
  • 网络Sensitive Data
  1. 用JAVA构建敏感数据的安全传输通道

    Constructing a Safe Transfer Channel for Sensitive Data with Java

  2. 银行B希望针对包含客户敏感数据的表的每一个查询都被正确记录。

    Bank B wants to make sure each query to a table containing customer sensitive data is logged properly .

  3. 客户端上的XML网关还能扫描云数据,看看是否泄露隐私信息或公司的敏感数据。

    The XML gateway on the client can also scan cloud-bound data for leakage of private or company-sensitive data .

  4. 过程getAmountOverdue将首先对logquery过程发出调用,表示它将访问敏感数据。

    The procedure get_AmountOverdue first makes a call to the log_query procedure to record that it will be accessing sensitive data .

  5. 开发人员能够根据在InfoSphereDataArchtect中捕捉到的隐私元数据轻松识别敏感数据。

    Developers can readily identify sensitive data based on the privacy metadata capture in InfoSphere Data Architect .

  6. 最后的建议是关于保护敏感数据的,就是要避免使用不可变的数据类型,比如String。

    The last advice on protecting sensitive data is to avoid using immutable data types like String .

  7. 例如,可能直接连接到具有敏感数据的Internet的系统就使用这种级别。

    Systems that may be connected directly to the Internet that have sensitive data are good examples of a system that would be run with this level .

  8. 要实现这个目标,银行B的应用程序开发人员获得了一组接口,他们可以用这些接口访问敏感数据。

    To achieve this objective , application developers at Bank B are provided with a set of interfaces they may use to access the sensitive data .

  9. 一种保护在文档透明性基础上构建的敏感数据免受攻击的方法是通过加密部分XML文档来降低透明性。

    One way to protect sensitive data from attacks built on document transparency is to curtail the transparency by encrypting parts of XML documents .

  10. 假设Person类中的敏感数据是age字段。毕竟,女士忌谈年龄。

    Suppose the sensitive data in the Person class were the age field ; after all , a lady never reveals her age and a gentleman never tells .

  11. IBMIntegrationBus中的Crypto节点插件让您可以在各种用例中保护敏感数据。

    The Crypto node plug-in IBM Integration Bus lets you protect sensitive data in a wide variety of use cases .

  12. 使用加密算法RSA对敏感数据进行安全加密传输;

    Data transmission using encryption arithmetic RSA ;

  13. 在本文中,我将介绍一个具有广阔前景的敏感数据交换协议DirectProject,该协议由美国联邦政府开发和推广。

    In this article , I introduce the Direct Project , a very promising protocol for sensitive data exchange , which has been developed and promoted by the United States federal government .

  14. 使用以前生成的密钥加密SOAP消息中的敏感数据(对称加密)。

    Use the key that was previously generated to encrypt the sensitive data within the SOAP message ( symmetric encryption ) .

  15. 选择AES算法加以实现,保护了在安全通道中传输的敏感数据。

    Implement the AES algorithm to protect the transmission of sensitive data in the secure channel .

  16. PC和手机结合的网络游戏是现在流行的游戏运作方式。网络游戏的用户数据、游戏币等各种敏感数据在Internet上传输,系统不可避免地存在信息安全隐患。

    Internet game , combined with PC and mobile , a prevalent game application , its information including customer 's data , game currency is transformed throught internet .

  17. 目前电子交易中经常使用的安全套接层SSL协议和安全电子交易SET协议因其自身的特点和局限性不适合用于仅有少量敏感数据传输的小型电子商务网站。

    The two security protocols of electronic payments : SSL and SET are not fit for tiny electronic commerce , because of their features and deficits .

  18. 恶意用户如一些黑客,利用Web应用本身的缺陷来挖掘信息,盗取敏感数据或破坏Web应用以谋取巨大的利益。

    Malicious users such as some hackers exploit the defects in Web application itself for obtaining information , stealing sensitive data or sabotaging the Web application in order to reap tremendous benefits .

  19. 目前,SSLVPN是解决远程用户访问企业敏感数据最简单最安全的解决方案。

    SSL VPN is the easiest and most secured technology for the long-distance access to sensitive company data .

  20. 通过加进能提供具有优先处理的流量之机理,MPLSQoS支持诸如视频图形一类的敏感数据。

    MPLS QoS supports sensitive data such as video by incorporating mechanisms that can provide such traffic with preferential treatment .

  21. 因此,在启用动态发现时,必须非常谨慎,因为如果Web服务所在的网络不是具有防火墙的安全网络,则可能会意外地公开敏感数据。

    Therefore , care must be taken when enabling dynamic discovery , as it could unintentionally expose sensitive data , if the web server is not on a secure network with a firewall .

  22. 在场景中,要求通过一种3层设计,使RIA能够访问数据库,同时又无需传输任何敏感数据

    The scenario considers a RIA accessing a database without transferring any sensitive data by using a3-tier design

  23. LBAC是MandatoryAccessControl(MAC)的一个实现,它为存储在数据库中的敏感数据提供了较高级别的安全保障。

    LBAC is an implementation of Mandatory Access Control ( MAC ), which provides a reasonable level of security assurance for sensitive data stored in database .

  24. 利用IPSec的隧道模式构建VPN可确保企业敏感数据安全。

    It can ensure the security of the important data of enterprises by using the tunnel mode of IPSec to construct VPN .

  25. 采用数据库加密的方式为在DBMS外层增加数据库加密系统,加密的内容是敏感数据,加密粒度是字段。

    Puts forward the way of database encryption , the encrypting contents is sensitive data , the encrypting granularity is segment .

  26. 基本认证和HTTP认证提供了对受保护资源的访问控制策略,而SSL则提供对敏感数据加密传输的机制。

    The basic authority and the HTTP authority provide access control strategy of the protected resources . The SSL provides mechanism for transmitting sensitive encrypted data .

  27. 利用IPSec构筑的VPN可以在企业网络的各站点间提供安全IP隧道,使企业的敏感数据不被偷窥和篡改。

    VPN , constructed by applying IPSec , can provide security IP tunnels between intranet sites , and sensitive data of enterprise cannot be peeked and distorted .

  28. LDAP可以方便地存储敏感数据并可以更精确地控制这些数据,包括控制数据访问的方式和访问者。

    LDAP makes it easy to store sensitive data and have finer control over the data and ways to access it and by whom .

  29. 如果数据包含恶意代码,mashup页面上的敏感数据就有可能落入恶意用户手中。

    If the data contains malicious code , sensitive data on the mashup page can fall into the wrong hands .

  30. 由于登录过程涉及访问用户标识等敏感数据,为了满足安全性要求和便于维护,目前在P2P系统中多采用集中控制模型,但是这种模型的通信开销巨大。

    Some P2P systems , however , still use concentrated control model to implement login process because this process usually involves some sensitive data such as username and password .