
mǐn gǎn
  • sensitive;susceptible;tactful
敏感 [mǐn gǎn]
  • [sensitive;susceptible] 感觉敏锐;对外界事物反应很快

  • 皮肤上比较敏感的部分

敏感[mǐn gǎn]
  1. 他外表大大咧咧,但其实是个敏感的人。

    Beneath his bluff exterior he was a sensitive man .

  2. 她擅长就敏感问题进行斡旋达成共识。

    She is skilled at achieving consensus on sensitive issues .

  3. 她无视他人的情感和敏感之处。

    She was blind to the feelings and sensitivities of other people .

  4. 本很敏感,简直接受不了批评。

    Ben is very sensitive , he just can 't take criticism .

  5. 证券市场对政局变化非常敏感。

    The Stock Exchange is very sensitive to political change .

  6. 他气量小又太敏感。

    He 's a mixture of anger and sensitivity .

  7. 医疗卫生是政界的一个敏感问题。

    Health care is a politically sensitive issue .

  8. 她生性很敏感。

    She is very sensitive by nature .

  9. 有些鱼的眼睛对光比我们敏感。

    The eyes of some fish have a greater sensitivity to light than ours do .

  10. 你也太敏感了。

    You 're far too sensitive .

  11. 实习教师对任何针对他们表现的批评意见都异常敏感。

    Student teachers were hypersensitive to any criticism of their performance .

  12. 敏感肌肤专用面霜不会破坏皮肤表面的保护层。

    Sensitive Cream will not strip away the skin 's protective layer

  13. 许多体质敏感的人尤其反感柴油废气。

    Diesel exhaust is particularly aggravating to many susceptible individuals .

  14. 放松点,别这么敏感。

    Take it easy . Don 't be so sensitive .

  15. 该委员会对认为其越权的指责颇为敏感。

    The Commission is sensitive to accusations that it is overstepping its authority

  16. 谢纳托罗娃女士对市场经济学有一种天生的敏感。

    Ms Senatorova showed an instinctive feel for market economics .

  17. 这就把我带到了一个我想提及的敏感问题上。

    Which brings me to a delicate matter I should like to raise

  18. 她对城市噪音很敏感。

    She was acutely aware of the noise of the city

  19. 我们认识到她提供的证据在一定程度上是出于过分敏感。

    We find her evidence to be based on a degree of oversensitivity

  20. 堕胎仍是美国人日常生活中的一个敏感议题。

    Abortion is still one of the hot button issues of US life .

  21. 球击中了他身上最敏感的部位。

    The ball hit him in the most sensitive part of his anatomy .

  22. 这本敏感的书谨慎、简洁地讨论了收养这一微妙问题。

    This sensitive book tackles the delicate issue of adoption with care and simplicity

  23. 在土耳其领土上驻扎外国军队这个问题非常敏感。

    The issue of foreign troops on Turkish soil is a sensitive one .

  24. 他是个敏感的小伙子,有些批评刺痛了他。

    He 's a sensitive lad and some of the criticism has stung him

  25. 双方都愿意体谅彼此的政治敏感问题。

    Both sides are willing to make allowances for each other 's political sensitivities

  26. 他们鼓励培养男孩子的敏感和艺术气质。

    They encourage boys to be sensitive and artistic

  27. 在男性占主导地位的法庭上,有多少法官对妇女问题是比较敏感的呢?

    How many judges in our male-dominated courts are sensitized to women 's issues ?

  28. 这些动物对外界的干扰很敏感,且从未被圈养过。

    The animals are very sensitive to disturbance and have never bred in captivity .

  29. 她那强硬而世故的外表下掩藏着一颗温柔而敏感的心。

    Her rather tough and worldly exterior hides a very soft and sensitive heart .

  30. 这些化妆油会导致敏感皮肤发炎。

    These oils may cause irritation to sensitive skins