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  • voluntary muscle
  1. 对29例神经肌肉疾病(包括多种肌营养不良,多发性肌炎,多种神经原性肌肉病变与DMD可能递体)的120处随意肌进行了临床与超声检查。

    A clinical and ultrasounic examination was made on 120 sites of voluntary muscle from 29 cases with neuromuscular diseases , including varied muscular dystrophy , polymyositis , diversified neuro-genic myopathy and DMD possible carrier .

  2. 肌肉主要是由随意肌纤维所组成。

    Muscles are composed primarily of voluntary muscle fibers .

  3. 苍白球局部场振荡电位活动性与肌张力障碍患者非随意肌EMG的关系

    Oscillatory pallidal local field potential activity correlates with involuntary EMG in dystonia

  4. DMD是九种肌营养不良症的最常见类型,以缺少四肢等随意肌的肌营养不良蛋白为主要特征。

    DMD is the most common of nine types of muscular dystrophy , which is characterized by a lack of the protein dystrophin in voluntary muscles , such as those in the arms and legs .

  5. 肌强直:随意肌收缩后松弛困难的一种肌肉疾。

    Myotonia : disorder causing difficulty relaxing contracted voluntary muscles .

  6. 你的胃肠道是一组非随意肌,它会不停的收缩扩张。

    Your GI tract is an involuntary muscle which is constantly contracting and expanding .

  7. 随意肌可随意运动。

    Voluntary muscles can move at will .

  8. 年幼儿童服用右美沙芬存在的潜在副作用包括异常反应、不随意肌严重收缩和痉挛。

    Potentially dangerous effects of DM in young children include dystonic reactions , severe involuntary muscle contractions and spasms .

  9. 假麻痹性重症肌无力小儿麻痹症:病毒引起的急性传染病,会造成随意肌瘫痪无力。

    Poliomyelitis ( or polio or infantile paralysis ) : Acute infectious viral disease that can cause flaccid paralysis of muscles .

  10. 瘫痪(亦称麻痹):一块或多块随意肌肌力丧失或减弱的症状。表现为肌肉无力或僵硬。

    Paralysis ( palsy ): Loss or impairment of voluntary use of one or more muscles . It may be flaccid ( with loss of muscle tone ) or spastic ( stiff ) .

  11. 小儿麻痹症:病毒引起的急性传染病,会造成随意肌瘫痪无力。阴阳调衡透刺针法对出血性中风瘫痪肌张力调节的临床观察

    Poliomyelitis ( or polio or infantile paralysis ) : Acute infectious viral disease that can cause flaccid paralysis of muscles . Clinical observation on effect of Yin-Yang Balancing Penetration Acupuncture Therapy in the treatment of Hemorrhage Apoplexy with muscular tension dysfunction

  12. 颠茄中所含的有毒物质主要作用于神经系统,如果不慎摄入了足够的剂量,这些致命的有毒物质就会麻痹诸如血管、心脏以及胃肠道肌等人体不随意肌中的神经末梢。

    The poisons contained in deadly nightshade affect the nervous system . Taken in sufficient doses , the deadly poison paralyzes nerve endings in the involuntary muscles of the body , such as the blood vessels , heart and gastrointestinal muscles .