
  • 网络loose monetary policy;easy monetary policy;easing;Easy-money policy
  1. 将毫不动摇地奉行的财政政策和宽松的货币政策,并且实施和持续和改进刺激计划。

    We will unswervingly follow the proactive fiscal policy and the moderately easy monetary policy , and implement and continuously enrich and improve the stimulus package .

  2. 由于企业无意让投资支出超过留存收益,同时各个家庭都在缩减开支,尽管实行了宽松的货币政策,财政赤字还是在迅速扩大。

    With businesses uninterested in spending more on investment than their retained earnings , and households cutting back , despite easy monetary policy , fiscal deficits are exploding .

  3. 从结果来看,2013年第二季度,日本对美元的汇率比上年同期下降了约25%,随之而来的是高度宽松的货币政策。

    In terms of results , the yen has become about 25 % lower against the U.S. dollar in the second quarter of 2013 compared to the same period in 2012 , with a highly loose monetary policy being followed .

  4. 多年来,外部共和党竞选人罗恩保罗(RonPaul)一直在痛斥美联储(FED),指责其宽松的货币政策。

    Ron Paul , an outside Republican contender , has been lambasting the Federal Reserve for years over its easy money policies .

  5. 市场预期美联储(fed)会将宽松的货币政策再维持一段时间,美国制造业的最新数据几乎没有改变这种市场预期。

    The latest data on US manufacturing did little to alter market perceptions that the Federal Reserve would retain its accommodating monetary policy stance for some time .

  6. 在美联储(FederalReserve)极度宽松的货币政策支持下,住房抵押贷款利率降至历史最低水平,这本应有助于减轻购房者的债务负担,从而使他们保住房子。

    Record low mortgage rates , supported by the Federal Reserve 's extraordinarily lax monetary policy , should help keep people in their homes by reducing their debt burdens .

  7. CPI增长的主要原因是政府今年的相对宽松的货币政策。

    The main reason for the CPI growth is the government 's moderately loose monetary policy this year .

  8. 上周,当我得知美联储已不动声色地采用了“定量宽松的货币政策”(quantitativeeasing)时,我感到非常吃惊尽管可能不应该如此。

    I was quite surprised last week though perhaps should not have been when I learnt that the Fed had quietly adopted a policy of " quantitative easing " .

  9. imf不仅量化了这些担心,证明其合理,还暗示,各方青睐的解决方案,即更宽松的货币政策,是问题的一部分。

    The IMF not only quantifies and justifies those fears , it suggests that the favoured solution easier monetary policy is part of the problem .

  10. 在他看来,全球赤字和盈余的模式是西方政策制定者单方面造成的,尤其是美联储(Fed)宽松的货币政策和不受监管的信贷扩张。

    In this perspective , the pattern of global deficits and surpluses was solely caused by western policymakers , particularly the Federal Reserve 's lax monetary policies and unregulated expansion of credit .

  11. 现在和当初的问题都在于,美联储(Fed)采取了一种有悖于教科书处方的政策,继续推行越来越宽松的货币政策(按实际利率计算)。

    The problem is and was that the Federal Reserve adopted a policy that ran against the textbook prescription by continuing an increasingly easy monetary policy ( indexed by real interest rates ) .

  12. 这意味着,欧元区可能会滑向另一场衰退的边缘,而欧洲央行(ecb)将被迫推行宽松的货币政策。

    This means the euro area could find itself on the brink of another recession and the European Central Bank would be forced into accommodative monetary policy .

  13. 美元承受的压力近日有所加剧。目前各方更加担忧的是,美国经济正在经历的疲软增长期,将确保美联储(Fed)在近期坚持实行其极其宽松的货币政策。

    Pressure on the dollar has intensified amid heightened concerns that the soft patch in the US economy will ensure that the Federal Reserve sticks to its ultra-loose monetary policy in the near future .

  14. 若中国持有的外汇储备不是美国国债而是黄金,美联储(fed)将不得不提高利率;事实并非如此,美联储才得以推行宽松的货币政策。

    Had Chinese reserves been held in gold rather than in US Treasury bills , the Fed would have been obliged to raise interest rates ; as it was , it could run a cheap money policy .

  15. 翌日,中国人民银行(PBoC)表示,要坚定不移地继续执行适度宽松的货币政策。股市随之收复全部失地。

    Next day , the People 's Bank of China said it would unswervingly continue to apply appropriately loose monetary policy and stocks regained all their losses .

  16. 经合组织(OECD)日前发表的一份报告显示,中国和日本等国宽松的货币政策正推动私人股本收购狂潮,这引发了全球监管机构和工会的担忧。

    Lax monetary policy in countries such as China and Japan is fuelling the boom in private equity buy-outs that is worrying regulators and unions across the world , according to a report published today .

  17. 布什不能被视为金融危机和经济衰退的主要缔造者,它们很大程度上归因于跨越数位总统任期的艾伦•格林斯潘(AlanGreenspan)时代的宽松的货币政策和监管。

    Mr Bush cannot be cast as the principal villain for the financial meltdown and recession that resulted in good part from the loose monetary policies and regulation of the Alan Greenspan era spanning several presidencies .

  18. 盯住汇率意味着香港从美国输入极为宽松的货币政策,而与美国不同的是,目前香港经济增长强劲;IMF预期,香港经济增长今年将达到6.75%。

    The currency link means Hong Kong imports very loose monetary policy from the US , at a time when the territory , unlike the US , is enjoying strong economic growth , which the IMF expects to reach 6.75 per cent this year .

  19. 国际货币基金组织(imf)总裁多米尼克斯特劳斯-卡恩(dominiquestrauss-kahn)本周表示,为了借助宽松的货币政策恢复增长,资产泡沫是值得付出的代价,但中国需要区分好的泡沫与坏的泡沫。

    In the week that Dominique Strauss-Kahn , head of the International Monetary Fund , said asset bubbles were a cost worth paying for reviving growth through loose monetary policy , China needs to distinguish between good ones and bad ones .

  20. 哥伦比亚大学教授、诺贝尔奖得主约瑟夫斯蒂格利茨(josephstiglitz)提出的说法很可能更有道理,他表示,损害美国收入水平的是伊拉克战争,因为伊战推高了油价,触发了过度宽松的货币政策。

    Joseph Stiglitz , Columbia University professor and Nobel laureate , is probably on firmer ground when he says it was the Iraq war that hurt us incomes by pushing the price of oil higher and provoking overly loose monetary policy .

  21. 继续实施适度宽松的货币政策。

    We will continue to implement a moderately easy monetary policy .

  22. 就某种程度上来讲,宽松的货币政策可能对过渡期起到缓和作用。

    To some extent , easier monetary policy may soothe the transition .

  23. 另外,预期因素使得宽松的货币政策具有一定的有效性。

    The expectation factor gives loose monetary policy certain validity .

  24. 尽管实施了异常宽松的货币政策,但英国经济仍然停滞不前。

    Despite exceptional monetary ease , the economy is stagnant .

  25. 这些措施旨在收敛宽松的货币政策条件,但仅在一定程度上取得了成功。

    These attempts to rein-in loose monetary conditions have only been partially successful .

  26. 财政刺激和宽松的货币政策将有助于避免债务通缩和萧条。

    Fiscal stimulus and lax monetary policy will help avoid debt deflation and depression .

  27. 另外,英国经济还得到极度宽松的货币政策的支撑。

    In addition , the economy has been supported by very accommodative monetary policy .

  28. 这反过来可能意味着,美国不得不在更长时间内保持较为宽松的货币政策。

    That in turn might mean monetary policy has to stay easier for longer .

  29. 不过,更加宽松的货币政策,已在最近几周帮助房地产业稳定下来。

    However , looser monetary policy has helped steady the sector in recent weeks .

  30. 这两种信息乐观的消费者和极度宽松的货币政策不可能永远共存下去。

    These two messages upbeat consumers and extraordinarily loose monetary policy cannot co-exist forever .