
  • 网络entangled state;quantum entanglement;quantum entangled state;entanglement;quantum entangle state
  1. J-C模型中原子的自发辐射与量子纠缠态

    Spontaneous emission of atom and quantum entangled state in J-C model

  2. 本论文利用有序算符内的积分方法(IWOP)和量子纠缠态表象发展量子力学相空间理论。

    Based on the technique of integration within an ordered product ( IWOP ) of operators and the quantum entangled state representation we develop the quantum phase space theory .

  3. 三个二能级粒子GHZ态与一个W型态的量子纠缠态交换控制方案;

    The second is controlled exchange of quantum entangled state of three two-level particles GHZ state and a W state .

  4. 对这个方案进行的计算机模拟结果表明,这种模式纠缠态可以产生和量子纠缠态完全类似的相关函数,同样能够对Bell不等式产生破坏。

    The numerical simulation results show that the correlation function of mode entangled states is quite similar to quantum entangled states , which can violate the Bell inequality .

  5. 简述了量子纠缠态的提出和定义,EPR佯谬和Bell不等式;

    Firstly , the proposition and definition of quantum entangled states , EPR paradox and Bell inequality , and several kinds of entangled states , as well as their properties , are given .

  6. Jaynes-Cummings模型是产生量子纠缠态的重要体系,研究发现,原子与场纠缠态的信息熵和纠缠度随时间摘要做周期性的振荡,量子态在非纠缠态与纠缠态之间变化。

    Jaynes-Cummings Model is an important system to produce quantum-entangled state . We find that information entropy and the amount of entanglement oscillate with time-evolution periodically . The quantum state changes between disentangled state and entangled state .

  7. 量子纠缠态及可分离态判据

    Entanglement of Quantum Pure States and the Criterion of Disentangled State

  8. 原子与光场之间的量子纠缠态交换控制方案。

    The third is controlled exchange atoms and the light field .

  9. 量子纠缠态是量子信息学中最重要的研究对象。

    Entangled state is a foremost research object in quantum information .

  10. 量子纠缠态是量子计算的基本信息。

    The entangled states participate as the basic origins of quantum information .

  11. 首先,在三能级中,采用四波混频的方法制备出连续变量的量子纠缠态。

    Influence of entangled atoms on three-body entanglement measure in Tavis-Cummings model ;

  12. 多色电磁感应透明与量子纠缠态的制备

    Polychromatic Electromagnetically Induced Transparency and the Preparation of Entangled States

  13. 量子纠缠态是实现量子通信和量子计算的重要物理资源。

    Quantum entanglement is the invaluable resource for quantum information and quantum technologies .

  14. 量子纠缠态是量子力学的精髓。

    Separability and Entanglement Measure of Multipartite Quantum States ;

  15. 量子纠缠态的制备、应用及非局域性

    Preparation , Application and Nonlocality of Quantum Entangled States

  16. 利用分束器通过条件测量制备非经典光场态和量子纠缠态

    Generation of Nonclassical Optical States and Entangle States by Using Beam Splitters and Conditional Measurement

  17. 四波混频和量子纠缠态

    Four Wave Mixing and Quantum Entangled States

  18. 研究了对分束器产生的量子纠缠态进行投影测量的性质。

    We study the projection measurement of the entangled output states generated by beam splitter .

  19. 竹材热解过程的动力学量子纠缠态及其描述

    Quantum Entanglement Kinetics of bamboo pyrolysis

  20. 连续变量量子纠缠态的非对称量子克隆

    Quantum Cloning of Continuous-variable Entangled States

  21. 量子纠缠态隐形传输的实现。

    Implementing the entanglement teleportation .

  22. 量子纠缠态是量子通信和量子计算中的重要资源,具有不可替代的作用。

    Entangled state is an important resource and an irreplaceable role in quantum communication and quantum computing .

  23. 量子纠缠态由于其非定域的特性,在量子信息中,特别是在量子通信中,得到广泛的应用。

    Because of its non-locality , it can be used in many regions , especially in quantum communication .

  24. 量子纠缠态由于具有便捷、有效的操控性,使得其在量子信息领域发挥着不可或缺的作用。

    Entanglement play a vital role for quantum information because of its convenient and efficient operation in quantum processing .

  25. 量子纠缠态的产生与操纵是量子纠缠研究的一个关键问题。

    One of the key problems in QE study field is the generation and manipulation of quantum entangled states .

  26. 将量子纠缠态引入教育研究中,用以描述学生的智力状态,并建立智力的量子模型,以评价学生的学习状态。

    Quantum entangled states were adopted for describing intelligence states , and setting up the quantum model to evaluate students'learning .

  27. 在该方案中,考虑了腔模衰减并且解析地分析了腔模衰减对量子纠缠态制备的影响。

    We consider the cavity decay in our model and analytically demonstrate its detrimental influence on the prepared entangled states . 4 .

  28. 量子纠缠态,特别是高维的量子纠缠态,对验证量子理论的非局域性以及增强量子密码的安全性有重要的作用。

    Quantum entangled-state , especially high-dimensional entangled-state , is important in testing the non-local realism and enhancing the security of quantum cryptography .

  29. 量子纠缠态是量子力学最显著的特征之一,也是信息领域一个非常重要的资源。

    Quantum entanglement is one of the most remarkable characters of quantum mechanics , is also a very important resource in communication .

  30. 研究二能级原子与电磁场相互作用体系的自发辐射与量子纠缠态。

    We study the spontaneous emission and quantum entangled state of the system in which a two-level atom interacts with electromagnetic field .