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  • cryptography
  1. 编写和读取密码消息的科学被称为密码学。

    The science of creating and reading coded messages is called cryptography .

  2. 密码学主要有三种类型。

    There are three main types of cryptography .

  3. 移动Agent安全分析及其密码学解决方案

    Analyses of Mobile Agent Security and Encryption Solution

  4. DNA计算在密码学上的应用

    The Application of DNA Computation in Cryptology

  5. 它是用Java编写的,因此使用JavaAPI处理密码学功能。

    It is coded in JAVA and hence uses a JAVA API to handle cryptographic functions .

  6. 基于ID的一次性盲公钥的密码学分析

    Cryptanalysis of one-off blind public key based on ID

  7. 不经意传输(oblivioustransfer,OT)可能是密码学中最重要的原语。

    Oblivious transfer ( OT ) may be the most important cryptographic primitive .

  8. 接下来讨论了现代计算机密码学中各种加密算法及其在PKI中的应用。

    Then discusses the encryption algorithms and applications of computer cryptograph .

  9. 一类多输出半Bent函数的构造及其密码学性质

    The Construction of a Class of Multi-output Semi-bent Functions and Their Cryptographic Properties

  10. 随着Internet的迅猛发展,作为信息安全的核心,密码学扮演着极为重要的角色。

    Cryptography , the core of the information security , is playing a more and more important role with the remarkably fast development of the Internet .

  11. 描述了Hash函数在密码学中的安全性要求、分析方法和应用。

    The security requirements , analysis method and applications of cryptographic hash functions are described .

  12. 布尔函数作为序列密码、分组密码和Hash函数中的重要组件,其密码学性质的好坏直接关系到密码算法的安全性。

    Boolean functions are important components of stream ciphers , block ciphers and Hash functions .

  13. MD5(MessageDigest信息摘要)是密码学中的一种单向散列函数,它以512位的明文文本作为输入,输出恒为128位的散列值。

    MD5 ( Message Digest ) encryption algorithm is a one-way hash function in cryptography .

  14. 半Bent函数的密码学特性

    Cryptographic Properties of Semi-Bent Functions

  15. 从RSA密码体制看现代密码学

    From RSA Cryptosystem to Modern Cryptology

  16. 部分Bent函数的密码学性质

    Properties of partially-Bent functions

  17. 如何设计快速高效的单向Hash函数一直是现代密码学研究中的一个热点。

    How to design an efficient one-way Hash function is always the hot point in modern cryptography researches .

  18. USBKEY是结合了现代密码学技术、智能卡技术和USB技术的新一代身份认证产品。

    The USB Key is a new generation identity attestation product that combines the modern password technique , the intelligence card technique and the USB technique .

  19. 一个描述密码学安全协议的演算:Spi演算

    The Spi Calculus : A Cryptographic Protocol Calculus

  20. 具有优良伪随机特性和较大线性复杂度的伪随机序列广泛应用于CDMA扩频通信和密码学中。

    Sequences with good pseudorandom properties and large linear span are widely used in the CDMA spread spectrum communication and cryptography .

  21. 有时,我们需要保证数据安全,但是Java密码架构(JavaCryptographyArchitecture)让人难以理解,除非你是密码学专家。

    There are times when we all need to keep data secure , but the Java Cryptography Architecture was hard to understand unless you were a crypto expert .

  22. WS-Security构建于成熟的密码学以及XML加密及签名的行业标准基础上,为Web服务应用程序提供了一整套的安全特性。

    WS-Security provides a comprehensive set of security features for web service applications , building on established industry standards for cryptography and for XML encryption and signing .

  23. Hash函数是现代密码学的重要组成部分,也是信息安全系统和保密通信的核心部件。

    Hash functions are the fundamental components in modern cryptography and also key modules in information security system and private communications protocol .

  24. SSL协议采用了对称加密、非对称加密、信息摘要、数字签名、数字证书等密码学技术。

    SSL protocol uses symmetric encryption , asymmetric encryption , message digest , digital signature , digital certificate and other cryptographic techniques .

  25. Hash函数是密码学一个重要组成部分,主要应用于数字签名、数据完整性校验和身份认证等领域中。

    Hash function is an important part of Cryptography , it is widely used in digital signatures , data integrity detection and authentication .

  26. 第2章介绍了密码学的理论基础。包括对称密码技术,非对称密码技术和数字信封技术,并详细分析了DES算法和RSA算法。

    Chapter 2 clarifies the cryptographical foundation , which includes the symmetrical cipher technology , unsymmetrical cipher technology and digital envelope .

  27. 讨论了多输出部分Bent函数的平衡性、相关免疫性、非线性性和扩散性等密码学性质;

    Secondly , it discusses the cryptology properties of multi-output partially Bent functions , such as balance , correlation immunity , non-linearity and pervasion .

  28. 我们可以出去用你们的名义买各种东西。现任约翰•霍普金斯大学专门从事密码学的研究教授MatthewGreen回想起当初的经历,那真是个非常有趣的实验。

    We could then just go out and buy things in your name , recalled Matthew Green , now a research professor at Johns Hopkins ' who specializes in cryptography .

  29. Dixon结式在密码学的应用

    Apply Dixon Resultants in Cryptology

  30. 密码学研究者在AES加密算法中发现一处弱点,这使得破解密钥的速度比以前更快了。

    CRYPTOGRAPHY RESEARCHERS have identified a weakness in the Advanced Encryption Standard ( AES ) security algorithm that can crack secret keys faster than before .