7. 在英国,调解服务机构Acas阐述了网络霸凌如何在社交媒体上呈现:不雅照片、攻击性或威胁性的评论,以及敏感的个人信息,都可能被恶意发布。

    In the UK , the conciliation service Acas elaborates on how this might manifest itself in social media : Inappropriate photographs , of & # 173 ; fensive or threatening comments or sensitive personal information might be posted vindictively .

  8. 而更加夸张的现实是,无论在哪一天,都会有数以百万计的人们在网络上留下相当敏感的个人信息;

    Furthermore , on any given day , millions of people will send sensitive personal information over the Internet ;

  9. 另一方面,用户开始对敏感的个人信息予以关注,并且逐渐地意识到隐私保护的重要性。

    Meanwhile , users are gradually concerned with their sensitive personal information and become aware of the importance of privacy protection .

  10. 如何保证电子交易的安全性:如何对敏感信息和个人信息提供机密性保障;如何认证交易双方的合法身份;

    How to guarantee the safety of electronic transaction : how to provide the confidentiality guarantee of personal information and sensitive information , the identification of bilateral transaction partners , the data integrality and non-repudiation of transaction , are becoming the urgent matters of the moment .