
fù zhì
  • copy;replication;duplicate;reproduce;model;make a copy of;photocopy;xerox
复制 [fù zhì]
  • (1) [duplicate;reproduce]∶仿原样品制造

  • (2) [copy]∶用复印机印

  • 这份文件没有复制好

复制[fù zhì]
  1. 他用一把复制的钥匙打开门进去。

    He let himself in with a duplicate key .

  2. 分裂的第一步是DNA的复制、形成多倍体的细胞核;

    The first step of division is to duplicate DNA to form polyloid nuclei ;

  3. 你应该将磁盘复制一个备份。

    You should make a copy of the disk as a backup .

  4. 计算机内存里的所有资料都可复制到磁盘上。

    Everything in the computer 's memory can be copied onto disks .

  5. 出版者负责取得准予复制插图的必要许可文件。

    The publisher is responsible for obtaining the necessary permissions to reproduce illustrations .

  6. 这种药能防止病毒复制。

    The drug prevents the virus from replicating itself .

  7. 这份材料可以复制,不会侵犯版权。

    The material can be copied without infringing copyright .

  8. 这些细胞能自我复制。

    These cells are able to reduplicate themselves .

  9. 我将为你复制一份。

    I 'll do a copy for you .

  10. 我将复制一份给你。

    I 'll do you a copy .

  11. 这台复印机复制的色彩效果很好。

    The photocopier reproduces colours very well .

  12. 盗版版本是对原版的低劣复制。

    The second-hand version is a poor copy of the original .

  13. 遗憾的是,附寄的照片不够清晰,无法复制。

    The enclosed photograph is unfortunately not good enough to reproduce .

  14. 细菌通过分裂和自我复制来繁殖。

    Bacteria reproduce by dividing and making copies of themselves .

  15. 细胞可以再生,但是只有分子可以复制。

    Cells can reproduce but only molecules can replicate .

  16. 她从未参与过为任何人获取或复制机密文件之事。

    She never participated in obtaining or copying any classified documents for anyone .

  17. 鲍勃更喜欢创作原创作品,而不是制作复制品。

    Bob prefers making original pieces rather than reproductions

  18. 罗伊斯大厅是位于米兰的圣安布洛乔大教堂的原样复制建筑。

    Royce Hall was an exact replica of the basilica of Sant Ambrogio in Milan

  19. 要是买得起真品,为什么还要拿复制品来凑合呢?

    Why make do with a copy if you can afford the genuine article ?

  20. 他邀请她到他的实验室看她能否复制该实验。

    He invited her to his laboratory to see if she could replicate the experiment .

  21. 新型号中有一款具备复读和文本复制的功能。

    One of the new models has the facility to reproduce speech as well as text .

  22. 精确复制也不一定总是行得通。

    It may not always be practicable to copy exactly .

  23. 我打算复制这个文件。

    I 'm going to copy this file .

  24. 这录音的复制质量不太好。

    The quality of reproduction isn 't very good on this recording .

  25. 这是按原版磁带复制过来的。

    It was copied from the first generation tape .

  26. 我们复制了一份同样的施工简图。

    We reproduced a same working schematic diagram .

  27. 工匠保证要复制一幅最接近原作的画。

    The craftsmen have ensured faithful reproduction of the original painting .

  28. 这件复制品几乎与原作无异。

    The reproduction is almost as good as the original .

  29. 这不是那幅画的原作,仅仅是它的复制品。

    This is not the original picture , but just a copy of it .

  30. 如果你确实有同样的倾向,你可以一试,但是要注意复制别人的方式,如果这种方式并不适用于你,将会降低你的效率。

    It is worth trying if you are so inclined , but copying the pattern of another person , if it is not fitting for you , will be deleterious to your productivity .