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  • 网络voluntary movement;random movement;Voluntary activity
  1. 肌萎缩侧索硬化(amyotrophiclateralsclerosis,ALS)是一种支配随意运动的上下运动神经元选择性受累的神经系统变性疾病。

    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ( ALS ) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease , selectively involving the upper and lower motor neurons that control voluntary movement .

  2. 随意运动的脑功能成像特点及学习的影响

    Functional Brain Mapping of Voluntary Movement and the Impact of Learning

  3. 仅有感觉没有随意运动为B级,8例;

    Only feel that has not moved as B grade at will , 8 ;

  4. 事件相关功能MRI在随意运动脑功能活动区协同作用研究中的应用

    The cooperation of the functional activation areas in human brain : an application of event-related fMRI study of the voluntary motor function

  5. Vim和Vo核为毁损靶点的丘脑切开术治疗帕金森病及其他不随意运动障碍

    Thalamotomy with Vim and Vo as Targets for PD and Other Movement Disorders

  6. 目的讨论以丘脑腹中间核(Vim)和丘脑腹嘴核(Vo)为毁损靶点的丘脑切开术治疗帕金森病及其他不随意运动障碍的方法和原理。

    Objective To discuss the thalamotomy with Vim and Vo as targets for Parkinson 's disease and other movement disorders .

  7. 结论全脑fMRI研究表明,随意运动依赖于大脑皮质和小脑等许多脑结构的参与。

    Conclusion A large set of structures in the cerebral cortex and cerebellum is involved in voluntary movements , as revealed by whole brain-based fMRI .

  8. 应用正电子发射计算机断层成像确定与随意运动相关的功能性脑部区域

    Functional brain areas related to voluntary movement ascertained with positron emission tomography

  9. 而随意运动组血浆神经肽Y水平变化不显著。

    While the free activity group did not change obviously .

  10. 36例不随意运动型脑瘫的早期黄疸分析

    Analysis on Early Jaundice of 36 Dyskinetic Cerebral Palsy Children

  11. 参与随意运动脑区的一侧化分布

    Lateralized distribution of motor areas involved in voluntary movement

  12. 因突然的惊奇或惊慌而兴奋并做出快速的非随意运动。

    Excited by sudden surprise or alarm and making a quick involuntary movement .

  13. 家长参与住院康复对不随意运动型脑瘫管理效果分析

    Management Effect Analysis on Inpatient Rehabilitation Participated by Parents with Dyskinetic Cerebral Palsy Children

  14. 多巴胺能神经元在控制人体随意运动和调节姿势位置中起着关键作用。

    Dopamine neurons play key roles in controlling voluntary movements and regulating body gestures .

  15. 脊髓灰质炎患者肘屈肌随意运动、肌力和耐力预测

    Prediction of voluntary activation , strength , and endurance of elbow flexors in postpolio patients

  16. 目的探讨新生儿期高胆红素血症与不随意运动型脑瘫的相关性。

    Objective To investigate the relationship between the neonatal period hyperbilirubinemia and dyskinetic cerebral palsy .

  17. 典型的上位运动神经之损伤就会导致随意运动麻痹。

    A typical result of an upper motor neuron lesion is paralysis of voluntary movement .

  18. 随意肌可随意运动。

    Voluntary muscles can move at will .

  19. 目的分析不随意运动型脑性瘫痪(简称脑瘫)患儿不同亚型运动功能预后。

    Objective To analyze the motor function and prognosis of different subtypes of dyskinetic cerebral palsy .

  20. 不随意运动型脑瘫临床特点分析

    Clinical characteristics of dyskinetic cerebral palsy

  21. 利手和非利手随意运动的全脑功能磁共振成像

    Whole-brain functional magnetic resonance imaging of human brain during voluntary movements of dominant and subdominant hands

  22. 复杂随意运动的控制。

    Controlling of complex pursuit movement ;

  23. 然而,仍然不清楚去神经支配是怎么导致正常功能反常,随意运动减慢的。

    However , it is still unclear how this denervation perverts normal functioning to cause slowing of voluntary movements .

  24. 提出了基于连杆空间优化设计一种在整个杆长范围内可以随意运动的安全机构的思想。

    This paper studies the algorithms on the safety mechanism of the parallel robot on these problems on safety .

  25. 对8例右利手健康男性进行右手指随意运动的磁共振功能成像实验。

    Eight healthy right handed male volunteers were examined with fMRI when making the finger movements of the right hands .

  26. 准确的随意运动除了神经的支配之外,还需要骨骼、肌肉等运动系统的完整与良好协调。

    Exact movement at will needs not only the control from nerve , but also the good healthiness and correspond of bones and muscles .

  27. 它由两个大脑半球构成,小脑的作用是控制复杂的随意运动功能,如行走、平衡和姿势等。

    It is made up of two hemispheres and its functions are to control complex voluntary motor functions such as walking , balance and posture .

  28. 这时装置底部会产生,很薄的二氧化碳气体层,这样能在二维上随意运动。

    And therefore under this thing comes a film a very thin layer of carbon dioxide and now you can move this around in two dimensions .

  29. 肌梭是骨骼肌内一种重要的本体感受器,参与肌紧张的维持和对随意运动的精细调节。

    Muscle spindle is an important proprioceptor in the skeletal muscle , which contributes to the maintenance of muscular tension and the fine modulation of voluntary movements .

  30. 实验结果显示,当人头部随意运动,快速移动和对摄影机有距离远近改变时,本系统仍可达成不错的追踪准确性。

    Experimental results show that our head tracking system has good tracking accuracy under human regular motion , fast motion and distance variation between the target and the camera .