
  • 网络cryptographic protocol
  1. 基于面向对象时间Petri网的密码协议分析

    Analysis of Cryptographic Protocol Based on Object Oriented Timed Petri Nets

  2. 有色Petri网的一种密码协议建模分析

    Modeling Analysis for a Cryptographic Protocol Using Coloured Petri Net

  3. Petri网在密码协议建模和分析中的应用

    Application of Petri Nets in Modelling and Analyzing of Encryption Protocol

  4. 类BAN逻辑是一种用于分析密码协议安全性的逻辑。

    BAN family of logic is used to analyze the security of cryptographic protocols .

  5. 基于petri网的密码协议安全验证方法

    Method Of Verifying Safety On The Base Of Petri Net Cipher Agreement

  6. 基于Petri网的密码协议分析

    The Analysis of Cryptographic Protocols Based on Petri Nets

  7. transportlayersecurity(TLS)是一种密码协议,可以在客户机和服务器之间提供安全的通信。

    Transport Layer Security ( TLS ) is a cryptographic protocol that provides secure communication between clients and servers .

  8. 环Zn上圆锥曲线盲签名的公钥密码协议及在电子选举中的应用

    The Public-key Cryptosystem of Blind Signature Based on Conic Curve over Z_n and the Applications in Electronic Election

  9. 密码协议的SPIN建模和验证

    Modeling and Verifying Cryptographic Protocols Using SPIN

  10. 这样论文便对密码协议的正确性,性能评估,安全性应用Petri网方法做了分析。

    This paper has analyzed the accuracy , the performance and the security by using Petri net .

  11. 利用Hash函数改造的数字签名密码协议

    Improved Digital Signature Cryptogram Agreement Using Hash

  12. 基于Spi演算的密码协议自动化分析技术研究

    Research on Spi Calculus-Based Automatic Analyzing Technology of Cryptographic Protocols

  13. 基于Spi演算的密码协议的控制流分析

    Control Flow Analysis of Cryptography Protocols Based on Spi Calculus

  14. 利用RS码和两锁密码协议构造了一种非对称的公钥叛逆者追踪方案。

    By applying RS code and two-locks cipher protocol , this paper constructs an asymmetric public key traitor tracing scheme .

  15. 人们提出了多种密码协议的分析方法,BAN类逻辑是其中重要的一种。

    There are many ways proposed to analyze the security protocol , the BAN-like logic is one of the important ways .

  16. 提出了一个公平的双方不可否认的密码协议&NCP(non-repudiationcryptographicprotocol)。

    In this paper , a fair non repudiation cryptographic protocol ( NCP ) for both sender and receiver is proposed .

  17. TMN密码协议的新的攻击

    Some new attacks on the TMN cryptographic protocol

  18. 用颜色Petri网作为工具来分析密码协议,并且给出了用它分析密码协议的具体方法和步骤。

    The author introduces a way to describe cryptographic protocol based on Colored Petri Net , meanwhile , the concrete steps using CPN is expounded .

  19. 以kerberos密码协议系统为例,利用该安全模型和假设/保证推理技术对密码协议系统进行了安全验证。

    Using this security model and assume-guarantee based reasoning techniques , the kerberos cryptographic protocol system is verified .

  20. 给出用PVS对密码协议进行形式化规范的一种方法。

    A specification method using PVS is presented .

  21. BAN逻辑是最早提出、最为重要的一种安全协议分析方法,被广泛地用于密码协议的安全性证明。

    BAN logic is the earliest and the most important analysis method of security protocol , and it can prove the security of cryptographic protocol .

  22. 给出协议运行模式的基础Petri网模型和攻击Petri网模型的构造方法,在此基础上给出密码协议分析的具体步骤。

    Present the method to construct a Basic Petri Net model and an Attacking Petri Net model , subsequently give detailed steps for analysis of cryptographic protocol .

  23. 基于D-H公钥系统前向保密的密码协议

    A Forward Secrecy Protocol Based on D-H PKE System

  24. 运行模式法分析TW密码协议

    Using Running Model for TW Cryptographic Protocol Analysis

  25. 但BAN逻辑以及后来的一系列BAN类逻辑分析方法都具有一定的局限性,而且大都应用于两方密码协议。

    But BAN logic and series of BAN-like logic appeared later often have some limitation and largely don 't fit to the analysis of three-party cryptographic protocols .

  26. 基于逻辑编程规则及Spi演算提出了一种验证密码协议安全性的新方法,利用该方法可以对密码协议的安全性质以程序化的方式进行验证。

    Based on the Spi calculus and the logic programming rules , a new technique is presented to verify cryptographic protocols .

  27. 基于Spi演算和控制流分析,提出了一个密码协议的新分析方法。

    Based on the concepts of the Spi calculus and the control flow analysis , a new technique is presented to analyze the cryptographic protocols .

  28. 具体对Needham&Schroeder公钥协议,Helsinki协议以及TMN协议进行了分析,并对密码协议的一类攻击的特点做出了概括。

    Analyze the Needham-Schroeder protocol , Helsinki protocol and TMN protocol in detail and summarize a type of attack of cryptographic protocols .

  29. 总结了若干关于密码协议设计的原则,通过运用经过补充的BAN逻辑对该协议进行形式化分析,并通过计算机对该协议的握手协议过程进行仿真。

    Some ideas on the design of cryptographic protocol were provided . By using the supplemental BAN logic , a process of formal analysis of this mutual authentication cryptographic protocol was presented .

  30. 工作表明基于博弈的ATL逻辑比传统的CTL更适合于描述和分析密码协议。

    These works indicate that the ATL logic based on game is more suitable to describe and analyze cryptographic protocols than traditional CTL .