
suí jī
  • random;stochastic;according to situation
随机 [suí jī]
  • (1) [according to situation] 依照情势

  • 必须具有一定的随机应变的能力,才能完成任务

  • (2) [random]∶自由组合

  • 随机抽样

随机[suí jī]
  1. 随机抽选出部分学生进行了采访。

    The interviews were given to a random sample of students .

  2. 信息是按随机顺序处理的。

    The information is processed in a random order .

  3. 中奖号码是由电脑随机选取的。

    The winning numbers are randomly selected by computer .

  4. 这台电脑随机预装了办公软件。

    The PC comes with office software preloaded .

  5. 参赛者将要接受随机药检。

    The competitors will be subject to random drug testing .

  6. 我们收到了一些答复,并从中随机挑选了一个。

    We received several answers , and we picked one at random .

  7. 真正的随机研究现在才接近完成。

    Properly randomized studies are only now being completed .

  8. 该调查在英格兰和威尔士随机抽样了2,000人。

    The survey used a random sample of two thousand people across England and Wales

  9. 警察将随机进行呼吸测醉检查。

    Police will conduct random breath tests .

  10. 随机抽出的前10位答对问题者将获得两张票,每张价值20英镑。

    The first 10 correct entries drawn out of the hat will win a pair of tickets , worth £ 20 each .

  11. 在店内随机选择了一些女性进行了调查。

    The survey was conducted based on a random selection of women who were in the shop .

  12. 所有样本都是随机选取的。

    All samples are chosen randomly .

  13. 斯坦伯格和加德纳随机分配了一些参与者单独玩游戏,或者有两个同龄的伙伴旁观。

    Steinberg and Gardner randomly assigned some participants to play alone or with two same-age peers looking on .

  14. 到目前为止,机器很难模仿创造力,它的任意程度让计算机无法预测,但也不仅仅是简单的随机性。

    So far , machines have a pretty hard time emulating creativity , arbitrary enough not to be predicted by a computer , and yet more than simple randomness .

  15. 在她的研究中,参与者被随机分配为两组。

    In her study , participants were randomly assigned to two groups .

  16. 约克大学的研究团队对来自全英国83个诊所的691位抑郁症患者进行了随机的对照实验。

    A team of researchers from the University of Y ork conducted a randomized control trial with 691 depressed patients from 83 physician practices across England .

  17. 2011年澳大利亚一项涉及1621人的研究发现,随机抽取的每天使用防晒霜的人群患黑瘤的几率是需要时才使用面霜的人群的一半。

    A 2011 Australian study of 1,621 people found that people randomly selected to apply sunscreen daily had half the rate of melanomas of people who used cream as needed .

  18. 尽管他们能够非常详细地记住“自传式”生活事件,但是在记忆非个人信息方面,比如随机排列的单词,他们似乎不比普通人强。

    Although they can remember " autobiographical " life events in extraordinary detail , they seem to be no better than average at recalling impersonal information , such as random lists of words .

  19. 四月份发表在《记忆与认知》杂志网上的研究发现,叫错的名字并不是随机的,而是不可避免地来自于相同的关系群:孩子、兄弟姐妹和朋友。

    The study , published online in April in the journal Memory and Cognition , found that the " wrong " name is not random but is invariably fished out from the same relationship pond : children , siblings , friends .

  20. 在2011年的一项研究中,由罗切斯特市马友诊所的约纳斯啸杰达博士带领研究人员随机采访了1,321名年龄在70岁至89岁的人,他们中大部分人在认知方面是正常的,研究人员针对他们晚年从事的认知活动进行了访问。

    In a 2011 study , researchers led Dr. Yonas Geda at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester interviewed a random sample of 1,321 people ages 70-89 , most of whom were cognitively normal , about the cognitive activities they engaged in late in life .

  21. 随机挑几个例子:喀麦隆的Busuu语(使用者仅剩八人)和墨西哥的Chiapaneco语(使用者150人)。

    Pick , at random , Busuu in Cameroon ( eight remaining speakers ) , Chiapaneco in Mexico ( 150 ) .

  22. “我不认为我们随机邀请了他,但很感谢他的到来和礼物。”

    " I don 't think we would have randomly invited him over but we appreciate it and the gifts ."

  23. 当一只黑猩猩被关在笼子里,他可以为自己拉进来一盘食物,或者毫不费力地把隔壁喂给另一只黑猩猩的食物盘拉过来,这时它会随机地选择一盘食物拉进去——他只是不在乎隔壁的黑猩猩饱饿问题。

    If a chimp is put in a cage where he can pull in one plate of food for himself or , with no great effort , a plate that also provides food for a neighbor to the next cage , he will pull at random --- he just doesn 't care whether his neighbor gets fed or not .

  24. 把物品放在这里并支付一定的费用可以使物品获得一个随机的附魔

    Place items here and pay a fee to receive random enchantments .

  25. 试验采用双盲随机方式进行。

    It was conducted in a randomized , double-blind method .

  26. 我们的研究似乎是仅有的一个对2种术式前瞻性随机性研究

    Our study appears to be the only one a prospectively randomized investigation of 2 different surgeries .

  27. 这项研究是随机试验,从三月份开始在至少17个国家召集了3500名患者来研究4种药物,其中就包括羟氯喹。

    The study , a randomized trial , has enrolled 3500 patients in at least 17 countries since March to study four medicines , including hydroxychloroquine .

  28. 数百年的发展过程中,它们在知识方面受到略为随机的各式力量所影响,此外也受中世纪修道院的课程所影响,一些十九世纪德国教育家的理念,以及贵族宫廷社会的顾忌也有影响。

    They were intellectually influenced by all kinds of slightly random , the ideas of some 19th-century German educationalists , and the concerns of aristocratic court societies .

  29. 尽管根据某个特别的梦得出结论或许很难,但是研究表明,梦不只是我们的大脑在夜里闪过的随机画面组合。

    While it may be difficult to draw conclusions from any one particular dream , research suggests that dreams are more than just a random10 montage of scenes that flit through our brains at night .

  30. 在四周的时间里,参与研究的15名志愿者以随机顺序进行了4组测试:早上8点服用安慰剂;下午5点服用安慰剂;早上8点服用咖啡因补充剂;下午5点服用咖啡因补充剂。

    Across the course of four weeks , the 15 volunteers in the study went through four tests in a random6 order : taking a placebo7 at 8 am , taking a placebo at 5 pm , taking a caffeine supplement at 8 am , and taking a caffeine supplement at 5 pm .