
kuān dù
  • width;breadth;duration;span;spread;gauge
宽度 [kuān dù]
  • [width;breadth] 宽窄的程度;横的距离

  • 缎带的宽度

宽度[kuān dù]
  1. 这房间的长度比宽度大很多。

    The room is very long in proportion to its width .

  2. 这条路增加了停车区后宽度缩减到了18英尺。

    The road was reduced to 18ft in width by adding parking bays

  3. 这条路的宽度刚好能让两辆车开过。

    The road was just wide enough for two vehicles to pass .

  4. 这款地毯有各种宽度可供选择。

    The carpet is available in different widths .

  5. 鞍具有各种不同的宽度。

    Saddles are made in a wide range of different widths .

  6. 12英寸左右的宽度绝对是你应考虑的最低值。

    About 12 inches wide is the absolute minimum you should consider

  7. 整个营地的宽度为400步。

    The breadth of the whole camp was 400 paces .

  8. 宽度也是一种线性尺寸。

    Width is a linear dimension , too .

  9. 裙子每条皱折的宽度应该完全一样。

    Each fold in the skirt should be exactly the same width .

  10. 这些钢琴的宽度是不一样的。

    These pianos are of different widths .

  11. 它的宽度为5英尺。

    It is five feet in width .

  12. 那条路的宽度有20英尺。

    The road has a width of twenty feet .

  13. 这条河的宽度是多少?

    What is the breadth of this river ?

  14. 单层立方上皮由单层细胞组成,细胞的宽度和高度近似相等。

    Simple cuboidal epithelium is a single layer of cells whose width and height are approximately equal .

  15. 这些离子通过可变宽度的狭缝进入磁场分析器。

    These ions pass through a slit of variable aperture and then enter the magnetic field analyzer .

  16. 一些中国女性把iPhone6手机放在并拢的膝盖上,并上传照片,向大家展示自己两腿的宽度和iPhone6的长度一样(约13.8厘米)。

    Chinese women are posting pictures of themselves with an iPhone6 across their thighs with their knees together to show that their thighs are as thin as the length of an iPhone 6 ( 13.8 cm ) .

  17. 用尺子量一下那块布的宽度。

    Use a rule to measure the width of that cloth .

  18. 保险杠的每个角都点缀着小的通风孔,体现了整车的宽度增加

    Bumper 's each angle is embellishing the small air vent , manifested complete bikes 's width to increase .

  19. 这是一种身体很长却又非常纤细的动物,长度通常跟我们的脚长度相仿,但宽度却不会超过四分之一英寸。

    It is a very long and thin animal , being often a foot long , yet less than one-quarter of an inch in thickness .

  20. 线性微分算子确定的函数类的N宽度的强渐近值

    The Exact Asymptotic Value for the N-width of the Set Defined by Linear Differential Operator

  21. 卷边Z型钢的相关屈曲及有效宽度

    Interactive buckling and effective width of Z-section elements with stiffened edges

  22. 激光器有源区材料的禁带宽度Eg。

    The forbidden band width Eg of QW LD active layer materials .

  23. 退火对高质量Bi2Sr2CaCu2Oy单晶的结构和磁转变宽度的影响

    Effect of Annealing on the structure and diamagnetic transition width of high-quality crystal bi_2sr_2cacu_2o_y

  24. 因此采用全CMOS数字电路分别实现电容和电阻的脉冲宽度调制&脉冲位置调制,获得表征被测信息的脉冲位置信号,再进行电复合和光脉冲发射。

    The probe uses complete CMOS circuit to realize pulse-width modulation to pulse-position modulation of differential capacitance and thermistor .

  25. 这类开关电源的效率比常规的脉冲宽度调制(PWM)高,且基本上与负载无关;

    The device has a higher efficiency than the conventional switching power supply with PWM , and it is almost load-independent .

  26. 由合成孔径原理可知,条带SAR的方位分辨率随波束宽度的变宽而提高。

    According to the principle of the synthetic aperture , the azimuth spatial resolution of the strip SAR is improved dramatically with wide beam .

  27. 但是,禁带宽度、杂质模的带宽及Q值随着入射角的增加有明显变化。

    However , width of forbidden band , bandwidth and quality factor Q of impurity mode vary with the increase of incidence angles evidently .

  28. 结果寰椎和枢椎可显露宽度分别为(40.2±3.5)mm和(39.3±3.7)mm。

    Results The widths of atlas and axis which could be exposed respectively were ( 40.2 ± 3.5 ) mm and ( 39.3 ± 3.7 ) mm .

  29. 由于SAW器件具有频率选择性及较高的插入损耗,使得它的输入必须为高脉冲且脉冲的频谱宽度能覆盖SAW抽头延迟线的中心频率。

    Due to the frequency selectivity and high insertion loss of SAW device , the input must be high pulse whose spectrum width can cover the center frequency of SAW tap delay line .

  30. 结果表明,对常见的W型单模光纤,只要中心凹陷的深度和宽度均小于50%,就能保证它的传输特性不因中心凹陷的影响而发生较明显的变化。

    For typical W-type single-mode fibers , propagation characteristics will not show significant changes provided the width and depth of the central dip are less than 50 % .